Husbands/wives sleeping apart?

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Just a note to all who mention the extremely loud snoring: This can be a symptom of apnea. Probably those who are snoring are also not getting rested themselves, not getting enough oxygen in their blood levels, to their brain, etc. Not all snorers have apnea, but since it is potentially fatal (can lead to strokes while sleeping), it is worth getting checked for.
Just a note to all who mention the extremely loud snoring: This can be a symptom of apnea. Probably those who are snoring are also not getting rested themselves, not getting enough oxygen in their blood levels, to their brain, etc. Not all snorers have apnea, but since it is potentially fatal (can lead to strokes while sleeping), it is worth getting checked for.
You took the words right off my keyboard! My dh was a loud snorer who gasped a great deal along with it. He was tested for sleep apnea and has a very bad case of it. He actually stopped breathing and then would start up again, which was the gasping I heard. Our doctor said that most people who have it come in to be tested because a spouse notices that their dh/dw stops breathing. For those sleeping apart because of snoring, I’d get my spouse in to be tested before ending up widowed.
True dat on the apnea. Miss Bonnie has apnea, has a CPAP, but refuses to use it. For my part, I also have apnea if I wind up on my back. I always go to sleep on my sides (one or the other) or my stomach, but if I roll onto my back during the night I wake myself up gargling air. Apparently the two of us together sound like a pair of diesel tractors with dirt in the fuel lines. 😛

I always thought cuddling up together at night was one of the best perks of being married! ❤️ :hug3:
jay2 -I am a heat leach at times myself like your wife. DH loves it cold even in the summer with the AC cranked. I have to have my
comforter and an extra blanket if my feet are really freezing.

Teak, I agree, cuddling is one of the BEST perks of marriage. DH loves to do that before he turns over for the rest of the night.

Since when did we conclude that there should be no sex between a groom and his bride?
I think that comment had to do with the comment earlier about not comparing sex to the Eucharist.
Somone else brought up the Theology of the Body, and then someone mentioned St. Paul making the same comparison. However, I don’t think either Theology of the Body or St. Paul was making a sexual exciting comparison.
So, I don’t think we concluded that there should be no sex been the bride and bridegroom… unless I missed it…
I think that comment had to do with the comment earlier about not comparing sex to the Eucharist.
Somone else brought up the Theology of the Body, and then someone mentioned St. Paul making the same comparison. However, I don’t think either Theology of the Body or St. Paul was making a sexual exciting comparison.
So, I don’t think we concluded that there should be no sex been the bride and bridegroom… unless I missed it…
I was the one who suggested a reading of JPII’s Theology of the Body where the analogous relationship between human sexuality(bride and groom) and Eucharist (Christ and Church) was scholarly explained by no less. It’s all there and if some of us want to argue JPII’s teachings, be our guest…
I was the one who suggested a reading of JPII’s Theology of the Body where the analogous relationship between human sexuality(bride and groom) and Eucharist (Christ and Church) was scholarly explained by no less. It’s all there and if some of us want to argue JPII’s teachings, be our guest…
Oh, I understand!
I am still just trying to wrap my mind around how a comparison of the Marriage bed and the Eucharist is wrong…
Oh, I understand!
I am still just trying to wrap my mind around how a comparison of the Marriage bed and the Eucharist is wrong…
Which brings us back to St. Paul’s teachings about the self-giving duties of the husband to the wife and vice-versa. If St Paul is reading this thread, he could be writing another Epistle addressed to married couples sleeping apart.😃
Which brings us back to St. Paul’s teachings about the self-giving duties of the husband to the wife and vice-versa. If St Paul is reading this thread, he could be writing another Epistle addressed to married couples sleeping apart.😃

Can we keep just one thread pure from Chris West, JP2TB, and the other “experts”… and just talk about how us “non-enlightened” folk deal with our spouse-ly sleeping difficulties??

Can we keep just one thread pure from Chris West, JP2TB, and the other “experts”… and just talk about how us “non-enlightened” folk deal with our spouse-ly sleeping difficulties??
Sorry, I’m as unenlightened as anyone here. But it just happened that I share the same bed with my wife. And I can’t help it if this practice is in line with the one being taught by JPII. Do we just limit ourselves with those who practice the art of sleeping apart?

Can we keep just one thread pure from Chris West, JP2TB, and the other “experts”… and just talk about how us “non-enlightened” folk deal with our spouse-ly sleeping difficulties??
Um… people are giving their advice and responding to the OP as they see fit.
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