I just graduated from a graduate program for mental health counseling. I have been a ardent Catholic since high school. I am loyal to the magisterium and am currently working for the Church (have been for years). My graduate program at Rollins College required 10 sessions with a counselor as part of the course work. Reticent to receive counseling from anyone that might not understand the teaching of the Church I asked my priest and spiritual director (now studying in Rome) to suggest a counselor. The counselor that he suggested, and knew well practices, hypnosis, Christian hypnosis.
Again, as many have already said, hypnosis is morally ambiguous. There can be those that misuse it and those that use it to initiate a healing process. All hypnosis sessions I did with my counselor were centered around Catholic themes: giving worries and anxieties to God and repetitions of different Psalms. Again, I trusted this individual after many conversations about faith and what kind of hypnosis he was using (as there are many different types).
In reality hypnosis allows the conscious mind to view the unconscious mind. The calm voice of the professional and the rhythmic repetition of words, causes brain waves to move into a different form of consciousness, namely REM (rapid eye movement). This is what we do with children when we sing and rock them to sleep, although in hypnosis the individual is fully awake and conscious. Most would agree that our dreams show us thoughts and feelings that we are often afraid to look at during conscious moments. Hypnosis allows an individual to move into a REM cycle
while fully conscious and in full faculty of their free will. No one, under hypnosis, can be made to do or think anything that they are not will to do or think.
The main reason I decided to post on this particular thread (and actually had to register although I have been using
catholic.com for years) was because I realized that there is one very very Catholic practice that mirrors hypnosis. The Rosary. We use the rosary as a form of self hypnosis. The use of the bead allows us to not focus on the number of prayers and the Hail Mary becomes a secondary prayer to the meditation of the mysteries of Christ. As I said before, repetition, rhythm, and focusing on key themes are hallmarks for hypnosis. We say the Hail Mary and at the same time we are looking at deeper mysteries. Is this not the apologetics of Mary? Mary leads us to Christ?
Hypnosis is a meager and insufficient substitute for prayer. I would automatically question anyone who comes to me for counseling wanting only hypnosis. It is only a tool to be used by a profession and for a larger purpose. Hypnosis can be used as a tool for uncovering those things we are too scared to look at in conscious moments. It is a means, not an end. If it isn’t leading my client to Christ I won’t use it. To reference back to the original poster of this thread, if the tapes are not leading your family to Christ, then no, they are a waste of time at best. If they help your family to recognize their need for prayer and relationship with the Lord, then by all means use them!