Hypothetical - Contraception related

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John Higgins:
Since this thread concerns the hypothetical, then even with contraception every marital act is, in fact, open to the possibility of life. So, apart from abortifacient contraceptives, what’s the beef?

The difference between NFP and artificial contraception is akin to the difference between controlling your weight (consequence of eating), by reducing how much and when you eat via temperance. Vs. Controlling your weight by becoming bulimic and vomiting up the contents of your stomach after bingeing - partaking of the pleasure then disposing of the product of the act.

Compare that to NFP. In this case we attempt to influence the consequence of sex (pregnancy), by using the virtue of temperance to modify when and how much we have sex, vs. tossing the contents of the condom in the trash after partaking of the pleasure of the act.

Pretty gross analogy, but you can see how one works with the design God has built into us and how the other works contrary to it.

Hello All! Regarding the initial issue of this thread - I agree contraception is always wrong. If the couple uses NFP to determine the infertile phase of their fertility cycle, but during the infertile phase use a condom “just in case” - they are still going against God’s will, saying no to His infinite wisdom, and withholding part of themselves from each other (their fertility) and from God. Thus separating the unitive and procreative aspects of the sacrament of holy matrimony.

I would remind that we are here to love and serve God. Our highest goal is heaven, and to help others get to heaven (especially those related to our life vocations in this scenario marriage and family). Sacrifices must be made - and that definitely includes mastering our sexual concupiscence that is a part of original sin, and is a part of our nature, as humans are sexual beings.

In response to a later post - NFP can be used contraceptively - which is just as immoral as using unnatural means of contraception. The Church teaches that a couple must prayerfully consider their fertility on a monthly (cycle to cycle) basis, and only the couple will be able to discern - through prayer, chastity and sacrifice - if they have “serious and sufficient” reason to avoid pregnancy. For example - wanting to have enough money to send a child to college may not be a serious and sufficient reason to be closed to the blessing of more children; while the health of the spouse may be. Again, only through prayerful and sacrificial consideration can a couple discern this for their sacrament.
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