Husband is committing Adultery but is going to RCIA

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I’d just haul kids and self to these RCIA meetings and sit alongside him. Introduce yourself to everyone as his wife? But say nothing to him or her. Cause no trouble? Make no bother.

Let him do all the mumbling.
That’s kind of a brilliant suggestion.
s tempting as it might be, please don’t put the kids in a situation like that.
I guess I didn’t see the part about bringing the kids. Even though I quoted it. 😄
Still, it could be done without bringing them; but either way the priest and RCIA director should know about the situation. Chances are they are not aware or have been told an incomplete/distorted version.
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What’s the point of going to RCIA with someone you’re cheating on your wife with? If he really believes in God, does he think he’s fooling Him?
I’ve met dozens of people, in real life and online, who believe that God “brought them together” with their adultery partner. Amazing the things we do that we can find a way to blame on God.
The reason he’s doing this? Probably to establish himself and his mistress as a ‘good catholic couple’ in the town he now lives in. Also, to make him look as good as possible when the divorce takes place, and property division and child custody/visitation are decided. OP, try and document everything he has done. There are two sides to every marriage breakup and he’s trying to make his look much better than it is!
I am really sorry you are going through this. I would suggest contacting an attorney and begin divorce proceedings to protect yourself from his apparent poor judgement.

As far as contacting the Church, ask yourself what you hope to gain by doing that. You may come up with a good list and be encouraged to move forward. On the other hand, your list may be not so great. To be truthful, your husband sounds like he is in a bad spot in his emotional and spiritual life and he is trying to find out how to heal. People don’t go through RCIA just for the fun of it. Of course, if he has lied his way in, that is not the right thing to do. I am not saying it is. But if he is there, it is most likely because he realizes he is broken in certain areas of his life and he is trying to fix it.

If you are able to have a conversation about it, willing the best for him, then perhaps you can guide him out of that mess. But only try to do it if you are at a place where you are moving on with your life and don’t have any further expectations of him.
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Yeah, or he could just be trying to get brownie points with his mistress.
Talk to your priest and ask him for advice. Try talking to your husband mabye when he has truly found where he is spiritually he will come back to you. He could he going to RCIA beacuse he feels messed up and confused.
The more often my family prays and goes to church or read the bible or something spiritual the closer we become as a family
Mabye he just needs to find himself.

Good luck and God bless
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