Huron College at UWO is Also Honoring a Pro-Abortion Writer

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Brothers and Sisters - Huron College at Western Ontario University has also invited a Pro-Abortion Author and Speaker to their Convocation

Local writer set to receive top honour from Huron

The challenges faced by graduates is compared to novelist’s stories.
SANDRA COULSON, Free Press Lifestyles Reporter 2005-06-11 02:13:52

*London writer Joan Barfoot’s success as a novelist and ability to depict characters as they grow through crisis have earned her a medal of distinction from Huron University College.

The honour will be granted on Tuesday as part of the University of Western Ontario’s spring convocation.

Huron’s arts and social science students receive their degrees from Western but the college organizes its own graduation ceremony earlier in the day.

Huron principal Ramona Lumpkin said the medal selection committee has a high regard for Barfoot as a writer and is proud she is from London.

“And we want to have an opportunity for our students as graduates from Huron to see someone who embodies the kind of thing our curriculum embodies: a focus on literacy, breadth of understanding, intelligence, compassion and communication.”

The Morgentaler decision will enter into her comments to students, Barfoot said.*

A little bit on the Author:

Joan Barfoot

Joan Barfoot is an award-winning novelist whose work has been compared internationally with that of Anne Tyler, Carol Shields, Margaret Drabble and Margaret Atwood. Her novels include Abra, which won the Books in Canada first novels award, Dancing in the Dark, which became an award-winning Canadian entry in the Cannes and Toronto Film Festivals, Duet for Three, Family News, Plain Jane, Charlotte and Claudia Keeping in Touch, Some Things About Flying, and Getting Over Edgar. Her 2001 novel, Critical Injuries, was longlisted for the 2002 Man Booker Prize and shortlisted for the 2001 Trillium Book Award. In 1992 she was given the Marian Engel Award. Also a journalist during much of her career, she lives in London, Ontario, Canada.

AbraFrom a comfortable if idle middle-class, urban life, Abra abandons husband and children to live according to her own rhythms and rules. Years later her now-grown daughter finds her, raising questions about duty, love, selfishness, sanity and the nature of motherhood.

Family News – When Susannah picks Teddy, a former lover, to father her child, her family expels her. Thirteen years later Susannah returns with daughter Lizzie for her father’s funeral and a reacquaintanceship with her mother and sister, while Teddy’s unsettled life also changes.

Some Things About FlyingLila and Tom, both university professors, have been having an affair for five years. Tom is married, Lila is not. They’re off on their first real holiday together, to England for a couple of weeks, with great anticipation - but suddenly over the Atlantic plane trouble puts their lives, and their life together, in sharp, uncomfortable focus.

This was found under Abortion Rights…Duet for Three – *Beaufort Books, 1985. First Edition. In this, her third novel, Joan Barfoot subtly probes the unique and enduring bond that unites mother and daughter with the technical mastery and compassionate insight that has brought her critical acclaim. 252 pages, no tears or marks noted. First Edition. Hard Cover. Fine/Fine. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. family, aging, mother and Daughter, Love, Compassion, Duet for Three.

Offered by Nan’s Book Shop (Illinois, United States)*

Courageous Mothers Thanked Post #5

Congratulations to A.K. Riley and Joan Barfoot for reasoned and sensible responses to the Henry Morgentaler quandary at the University of Western Ontario. Here are some points that should be clearly stated…

The original article has disappeared. I’ll try to describe what to do in my next post. We need to do something because William Vanderdoodewaard did so much on the King’s College Project, and he’s not a Catholic. He’s an Anglican who’s still in the Anglican Communion that’s having all of the problems.

William is graduating from Huron college, which is the College for the Anglican Church of Canada. Unlike King’s college, their decision to have a Pro-Abortion speaker is consistent with their Church’s Teaching. But that doesn’t mean we can’t mention the harm this does to the cause of Christian Unity.

