Human Papiloma Virus vacine, Need ammunition!

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My wife and I had an argument over the new vacine this last weekend. Seems our pediatrician strongly recommends it. I was told of the office visit after the fact, My daughters have not received the vacine, yet.
I have been educating myself for the last many years about my catholic faith and have heard several reasonings against the vacine on moral grounds. I tried to relay this to my wife, but was told I wasn’t concerned for the health of my children.
I need documentation for my position against the vacine. With the reasoning she gave, I asked her why she wasn’t getting them fitted with contraception? That ended the “discussion” for the moment. Help me with some print resorces, please.:confused:
Well I wont be much help as if I had daughters instead of sons I would be getting them this vaccine.
They may remain virgins till they marry but what guarantee is there that the future spouse is a virgin or who is to say that they will never be raped?

When you go to this website, scroll down to Vaccines, they have several articles there.

I just went this September to my OB/Gyn, who is an excellent doctor. He didn’t even mention this vaccine to me. I was very proud of him for not.

I am single, but if I were married and had daughters, there’s no way I would have them vaccinated with this.
Well I wont be much help as if I had daughters instead of sons I would be getting them this vaccine.
They may remain virgins till they marry but what guarantee is there that the future spouse is a virgin or who is to say that they will never be raped?
It’s true, this is an issue of balancing risk. There is never a guarantee that someone won’t contract HPV through no fault of their own. However, we cannot pretend that the vaccine is risk free, nor can we pretend that the vaccine is 100% effective.

Considering the vaccine only guards against 4 out of 13 strains that are known to cause cancer, and does not protect against the over 100 more strains that have not been proven to cause cancer, the risk-payoff does not make sense to me. That still leaves 9 strains that could cause cancer, and near 100 other strains to be infected with HPV!

Someone with thorough statistics could probably prove a woman is more likely to experience serious side effects as a result of the vaccine than for that same chaste person to come in contact with one of the 4 strains protected against by the vaccine.
The article also points out that their safety data may have been skewed by the use of aluminum in their placebo. A similar problem has brought on many lawsuits for another Merck drug, Vioxx.

By putting aluminum in the placebo (as opposed to the typical saline solution), the rate of adverse reactions in the placebo group is artificially high. When you compare the rate of adverse reactions of the actual drug, the comparison shows an artificially low increase in the rate of adverse reactions as a result of the drug.

According to the article, 90% of the participants returned within 15 days for treatment for an adverse reaction. That may or may not be astounding, but it is a red flag that 85% of the placebo participants also returned for adverse reactions. That 85% is much higher than the rate of adverse reactions typically seen with a saline placebo. But, they are able to report that the rate of adverse reaction only increase by about 5%.

The non-cancer-causing strains are usually harmless and asymptomatic, and are generally handled effectively by the person’s immune system.
It’s true, this is an issue of balancing risk. There is never a guarantee that someone won’t contract HPV through no fault of their own. However, we cannot pretend that the vaccine is risk free, nor can we pretend that the vaccine is 100% effective.

Nothing in life is “risk free” and I do know that it does not protect against “all” HPV virus strains. But some protection is better than no protection, IMHO.
I took my 13 year old daughter to the doctor in Sept. and they told me about it. They gave me a pamphlet to read. I told my daughter what this was all about and said this is just another disease you can get by having premarital sex. I did not get her the vaccine. I kinda feel if I get it for her I am saying it is ok to have premarital sex. Of course she didnt want the shot.😃 because it was a needle.😉

I dont think all vaccines are necessary. I dint get the new one for Hepatitus A either or the chicken pox.

It is an individual decision and I would pray about it and read as much as you can.
Using 4/100 chance of contracting a strain of HPV that causes cancer and can be prevented by Gardasil, and 3/4 infection rate, the average person has a 3% chance of being infected by one of the strains they can be vaccinated against.

