Husband asking me to commit sin or divorce

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Speaking for myself, and for some of the posters I “know”, we read these posts and answer in the same way we would if you were our real life neighbor, sister, friend (not exactly the same, because I would already have been to your house to pick up you and the kids 🙂 )

Prayers, know you are a precious child of God and that you have a worldwide family.
First let share my sorrow for you all. It seems that he has made up his mind on the matter. What you can do is pray, fast and try not to worry. You must first be faithful to Christ. Offer your suffering up in a spirit of atonement. You may attain grace for him to convert. Trust in God my dear and do what is right in God’s eyes. My prayers are with you all. God bless.
I am doing ok. I spoke with a priest this morning. It was only a 20 minute meeting but it was helpful. Please continue to pray for me.
Blessed Mother, please intercede for us.
Hold the sorrowful-
Mother and love the weary, abused, neglected
or forgotten among us-
Give your aid to all needing help or healing-
Assist those who are sick, in pain or suffering-
Be with those needing peace-
Console the lonely or brokenhearted-
Comfort the lost or hopeless-
Strengthen the fearful-
Guard the unborn-
Pray for those who are dying or who have died-
Soften those with hardened hearts-
Enlighten those who do not yet see truth-
Help us be brave enough to let our hurt and anger go-
Show us the way to do the right thing-
Protect those who are in danger, and
Guide us from every evil.
May all who keep your sacred commemoration
experience the might of your assistance.
Religion aside, even if you were not catholic the way your husband is acting is disgusting if he truly loved you he wouldn’t want sex with other women.
Is it possible he’s a sex addict? If you really want this marriage to work I would suggest counselling however he has to want to change.

I’m sorry you are going through this
I’m just an old maid and even I know that “If you pay danegeld, you will never get rid of the Dane.”

Even if you were to yield to his disturbing requests, it’s probable that you won’t save the marriage. He would just move the goalposts, because he has learned that it works. He then would say you have to yield to even more requests, different or worse.

So you would lose him AND have the painful memories of doing unchaste, haunting, freaky sex acts you wish you hadn’t done. Keep yourself pure. It will comfort you through the hard days ahead.

I agree with the others that a man who threatens with divorce is probably prepared for it. Dunno if he already has an attorney, but his buddies can recommend him one.

Even if the marriage is saved, I recommend the book Divorce Poison by Warshak and Warshak, to protect your children as much as possible. They don’t need to hear the sordid details.
I wanted to post this decree from the Magisterium. It is very helpful for your situation: cooperating with onanism.

Denzinger 3634:
Response of the Sacred Penitentiary, April 3, 1916

The Practice of Onanism within Marriage

“Question: Can a woman cooperate legitimately in an action of her husband who, in order to indulge his lust, wants to commit the crime of Onan or the Sodomites and threatens her with death or other grave injury if she does not submit?

“Response: a. If the husband wants to commit the crime of Onan in the marital act, that is, by expelling his seed outside of the vagina after the initiation of copulation; and he threatens his wife with death or other serious injuries if she does not agree with his perverse will, the wife, according to approved theologians, can, in such a case, join herself sexually to her husband since, on her part, she engages in a legitimate object and act, but she permits the sin of her husband for a grave reason, which excuses her: since charity, which would require the prevention of the act, does not oblige in the face of such peril.

“b. If, however, the husband wishes to commit the crime of the Sodomites with her, since Sodomitic intercourse is against nature on the part of both spouses who are united in this way, and, in the judgment of all the learned teachers, is gravely evil, there is clearly no motive, not even to avoid death, that would permit the wife legitimately to carry out such a shameless act with her husband.”
@CatholicTina ,

You sound like a very compassionate and understanding woman with a beautiful heart.💐
At some point though you need to also have compassion for yourself and not be willing to tolerate your husbands actions any longer.
Apart from the selfishness, it is also not natural/unhealthy that your husband doesn’t feel satisfied with “normal sex” and seems to suggest a disorder-Neurological,hormonal or psychological etc…
My question: he said he wanted to cheat because he wants me to engage in sexual acts until completion apart from the marital act, and he knows my faith prohibits it.
This is just more of your confusion.

You have to stop making excuses for his behavior. If you refuse, nobody can help you.
If the tables were turned and you held the perspectives he holds, what would you want him to do? Be complicit in your sin? Allow you to initiate divorce?
perhaps I don’t understand, but i don’t see the point of your question.

Why do you ask the OP what would she do, if she had the same sinful mandate?
And why do you think that the only solutions would be 2 evils?

Sorry, but your question is really hurting.
I am so sorry you are experiencing this. I understand the pain and confusion- from personal experience. you are blessed to know you can turn to the church.
In retrospect, I would do what God wants you to do, it will be the best for you and your children. God does not ask us to be obedient to these confusing lies. that is from the evil one. Pray very much for God’s grace at this time, and the courage to do what is best and safe for your children and you.
I would say yes, talk to your priest. in confessional. this Sacrament is also for spiritual direction and to see how satan is tempting us!
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