Gee, maybe I misunderstood but I really don’t think not wanting to steal a brother’s thunder is a reason to postpone pregnancy…
The couple already prayfully reflected upon their family planning schedule and came to a conclusion.
What has changed is the enthusiasm of the husband toward his brother’s (and/or sister’s) news about their pregnancy. Now that children are a tangible reality for the husband (albeit through his siblings), naturally, he’s excited about the prospect of starting his own family.
This is all good and fine, and could very well be the Lord moving him toward that, but taking the entire matter into consideration the following facts remain:
- the husband finished his education thus his receptivity to changes at this moment is greater than the wife’s
- the wife has 7 months to finish her degree and it appears the couple had decided to consider children after both degrees were secured.
Any changes to the timing of the children must be mutually decided upon, based on both parties reflecting upon God’s will for them. The husband feels moved to act now. The wife is not receiving that same message. So a compromise needs to be met.
My suggestion to consider the anticipated joy of the other couple(s) would serve as one of possibly many options toward compromise. It is a giving act to set aside one’s own desires for the good of another. If this new child is a ‘first’ there is a lot of enthusiasm waiting to be poured out toward that family. Since the couple wasn’t planning on having a child now anyway, and is still not inclined to do so, it costs no one to wait a few more months.
The benefits to this couple deferring to the already expecting couple are:
- Compromise is reached for this couple
- The family support this couple may need down the line when their child arrives will be there for them because by that time the other couple will have weaned off of the same source, thus providing the opening for the grandparents to shift attention from the first child to this couples’ child (and the couples’ needs).
- It allows for comfortable spacing between cousins (as in my situation) so that as the extended families plan to grow together the compatibility factor comes into play. Consider cousins as a larger core sibling component - the elders help the youngers transition from one phase of child development to the other, being able to play together at the same level, etc.
- Spacing of the cousins when raised as a larger family really saves a lot of money when it comes to hand-me-downs and such. My sister got the ball rolling with the cousins coming into existence and honestly, for all 8 of them, there were about 3 real major clothing/furniture investments made…the rest benefited from passing down the changing tables, cribs, swings, high chairs, clothes and such.
I’m not advocating not upping the timetable at all, I’m offering legitimate reasons for sticking to the original plan. If the Lord really is moving the couple to change that plan then He will work through the husband and others to persuade the OP to change her position. Perhaps the Lord is working through some of us to help the OP sway the husband to stay on course…
Only the couple and the Lord will know in the end, what they should do.
BTW, how can having a child take away from anyones true joy
Of course it doesn’t take away from their ‘true’ joy, but being human, we all have our different quirks, and trust me, for some personality types -
not being the center of attention can cause huge rifts among family members. Not knowing how these people are, I’m just putting the other couples’ feelings out there as something to consider. Certainly you must know how complicated family dynamics can be.