This assumes that a chaste person has the same probability of becoming infected as a prostitute, which is false. It also assumes that anyone who becomes infected with one of the cancer causing strains will in fact develop cervical cancer, and that the vaccine is 100% effective in preventing the virus from causing cancer for the 4 strains it protects against, which are also not true.

The instances of severe adverse experiences are 2.8% for pain, 2.0 for swelling, and .9 for erythema. Severe swelling or erythema must be >2 inches. There was a reported .4% rate of “serious adverse experiences.” I do not know what constitutes a “serious adverse experience.” The vaccine has also not been tested for carcinogenicity or genotoxicity.
No daughters here… however, when my son gets a vaccine, it has always been “getting a vaccine”. No big story or details or discussion “now darling, you are protected against mumps” - nope, just a shot because you need it.

Unless I need it for some reason, I have no idea what is in my shot record - I’ve never read the thing. If I needed it, I’d call my mom and ask for it. My son has never sat down and read his shot record.

There is no reason that should you decide to have your child get this vaccine that you would set down and tell them “now honey, you have a bit of protection against sexually transmitted diseases”. All it needs to be is “you are going to the doctor to get a shot, then we will have lunch or ice cream”.

You decide as parents if you want your child to have this or any other vaccine. This vaccine should be no different than mumps or whooping cough as far as the child’s knowledge.

My two cents…
No daughters here… however, when my son gets a vaccine, it has always been “getting a vaccine”. No big story or details or discussion “now darling, you are protected against mumps” - nope, just a shot because you need it.

Unless I need it for some reason, I have no idea what is in my shot record - I’ve never read the thing. If I needed it, I’d call my mom and ask for it. My son has never sat down and read his shot record.

There is no reason that should you decide to have your child get this vaccine that you would set down and tell them “now honey, you have a bit of protection against sexually transmitted diseases”. All it needs to be is “you are going to the doctor to get a shot, then we will have lunch or ice cream”.

You decide as parents if you want your child to have this or any other vaccine. This vaccine should be no different than mumps or whooping cough as far as the child’s knowledge.

My two cents…
I agree with your two cents
Well I wont be much help as if I had daughters instead of sons I would be getting them this vaccine.
They may remain virgins till they marry but what guarantee is there that the future spouse is a virgin or who is to say that they will never be raped?
KUDOS! If I was parent to daughters, I would say exactly the same.
I would absolutely postively undoubtably have my daughters, neices, sisters, friends etc get this vaccine. No matter how it is transferred I will not lose a friend or loved one to a disease that is preventable through vaccine. :mad: to do otherwise IMHO would be ignorant and HIGHLY unwise!
No daughters here… however, when my son gets a vaccine, it has always been “getting a vaccine”. No big story or details or discussion “now darling, you are protected against mumps” - nope, just a shot because you need it.

Unless I need it for some reason, I have no idea what is in my shot record - I’ve never read the thing. If I needed it, I’d call my mom and ask for it. My son has never sat down and read his shot record.

There is no reason that should you decide to have your child get this vaccine that you would set down and tell them “now honey, you have a bit of protection against sexually transmitted diseases”. All it needs to be is “you are going to the doctor to get a shot, then we will have lunch or ice cream”.

You decide as parents if you want your child to have this or any other vaccine. This vaccine should be no different than mumps or whooping cough as far as the child’s knowledge.

My two cents…
BINGO! 👍 👍
My wife and I had an argument over the new vacine this last weekend. Seems our pediatrician strongly recommends it. I was told of the office visit after the fact, My daughters have not received the vacine, yet.
I have been educating myself for the last many years about my catholic faith and have heard several reasonings against the vacine on moral grounds. I tried to relay this to my wife, but was told I wasn’t concerned for the health of my children.
I need documentation for my position against the vacine. With the reasoning she gave, I asked her why she wasn’t getting them fitted with contraception? That ended the “discussion” for the moment. Help me with some print resorces, please.:confused:
I don’t even get to the moral reasons on this subject. The medical and logical reasons are too many to cover as it is.

