I think that its true that some traits are genetic, but some are also learned. I believe that our ability to luagh, cry, and sneeze are inherited, or they are new manifestations cuased by genetic shufferling. But i do not think that all these manifestations are ultimatly a result of physical reality. A problem arises when we assume that all things are the result of prior “physical” cuases. If we assume this, then nobody is at fualt for there behavior, since humans are mearly acting acording to their nature, what ever that happens to be. If you are good, then its only because you have those genes, and not becuase you made a free choice to do the right thing.
There is a problem with this. If it is true, then human dignity is destroyed, since everybody, including their actions, are just manifestations of the shifting tide of energy and atoms. You do not love your child; its just the chemicals in your brain forcing you to love your child. In fact its not your “child”, its just a gennetic pattern in nature, a collection of atoms which naturally cuases you to love “it”. And those who choose not to love their children cannot be blamed, since they do not share the same gennetic heritage as you. It completly undermines Moral Law and free will.
The fault is in naturalism, and i welcome its silly attempts to come up with a purply naturalsitic theory of everything, because it will only go to show how ridculous naturalism truly is; which will work in favor of Theism; and those who are trully looking for truth will see the wolf in sheeps cloths.
Biological-predestination flows neccesarilly from naturalism, but not from personal experience. Each person knows that they have freewill. However freewill is a problem that can only be solved by positing a different kind of reality other then physical reality; which does not in itself do well in support of materialistic propaganda.
This type of philosophy is a mixture of truth and lies. Its a materialistic perversion of legitmate theories such as Evolution and Genetic-Heritage. And its exactly the kind of philosophy one would expect to find in a growing culture of people who make it their lifes purpose to rebel against God. A Culture that wishes to remove all personal responsibility in regards to sin.
There is a problem with this. If it is true, then human dignity is destroyed, since everybody, including their actions, are just manifestations of the shifting tide of energy and atoms. You do not love your child; its just the chemicals in your brain forcing you to love your child. In fact its not your “child”, its just a gennetic pattern in nature, a collection of atoms which naturally cuases you to love “it”. And those who choose not to love their children cannot be blamed, since they do not share the same gennetic heritage as you. It completly undermines Moral Law and free will.
The fault is in naturalism, and i welcome its silly attempts to come up with a purply naturalsitic theory of everything, because it will only go to show how ridculous naturalism truly is; which will work in favor of Theism; and those who are trully looking for truth will see the wolf in sheeps cloths.
Biological-predestination flows neccesarilly from naturalism, but not from personal experience. Each person knows that they have freewill. However freewill is a problem that can only be solved by positing a different kind of reality other then physical reality; which does not in itself do well in support of materialistic propaganda.
This type of philosophy is a mixture of truth and lies. Its a materialistic perversion of legitmate theories such as Evolution and Genetic-Heritage. And its exactly the kind of philosophy one would expect to find in a growing culture of people who make it their lifes purpose to rebel against God. A Culture that wishes to remove all personal responsibility in regards to sin.