Husband's "Free Time"

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None of the answers fit. Some days he takes zero hours free time, some days 5 to 6 hours. My husband is an emergency physician who also holds administrative positions. Most of his ER shifts are at night and on weekends. Most of his administrative meetings and duties take place during the day. In between all this he trains for his sport, triathlons, which requires long hours of biking, running and swimming. He fits it in as he is able with his work schedule. Some days he bikes for 4 hours, some days he swims an hour and runs an hour, some days he lifts weights for an hour, some days he’s lucky to sleep 4 hours. I just try to support him whatever kind of day it is!’

P.S. His physical training burns off stress, releases happy endorphins and helps him meet all his responsibilities.
My husbands favorite “alone” time activity is when he reads in the bathroom…Other than that he goes fishing at least 2 times a week for about an hour.
It depends. He works full-time and I’m a full-time grad student, so whichever of us has had the easier day will fuss with dinner while the other relaxes. I’m the more fortunate one in that even though I also have a driving commute to school, I have a 10 min. walk in both the morning and evening between the bus stop and my lab. This is really excellent de-stress time which he doesn’t have, so I try to be mindful of that. That said, I’m the one rushing around in the morning trying to take care of lunches and feed the pets while he sits on the sofa drinking coffee in his PJs, so I don’t feel too badly about asking him to do the dishes or take out the trash in the evening. 🙂
i get about 2-3 hours per night. i need it! mostly after everyones asleep.
I voted for what my dad takes. When he gets home, he usually takes a bit to loosen his office clothes, put his briefcase away, and shift into ‘home’ mode. Then he’ll be doing stuff until after supper is finished and the kitchen is cleaned. Then my sisters and I head off to bed; me and the 16yo going mostly when we feel like it, and the 13yo, as fitting to her age, being made to go to bed, often with loud complaints. 😉 Then he’ll do some more work, if something need to be done, and then reads or watches hockey for awhile. I’d say he’s in the 1-2hour group.

I <3 my dad! 😃
My husband is currently getting 12-15 months free time… in Iraq. (Sarcasm intended)

But when he is home. he can do whatever he want’s after the kids are in bed. Mainly because he only sees them for about two hours a day before they have to be in bed. But it took him a few years of marriage to realize that. And now he want’s to go to bed about an hour after the kids do. So they are in bed at 8 and he’s in bed by 10 at the absolute latest. What a fogey!
My husband craves time to himself. When we were first married, this was a big problem. As he has matured, he has been more sacrificial about this time. That first year was very lonely for me. 😦

My dh loves archery. He says he’d love to shoot three hours every night. But, he gets by on 1/2 hour in the yard or basement target shooting a night with one evening at the archery range.

Now, he takes two of the kids with him to the range. He also is an archery 4-H leader. I love that he is sharing his gift and passion with kids. Sports can be a real self-indulgence if taken to an extreme.

I personally need at least one evening a week all by myself to decompress. And, being an introvert, meetings or Moms Night Out type of getaways drain me more than refresh me.
My husband is currently getting 12-15 months free time… in Iraq. (Sarcasm intended)

But when he is home. he can do whatever he want’s after the kids are in bed. Mainly because he only sees them for about two hours a day before they have to be in bed. But it took him a few years of marriage to realize that. And now he want’s to go to bed about an hour after the kids do. So they are in bed at 8 and he’s in bed by 10 at the absolute latest. What a fogey!
Thank you for your sacrifice. May God shield him from harm and comfort both of you in your separation.
2-3 hours a day. My husband and I are both introverts and free (alone) time is a necessity for us.

Our 11 year old niece lives with us during the school year and we take turns helping her with her homework in the evenings. My husband usually stays up several hours after everyone else has gone to bed so he can get his free time.
My hubby takes about an hour to decompress from work. I feel like he is a better dad because he takes a little bit of time each evening.

I take long baths some evenings while he cares for the kids.So, it all evens out.
My husband is currently getting 12-15 months free time… in Iraq. (Sarcasm intended)

But when he is home. he can do whatever he want’s after the kids are in bed. Mainly because he only sees them for about two hours a day before they have to be in bed. But it took him a few years of marriage to realize that. And now he want’s to go to bed about an hour after the kids do. So they are in bed at 8 and he’s in bed by 10 at the absolute latest. What a fogey!
You, your husband and children are in my prayers! :crossrc:
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