
God Bless You BusyMom23:My husband drinks too much and often is not “himself” I know he also smokes pot at times and I’m feeling really disgusted with him. Our daughter (9) doesn’t show disgust for his personality when he’s been drinking, but son (12) gets disgusted and asks why does Dad have to get drunk and act differently. Most family occassions end up with me driving home and him drinking too much. Where do I start?
I feel for you dear friend, and know this is a nagging problem. There are real issues behind them, which BTW CAN be resolved. Don’t lose hope. This problem can totally and completely be resolved. I know it.
I would SERIOUSLY consider getting hubby in a program. CONFRONT the issue NOW, don’t push it under the rug and think it will work itself out. It won’t. Tell him of course you love him, and that He need help, now. Call your medical provider, see about programs, either in or out patient depending on the seriousness of the problem and enroll him today. Tell him HE NEEDS to do this and that your marriage and family depends on it. No ifs ands or buts.
If, on the other hand, you don’t really feel he is an “alcoholic” exactly, but just tends to drink too much on occasion, which can be the case too, for not every drinker is a true “alcoholic” but might turn “on occasion” to numb the pain----HE needs to deal with certain issues, the pain issues/perhaps self-esteem issues of his life–and needs counseling all the same. Christian counseling. He’s escaping from some pain here, which does need addressing. Make the appointment for him today–don’t wait–as he’s postponing truly being the Man of God He is meant to be.
God Love You.