Like I said, I’ll try to piece together what we can do to help William deal with the abomination at his own college.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael
You are right Michael,Christianity and abortion just do NOT go together:nope: Thay are polar opposites:mad: Children are a gift from God and murder is always wrong,he should not be honored to speak:mad:
Brothers and Sisters - These are the things I want us to do about Joan Barfoot speaking at Huron College:

Please see Should students be involved in abortion protest? - Post #30 to confirm Contact Information:

Please write - London Free Press - Letters to the Editor:

Huron University College, The University of Western Ontario
Office of the Dean
1349 Western Rd.
London, Ontario
Canada, N6G 1H3
Telephone: (519) 438-7224 ext 281
Fax: (519) 438-3938
Fax: (519) 438-3800

Mr. Ken Andrews Director, Alumni & Development
(519) 438-7224 x271 HC A105

Dr Neil Brooks Chair, Department of English
(519) 438-7224 x240 HC V123

Dr. John Chapman Dean of Theology
(519) 438-7224 x289 HC A225

Dr. Mark Cole Chair, Department of Psychology
(519) 438-7224 x223 HC V118

Dr. David Conter Chair, Department of Philosophy
(519) 438 438-7224 x253 HC V131

Jacqueline Fraser Executive Assistant to Principal
(519) 438-7224 x237 HC A110

Dr. Trish Fulton Dean of Arts and Social Science
(519) 438-7224 x281 HC A108

Dr. Ramona Lumpkin Principal
(519) 438-7224 x237 HC A112

Dr. Paul W. Nesbitt-Larking Chair - Political Science
(519) 438-7224 x286 HC A301

Prof. Colin Read Chair, Department of History
(519) 438-7224 x222 HC V126

Mark Richardson V.P. Cronyn Archives - Archivist, Diocese of Huron
(519) 438-7224 x284

Ms. Sharon Robertson Director, Student Services and Ancillary Enterprises
(519) 438-7224 x202 HC W33

And the ANGLICAN Diocese of Huron
Huron Church House, 190 Queens Ave. London, ON N6A 6H7
(519) 434-6893 or toll free in Ontario at 1-800-919-1115
Fax (519) 673-4151

Diocesan Bishop
The Rt. Reverend Bruce H. W. Howe
Suffragan Bishop
The Rt. Reverend Robert Bennett
Manager Episcopal Office and Deployment
Canon Sue Tite
Administrative Assistant Bishops’ Office
Sarah Doucette
ALL of the above -

If you have the time, please contact the Talk-Radio show hosts listed in that previous post.

Michael Medved -
Hugh Hewitt -
Sean Hannity -
during the show (3 - 6 pm est) 800-941-7326
Michael Savage -
Rabbi Smulley Boteach -
Dennis Prager -
David Limbaugh -

This should at least make it seem like there’s a groundswell of protests. It also will let William know that we’re grateful for his assistance in this issue that we care about what happens to his Church and his school.

There’s nothing like returning the favor to let someone how how much one appreciates what another has done.

Let’s go to work. I don’t think any Priest or moral theologian would call this “Servile Work” since we are trying to save lives and express our gratitude.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little One. Michael
You are right Michael,Christianity and abortion just do NOT go together:nope: Thay are polar opposites:mad: Children are a gift from God and murder is always wrong,he should not be honored to speak:mad:

Thank you. I’m just sorry that the Anglican Communion, and esp. ECUSA, doesn’t understand this.

I’m sure that Huron University College would have been an much more uphill battle (their Moral Theology is now so skewed that they’ll wonder why we’re protesting Morgantaler and Anderson.

So. I’ll let the guys who have excess energy use it on the long list of names on the previous post. I’ll have to resort to creating a 3 or 4 paragraph form letter and then sending it to all of them.

I’ll write the letter tomorrow, after I’ve had some sleep, and I’ll post it on this thread.

Lisa, soon as you see I’m on, please direct people over to the letter so they can copy it and sent it the list of names above.

I’m not going to detract from the effort at King’s College - That’s paramount because it involves maintaining the clarity of the witness of the Church regarding this abomination. But I do agree with Ani Ibi that William needs to be thanked in the most meaningful manner possible.


Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
I will do that Michael:bowdown2: God Bless you for your work:) Lisa
Traditional Ang:
I’m not going to detract from the effort at King’s College
Don’t worry. Send a copy of your letter to William. He will be overjoyed to hear someone speaking up about Huron College. Perhaps William will post your letter to his newsblog.
Traditional Ang:
That’s paramount because it involves maintaining the clarity of the witness of the Church regarding this abomination.
The reason Kings is important is that Kings and Notre Dame are the only places where we can apply leverage. That leverage is called Ex Corde Ecclesiae. There are various other kinds of leverage. For instance, Bishop D’Arcy’s statements. Archbishop Chaput, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope John Paul II (I miss him), the Cardinal Newman Society. Trying to influence Davenport and even Killan isn’t going to accomplish anything. They just don’t get it and have probably already made irretractable deals.
Traditional Ang:
But I do agree with Ani Ibi that William needs to be thanked in the most meaningful manner possible.
True, particularly since he has a pregnant wife and a job amidst all of this fracus.

You go, TradAng! Yay, you!
OK this is a sample letter about Joan Barfoot which hopefully will be suitable for our email campaign. Hot out of the oven and just mailed to the first on the list, the London Free Press.

**Dear Sir: **

The last minute decision (announced June 11 in the London Free Press) by Huron College to give a medal of distinction to London novelist Joan Barfoot in context with the Morgentaler controversy looks suspiciously like she is to be awarded for her letter in defence of UWO. Unfortunately, this overshadows her artistic achievements and suggests a thinly veiled ploy to award her political activism rather than her talent.

**It is tantamount to blood money to be so closely allied with an **abortionist.

Ani and Rosalinda - This is my offering, which I sent to

Subject: Re: Joan Barfoot speaking at the Convocation at Huron Wednesday

Joan Barfoot, noted Canadian author and supporter of Abortion Rights, was very recently asked to speak at the Huron University College Convocation ONLY AFTER her impassioned defense of the handing out of the same award by the University of Western Ontario to Dr. Henry Morgantaler, the man most responsible for the legalization of abortion in Canada. Her editorial, "Good for Western for taking firm stand," which appeared in the London Free Press on May 11 was just part of this defense.

It is a pity that Ms. Barfoot is being recognized for this defense and in order to lend legitimacy to the giving of an award to Abortionist such as Dr. Henry Morgantaler, and not for the volume or thematic range of her writings.

The fact that the Anglican Church of Canada is Pro-Abortion in some circumstances is not lost on me, but I did not know that they had taken the position supporting Unlimited Abortion Rights that even ECUSA had even begun to repudiate, and I did not know that the Church of Canada would support giving of an award that makes their support for Abortion on Demand as transparent as this.

I’m sure they must understand the damage this does to the cause of Christian Unity and to the Worldwide Anglican Communion. I grieve for my former Church and for all of those still caught in situations such as this.

Name and addres on original

I think this is a more personal appeal. It will probably fall on deaf ears. Now to send it to all of the people at Huron and to William.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
This to the Diocesan Bishop of Huron:

The Rt. Reverend Bruce H. W. Howe
Diocesan Bishop of the Diocese of Huron

Dear Bishop Howe:

Before I start, I doubt that Huron University College consulted your office regarding their Commencement Speaker or the fact the they had decided to provide cover for the University of Western Ontario and Dr. Henry Morgantaler by having a Pro-Abortion speaker speak at their convocation about the protest against the awarding of the doctor of laws to Dr. Morgantaler and the campaign to use that as a springboard to procure The Order of Canada for him.

Bishop Howe, Huron is NOT honoring Joan Barfoot for the volume and thematic range of her writings, rather, they are honoring her for her eloquent defense of the UWO and their honoring of Canada’s “Abortionist in Chief” with the Doctor of Laws. They aren’t honoring her for the fact that she is a Huron Grad who’s done well, but for the fact that she led the countercharge against the primarily Catholic protests (led by an ANGLICAN) against the honoring of a man who forced the legal issue through the Canadian Courts so he could PROFIT from performing Abortions.

