No, it doesn’t.Scientists say humans are made from stardust. This contradicts Genesis.
No, it doesn’t.Scientists say humans are made from stardust. This contradicts Genesis.
Your post history reveals a deep preoccupation with this stuff. You’ve created countless threads asking to be reassured that Catholics don’t require a literalistic interpretation of Genesis. No matter how many times you hear it, you keep asking to be told one more time. Now you’re asking even though you’re not practicing Catholicism anymore.Because I’m now LCMS.
It’s clear that you have some kind of unhealthy preoccupation with getting the same reasssurance for the same question over and over and over and over. Stop feeding this obsession of yours. It’s not good for you.Why are YOU so fixated on what you think I’m fixated on?
What on earth is stardust? Matter? Yes we are made from matter. Did God scoop if off a star or something? I doubt it. But maybe. He’s God & can get the “dust of the earth” to creat Adam from wherever he wants, right?Can Catholics believe we’re made of stardust?
It’s also rude, frankly. People have had long, patient discussions with you over whether Catholics have to believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis. They’re given you the same answer, over and over and over. And yet you keep coming back, asking people to reassure you of the same thing. Do you not see how inconsiderate that is? Why should people bother to discuss with you? Someone could take the time to write out a comprehensive article for you and you’d just ignore and circle back for Round 5000.Neither is your preoccupation with my posts and my welfare. You’ve obviously got your own problems to focus on so you don’t need to obsess about me and what I post.
The problem is that since her church teaches a literal interpretation she wants to believe it, and expects Catholics to support her in coming to that belief.People have had long, patient discussions with you over whether Catholics have to believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis.
What’s so controversial about it? The stuff we’re composed of is more common where there’s more star deaths because it’s released from their cores. I don’t see the issue.Read the article I posted.
Excuse me. I’m having breakfast here…Are we composed of stardust? In a way, yes. All the atoms in our bodies that aren’t hydrogen, helium, or Lithium (read: almost every single one) were made by fusion in star cores. Are we literally dust from stars? I don’t even know what that means. If by “dust” they mean “composed of the same material” then I’m partly the food my dad ate which helped create sperm.
So you selectively believe scientific progress? Really? You don’t believe certain things based on nothing but choice?I’m not going to listen to scientists unless they create technology, of which they are handsomely paid.
Have you heard about the Big Bang theory and how the stars formed and the nuclear fusion involved? Have you heard about stars exploding and distributing those fusion products?I’m not sure.
Genesis doesn’t say thay we aren’t made from stardust. In fact, it does say that we’re made of dust. Read it for yourself.Why not?
Some thing I won’t miss about the forum.Scientists say a lot of things. But do we have to listen them? Is there Scientific Evidence, is there even the Scientific Method?
I’m not going to listen to scientists…
I bravely reject Star Dust…lol!