husband's alcoholism and anger problems

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Has anyone heard from Jenna? I don’t see any posts from her since 9-20-07 - just checking.:confused:
Has anyone heard from Jenna? I don’t see any posts from her since 9-20-07 - just checking.:confused:
That was why I bumped her post. She may be needing the extra prayers…so let’s keep praying for her situtation to improve. :gopray2:
That was why I bumped her post. She may be needing the extra prayers…so let’s keep praying for her situtation to improve. :gopray2:
Will do - I have actually added a prayer request with my online prayer group:gopray2: for all those on CAF - so she’s definitely covered!!👍
Am still praying for you,please,try al-anon it will help you see more clearly,and you;ll be with other people with similar problems.GOD love and bless you
Father, please shine Your warm and loving light upon this couple to illuminate Your way in their lives. Please take the affliction that this husband carries from him, and show him that his burdens are very small to ease his pain. Shine Your light so bright that they can see no other path to follow Lord. In the name of Your son Jesus I pray as Your ever faithful follower. Amen. :signofcross:
thanks for the prayers! he just called and asked me what is up and we talked for a few minutes. Then he said all of a sudden whate have you decided? Meaning when am I going to be moving out. The conversation before that question though seemed like he was softening up a little. He said he would call at lunch. Please keep praying. I always say it’s not over until it’s over and I hope God intercedes for me and saves us and our marriage.
If it’s not too late:

DON’T YOU DARE MOVE OUT! This will be held against you, as it can (and will be) construed as “abandonment.” If you can get legal advice, do so. You might be advised to change the locks while your husband is out.

When he threatens you with divorce or asks YOU to leave, tell him that if he wants a divorce, HE’S going to have to take care of that himself because you do NOT want a divorce, and you will NOT be bullied into compromising your marriage either morally or legally.

Join Al-Anon TODAY.

Good grief! I am in agony for you.
Dear Lord, only by your grace are the grapples of sinful addiction released. Bestow on Jenna’s husband and Jenna an abundance of grace, through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, the angels, and saints, and with mercy please free their family from these crosses. Amen.
Praying for your family,please GOD save her husband from the snares of the devil,who has a hold on him,in JESUS NAME I PRAY
Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Father, please keep careful watch and protect Jenna and her child, and her husband, and please deliver them from this devastating effects of his illness. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
I am so sorry that you have to go through that. I prayed and I beleive that prayer works. But if he stays that way give him that anullment or divorce. Your son doesn’t need to see that growing up. He doesn’t deserve it and neither do you. Beleive me my parents didn’t seperate till I was around 14 and he was an alchoholic. God Bless you .
No activity here from Jenna for 17 days.

I’m very concerned.
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