I understand that the Anglican Church of Canada has taken a position that gives limited support to Abortion Rights. In this instance, Huron is acting as if you’ve taken a position supporting Unlimited Support for Unlimited Rights to kill unborn babies which even ECUSA is now backing away from. They made that absolutely transparent by having Pro-Abortion speaker at their Convocation who’s job it will be to denigrate those protesting the Award of the Doctor of Laws (and the eventual Order Of Canada) to a man who forced the legal issue through the Canadian Courts so he could PROFIT from performing and having others perform Abortions.

Your Eminence, I can’t see how this cannot seriously harm the Cause of Christian Unity, the Worldwide Anglican Communion or the attempts to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Haven’t these already taken enough of a beating from members of the Anglican Communion located in the Northern Hemisphere? What do you think you colleagues in the Global South are going to say and do when they find out about this?

In Christ,
Name and Address in Original

Now to send this to his Suffragan - this way, they can’t say they weren’t warned!

Just so you know, the Global South is seriously concidering the Anglican equivalent of Excommunication of both ECUSA and the Church of Canada. This would definitely be a factor. They’re considering doing this WITHOUT the advice and consent of the Archbishop of Canterbury…

I think I just might have found the only lever in the whole house!

Excuse me while I go apply…

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Children. Michael
Ani Ibi:

I just notified David Virtue from Virtue On Line - Once he checks this out, he’ll post it, notifying the bishops in the Global South.

I’m also going to send a copy to my Archbishop.

That lever I refered to has been pulled as hard as I can.

I can only hope their Bishop stops this madness.

Blessed are they who act to stop the slaughter of the innocent. Michael
Neil Brooks, Chair of the department of English at Huron responded yesterday that the decision to honor Joan Barfoot with an award of distinction was made several months ago independent of any knowledge of UWO’s selection of honorary degree recipients. In no way was this a “last minute decision”.

Whenever the decision was made is of less importance than the fact that students who will be attending their graduation ceremony will be a hostage audience to this priestess preaching from the podium on one of the favorite tenets of her faith: secular humanism. Effectively, they have been given no notice and their finer moral sensibilities have not even been taken into consideration.

Repeatedly, apologists for Morgentaler have stated he is not receiving an award because he is an abortionist but because they support his humanist endeavours. His religion and the organization he belongs to is the Humanist Association of Canada. He professes no tolerance for the religious views of anyone but his own. It is a travesty that this university is force-feeding students in the name of academic freedom. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Without truth there is no freedom. Freedom to choose according to the whims of an individual conscience --without any reference to the natural moral order or common good --is anarchistic individualism.
Traditional Ang:
Ani:I just notified David Virtue from Virtue On Line - Once he checks this out, he’ll post it, notifying the bishops in the Global South.
Please put up a link when it is posted. William at uwoprotest would probably really appreciate receiving that link too on an urgent basis.
Neil Brooks, Chair of the department of English at Huron responded yesterday that the decision to honor Joan Barfoot with an award of distinction was made several months ago independent of any knowledge of UWO’s selection of honorary degree recipients. In no way was this a “last minute decision”.

Whenever the decision was made is of less importance than the fact that students who will be attending their graduation ceremony will be a hostage audience to this priestess preaching from the podium on one of the favorite tenets of her faith: secular humanism. Effectively, they have been given no notice and their finer moral sensibilities have not even been taken into consideration.

Repeatedly, apologists for Morgentaler have stated he is not receiving an award because he is an abortionist but because they support his humanist endeavours. His religion and the organization he belongs to is the Humanist Association of Canada. He professes no tolerance for the religious views of anyone but his own. It is a travesty that this university is force-feeding students in the name of academic freedom. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Without truth there is no freedom. Freedom to choose according to the whims of an individual conscience --without any reference to the natural moral order or common good --is anarchistic individualism.
Thank you for the heads up - This just sent to Dr. Brooks:

Joan Barfoot speaking at the Huron Convocation and what the “Global South” might say

Dr. Neil Brooks Chair, Department of English

Dear Dr. Brooks:

I understand that yesterday, in response to a letter and e-mail campaign initiated by e few friends and yours truly, you announced that the decision to have Ms. Joan Barfoot speak at your Convocation was not made as initially reported, but was “made several months ago independent of any knowledge of UWO’s selection of honorary degree recipients”. That doesn’t change the fact that, given the her recent defense of UWO’s decision to honor Dr. Henry Morgantaler and her recent attacks on those protesting that decision, it appears that Huron University College is honoring her for that defense.

