Thank you to all of you and your prayers. I just came from visiting my husband and took my daughter, who cheered him up. She was crying and wanting to see daddy, so I took her and she helped and that made her feel good to be part of his recovery.
He looks better than last night, but not out of the woods yet. He is on oxygen and has breathing treatments every two hours. He is still on complete bedrest, which he hates, but the alternative could be death, so he doesn’t complain to much. He had an echocardiogram this morning, but we do not know the results yet. He still has difficulty in breathing, but not as bad as last night. He is not wheezing so much either. He is on the blood thinner still via IV and will be for about three more days. He might get out on Monday or Tuesday. The doctors want to make sure he doesn’t have any blood clots before going home. He is complaining of leg pain and I told the nurse, for I don’t want him to have a blood clot in his legs but she said the doctor will be notified. I hope it is nothing.
My little girl has been very good throughout all this. This morning she woke up and grabbed the Rosary and started to pray for her daddy. That was so beautiful and then she asked me if I wanted to join her and, of course, I said yes. She didn’t want to leave the hospital, but I told her daddy needed his rest as well. She made him a cute homemade “get well” card and it had a blue horse on the front. She said it was blue because it was sick and not feeling well just as her dad. Her dad loved it and it helped him smile. He does look very depressed, but it was nice to see him smile with our daughter.
Keep on praying and I will keep you all up to date. Thanks so much and it is so nice to have this family here on the forum to turn to for prayers. My dh is a Knight in the Knights of Colulmbus and they are all praying also and called me to see if I needed help in anything. My daughter’s school also called and offered help and prayers. It is so beautiful to see the love of God in all of you. I hope with all these prayers, my husband will come out fine and come home to us.