I agree with the posters that say his porn addiction has NOTHING to do with you. It is an addiction and all the sex in the world would not help, with you or other women.
I get so tired of some people on this forum trying to blame the wife. Lets just make her feel worse than she already does shall we???
I know it is slightly different as sex involves 2 people and smoking does not, but my husband has a smoking addiction, is that my fault?
The thing with these kind of addictions, is they get worse. If he doesn’t get help, he will little by little do more things, be more adventurous, overstep the line just a little bit more.
Addictions like these fail to satisfy for long and they just keep looking for more things to give them that high.
It is all to do with his ‘distorted’ view of sex. If he is a catholic, get him to read Greg Popcak’s ‘For better forever’ and Christopher West’s ‘The good news about sex and marriage’
I know there are more books that people on these forums recommend, but these are a start.
He needs to realign his thinking. If he can think about sex the way God intended it may be a start to overcoming this addiction.
Our society, (I’m in Australia but I know it’s the same in most westernised countries) is saturated with sex, images of sex, women portrayed as objects and it is no wonder men fall prey to this. The messages are, ‘sex is for pleasure and that is a selfish pleasure and people should be able to have it whenever they want, with no strings attatched’.
It has become a pasttime, like going out for a movie, young people just ‘hook up’ for a night. It’s really so sad.
I understand you not wanting him in your bed. I wouldn’t either. He has been unfaithful to you and your vows and that would hurt.
I will pray for you, God bless
I get so tired of some people on this forum trying to blame the wife. Lets just make her feel worse than she already does shall we???
I know it is slightly different as sex involves 2 people and smoking does not, but my husband has a smoking addiction, is that my fault?
The thing with these kind of addictions, is they get worse. If he doesn’t get help, he will little by little do more things, be more adventurous, overstep the line just a little bit more.
Addictions like these fail to satisfy for long and they just keep looking for more things to give them that high.
It is all to do with his ‘distorted’ view of sex. If he is a catholic, get him to read Greg Popcak’s ‘For better forever’ and Christopher West’s ‘The good news about sex and marriage’
I know there are more books that people on these forums recommend, but these are a start.
He needs to realign his thinking. If he can think about sex the way God intended it may be a start to overcoming this addiction.
Our society, (I’m in Australia but I know it’s the same in most westernised countries) is saturated with sex, images of sex, women portrayed as objects and it is no wonder men fall prey to this. The messages are, ‘sex is for pleasure and that is a selfish pleasure and people should be able to have it whenever they want, with no strings attatched’.
It has become a pasttime, like going out for a movie, young people just ‘hook up’ for a night. It’s really so sad.
I understand you not wanting him in your bed. I wouldn’t either. He has been unfaithful to you and your vows and that would hurt.
I will pray for you, God bless