Dr. Books, it also doesn’t change the fact that most of the members of the Worldwide Anglican Communion do not approve of Unlimited Abortion Rights or of Abortion on Demand, if they approve of allowing Abortion at all. and, It doesn’t change the fact that many of those members will now be listening to any remarks Ms. Barfoot may choose to make in regard to the Morgantaler controversy or about what you choose to refer to as “A Woman’s Right to Choose”, and what many of the rest of us, and the Fathers of the Christian Church, call (and in the case of the Church Fathers, called) “Infanticide”.

Please understand, If Ms. Barfoot chooses to defend the Morgataler decision and to “trash” those protesting that decision during her speech, or to make any extended remarks supporting Abortion Rights, the Bishops and primates of the Anglican Global South will find out. That’s the nature of the internet. and, Having found out, they will act.

I don’t know if you’re a practicing Anglican, but that could have some repercussions for the Anglican Church of Canada and the Worldwide Anglican Communion. Are you sure this one act to advance the Pro-Abortion agenda in Canada would be worth that?

Name and Address on Original

I’m sure Dr. Brooks is totally incapable of seeing the BABY in the womb as a human being, but I’m hoping that at least he can see his fellow teachers and students as human beings, and that he has some idea of of the collapse and disintegration of the Worldwide Anglican Communion.

If he can, and if he does, the letter will find a mark. But, If not, I can forget about it, because I’ll not be dealing with a moral human.

Blessings on those who act to save God’s Little Ones, michael
Traditional Ang, Here is a quote from James Schall, Catholic Commencements A Time for Truth to Be Honored, June 4 which you put up on the thread about Prolife speaker being cancelled at college. Is anybody speaking about the true, the good and the beautiful? These are classical values which have been cast aside in a vain effort to publicly whitewash infanticide. A red river of blood flows through North America while they primp their pompous egos.

“Honorary degrees should be given for what is honorable. They should testify to what is honorable. They should be in a context of knowing what is honorable and what is not. By giving an honorary degree a university, whether it knows it or not, teaches us what it stands for. By accepting a degree, the recipient tells us what he stands for. Honor is a subtle thing, much more subtle than monetary rewards, as Aristotle also saw. It intends to emphasize the good, true, and beautiful in a particular way, in the way that such institutions can point to the importance of these realities and their understanding of them.”
Joan Barfoot’s letter on May 11 “Good for Western for taking a firm stand” boasted she was a UWO graduate who was proud with the Senate’s "backbone not to cave to either hysteria or extortion."
It was more a thumb’s up vote her letter was so brief. Very typical of the opposition which refuses to use reason and enter into the debate. It was so insignificant I never even bothered to post it especially since the letter from the director of Project Rachel overshadowed it by far.
You guys have been doing an admirable job with Huron, particularly with so little time left. 👍
Traditional Ang, Here is a quote from James Schall, Catholic Commencements A Time for Truth to Be Honored, June 4 which you put up on the thread about Prolife speaker being cancelled at college. Is anybody speaking about the true, the good and the beautiful? These are classical values which have been cast aside in a vain effort to publicly whitewash infanticide. A red river of blood flows through North America while they primp their pompous egos.

“Honorary degrees should be given for what is honorable. They should testify to what is honorable. They should be in a context of knowing what is honorable and what is not. By giving an honorary degree a university, whether it knows it or not, teaches us what it stands for. By accepting a degree, the recipient tells us what he stands for. Honor is a subtle thing, much more subtle than monetary rewards, as Aristotle also saw. It intends to emphasize the good, true, and beautiful in a particular way, in the way that such institutions can point to the importance of these realities and their understanding of them.”

I’m sure some people are in some places, but apparently not up at UWO, which is dead set on honoring the man who is most responsible for Legalized Abortion in Canada and assisting him in his quest for the Order of Canada.

Remember our society went Orwellian some 30 years ago. We’re just seeing the fruits.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. michael
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