hi jason,
have you ever heard of a tv show called the journey home on EWTN? that is the catholic channel, i hope you get it. it is a program mostly of protestant and evangelicals who are very religious coming home to the Catholic Church. the host Marcus also has a webpage, i think it is the coming home network or something like that.it is on monday nights at 7 pm central. it is excellent. i have always been Catholic,but not always a good one, and this show is just phenomenal. the people on it are so holy and inspiring to me, it has helped me in my faith so much. basically some of the teachings are the same, but the Catholic Church has so much more. I think the host marcus grodi was a minister, as are many of the guests , and they realize the same thing you have. there are also Scott Hahn tapes and books, for sale at ewtn or other places too. he was in fact very anti-catholic but is now bringing back many lapsed catholics and protestants. God Bless
have you ever heard of a tv show called the journey home on EWTN? that is the catholic channel, i hope you get it. it is a program mostly of protestant and evangelicals who are very religious coming home to the Catholic Church. the host Marcus also has a webpage, i think it is the coming home network or something like that.it is on monday nights at 7 pm central. it is excellent. i have always been Catholic,but not always a good one, and this show is just phenomenal. the people on it are so holy and inspiring to me, it has helped me in my faith so much. basically some of the teachings are the same, but the Catholic Church has so much more. I think the host marcus grodi was a minister, as are many of the guests , and they realize the same thing you have. there are also Scott Hahn tapes and books, for sale at ewtn or other places too. he was in fact very anti-catholic but is now bringing back many lapsed catholics and protestants. God Bless