I worked till the very last minute and literally was timing contractions at my desk. I think everyone was glad when I left to go to the hospital, lol. I didn’t know I was about to be a SAHM so I can’t say I was prepared at all. After I returned to work I was there 1 week before giving my notice.
Anyway, my first came in December and having a winter baby can be tough! Especially when he only weighs 5 lb. 9 oz. So I say don’t get ambitious about getting “out and about” too soon. There will be plenty of time to run errands with her in the spring when it’s a little nicer and not everyone in the community is sick with something (strangers touching the baby happens a lot, yikes).
Think of some things you’ll want to do when it’s down time (she’s fed, just woke up from nap, been holding her for 2 hours, etc). Don’t feel like you have to be feeding, changing, bathing, burping, napping, playing every single minute of your entire day (although this will be most of it) or you may go crazy since it’ll be so different from what you’re used to with working in the workplace. Some things I got going on were a scrapbook/album, organizing stuff (especially files), rearranging stuff, etc. I’m not saying get ambitious, 3 tasks can take 3 months, but I found being at home in the very beginning boring. I love to read and would read a loud to him, but reading to an infant can get old if you surpass 10 minutes.
It’s not a bad idea to let DH have her and you run out and do an errand (when you’re recovered of course). Don’t forget to share the baby with daddy!! (It’s harder if you’re nursing full time since dad can’t do that)
I did end up starting a small playgroup with a neighborhood mom and another lady when he was about 8 months old and that was nice.
Joining Parents As Teachers was good since they have activities you can go to that fit the child’s age.
Best wishes, and congratulations!