This vaccine is a joke. There is almost no objective research, no longitudinal studies, the vaccine is being touted as a cure-all and everything is being misrepresented about it.

I would be refusing the vaccine on medical grounds and informing your pediatrician of the dangers and inconsistencies.
No daughters here… however, when my son gets a vaccine, it has always been “getting a vaccine”. No big story or details or discussion “now darling, you are protected against mumps” - nope, just a shot because you need it.

Unless I need it for some reason, I have no idea what is in my shot record - I’ve never read the thing. If I needed it, I’d call my mom and ask for it. My son has never sat down and read his shot record.

There is no reason that should you decide to have your child get this vaccine that you would set down and tell them “now honey, you have a bit of protection against sexually transmitted diseases”. All it needs to be is “you are going to the doctor to get a shot, then we will have lunch or ice cream”.

You decide as parents if you want your child to have this or any other vaccine. This vaccine should be no different than mumps or whooping cough as far as the child’s knowledge.

My two cents…
I find this appalling.
I would absolutely postively undoubtably have my daughters, neices, sisters, friends etc get this vaccine. No matter how it is transferred I will not lose a friend or loved one to a disease that is preventable through vaccine. :mad: to do otherwise IMHO would be ignorant and HIGHLY unwise!
👍 I’m with you. This is not about supporting premarital sex. I had written before in another post that I had an aunt who remarried and at the age of 40-something got HPV through her new husband, she had to have pre-cancerous cells removed and now has to go for testing many times a year. You can raise your children to be chaste but then they get married and maybe their spouse wasn’t chaste, so they should run the risk of getting cervical cancer? I just don’t get that line of thinking. This is not the same as birth control. And it is something that the Church has not said is immoral (and if I remember correctly, there had been a statement on this some time ago, maybe someone can provide a link if they have it).
My duaghter is 13 and we will more than likely have her get the vaccine but we would never tell her why… to much info … I will just say that we forogot this one vaccine and she has to have it as it is required for school, I know my daughter, she won’t even bat an eye… I can’t imagine telling her what it is for… then we might as well also scare her and say we are worried that there might be a small chance that her husband someday could give it to her or that God forbid she is raped… too much information… even if it doesn’t prevent all strains… I sadly know too many of my friends who were date raped or molested and wish they would have had this option… sadly we can’t protect them from eveyone and everything… sometimes I’m tempted to keep my daughter in the house and never let her out of my sight but that is just not realistic.
I did not give my daughters birth control pills so they would not get pregnant from consensual sex or rape.

I did not give my daughters condoms so they would not catch STDs from consensual sex or rape.

And I would NOT give my daughters the HPV vacine for the same reasons. Not to mention, as Haskilee said above, there is no objective research on this, it is a joke.
People seem to be debating this vaccine based on “just in case.”

My problem with the vaccine, as hasikelee points out, is not a moral one. I agree with kage-ar that the child need not know the vaccine is against an STD, and I agree with Karin that we should consider protecting ourselves and our children in the ways that are available to us, even if it is incomplete protection, and even when the risk of infection is low. All of that is fine. HOWEVER…

There are several problems with the vaccine:
  1. Misrepresentation on so many levels
    a. Commercials do not acknowledge HPV is an STD.
    b. Commercials do not acknowledge vaccine prevents only 4/100
    c. Dishonest use of non-benign placebos
    d. General attitude that vaccine is the wonder-drug for cervical cancer.
  2. All vaccines carry risks. The risks of this vaccine (and many others) are downplayed too much, IMO.
  3. Too new to know. Remember when the rotavirus vaccine was pulled from the shelves???
My point is that the issue with the vaccine has nothing to do with the fact that it is for an STD. The risks simply do not outweigh the benefits. Potentially severe side effects to get a vaccine for a disease I will probably never get? Not me!
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