Matthew 16:18-19saying anything about a pope
Angel sing songs in Heaven that repeat over and over again, such “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty.” The Rosary isn’t required but it is not against Scripture, in fact, it is a Bible Study on beads.nothing about rosaries
Catholics don’t worship Mary…common false objection non-Catholics have.nothing saying that we worship any God other than Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and yet Catholics see Mary as holy
Then how come Mary was prayed to and venerated in the second century by Greeks? Were they influenced by the Spanish Empire, oh wait…I took a Hispanic cultures course in college many years ago and the two young men basically said straight up that Catholicism took the pagan gods of each local culture and co-opted them in to a Christian “version” - that Quetzelcoatl in Mexico was transformed into Mary, and you would see this pattern repeated all throughout the Spanish Catholic empire.
Subjective experiences have no bearing on truth, especially since this lady presumably left the Church.Catholic’s NDE testimony on YouTube
Not pagan. This is a common false notion called parallelism which is clearly false. What matters is who are we celebrating, which Jesus! We celebrate His birth and His Resurrection on those days. Content matters, not the day itself and what other religions have done.teaching pagan holidays like Xmas and Easter
Catholics agree…you don’t seem to have much knowledge of Catholicism if you say that.Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life - he doesn’t have any peers - just Him.
He already did, through the Church He established in 33CE, the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church. Your arguments against are terrible. And all the arguments you used have been repeated for centuries.Nearly every Catholic knows these. Get something new and original.the Lord will reach you and move mightily
So, God inspired you to know that the 66 books of the Protestant Canon was the true canon of Scripture? Wow! Quite a claim. Never knew that being born-again means then you automatically know the canon of Scripture. I wonder what the Church Father’s would say about that…The way I know that the books of the bible are inspired is by supernatural means - by being born-again which is biblical.
Petros and petra mean the same thing, a rock of any sort. The only difference is one is masucline and one is feminine. Would Jesus give Peter a feminine name? No. Therefore He gave Peter a masculine name which means the same thing as petra. Old argument that has been debunked so many time one can’t even count. If this isn’t convincing, then look at the aramaic, the language Jesus spoke. It says kepha for both terms. Peter is the rock and the only one Jesus is speaking to. Look at the next verse and interpret that in context with this and it is plain to see. St. Peter has the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Read Isaiah 22:22Petros (a detached stone, Jn. 1:42)
Assertions with no substance. Anyone can do a google search and find out your wrong.that any religion that has a religious leader getting comfy with inter-faith worship like the pope has and homosexuality, and not sharing your faith - the pope said as recently as 2019 not to try to convert unbelievers.
Telling a story isn’t lying. If it is, then no one can read Narnia or any fantasy book or fairy tale to their kids. Come on. It’s stories, nothing more.lying to your kids
Yes! He wants to be worshipped in Spirit and truth. But how does that work out? In all the thousands of different protestant churches? Or maybe in the One Church Christ founded in 33CE, the Catholic Church?God IS specific about how He wants to be worshipped
Prayer beads have been used, yes. But not rosary. Rosary beads are specific to Christian prayers. Hence, why Orthodox, Lutherans, Anglicans, and even some Protestants use beads as way to pray. What matters is the content and substance of the prayers, not the beads themselves. Simple.“rosary beads” in different forms
The Pope points to Jesus. Silly argument.and the Pope.
Dangerous assertion! How do you know they haven’t? Must everyone who receives Christ be just like you and think just like? Aren’t some members of the body hands and feet and so on? Don’t assume that everyone must be preachers because you think you should be. If that is their gift then praise God. If not, do not judge.because they haven’t received Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and don’t really believe in what He said
Then why are you arguing the details of Matthew? If you aren’t qualified to teach Scripture, then why try and teach me? Why not go to the ones qualified to teach, Priests, Bishops, Theologians, and the Church Fathers? Do you think you know more about Scripture than the Church Fathers? Such as Ignatius, who said: “Wherever the Bishop is, there is the Catholic Church.” That was second century, and Ignatius was a disciple of Polycarp who was a student of John the Apostle. I think he knows more than either of us.I’m no match for someone who wants to argue intellectually about the details of scripture
Very offensive. Catholicism is very much Christian. Careful where and who you judge, for God will judge you for what you judge others. (Matthew 7:1-5)“Christian”
Mormons claim they have, and yet they believe in the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price…are they right even though they claim the same thing?truth supernaturally
Christ did not call Peter “petros”.Peter being a pope this is what I found regarding this untruth: 1. Peter’s name in the Greek is Petros (a detached stone, Jn. 1:42) but Jesus said the church would be built upon the “rock” or Petra (a mass of rock) - Mt. 16:18.
2. Matthew 16:18 Peter is masculine gender and rock in feminine gender; in context they cannot refer to the same thing. Finally, Jesus Himself said that “all authority” was given to Him both "in heaven and on earth (Mt. 28:18-20).
Wow!The way I know that the books of the bible are inspired is by supernatural means - by being born-again which is biblical.
what bible verse says that?You don’t need a lot of understanding to know the bible is correct without any additional books after you’re born-again
There has been tremendous growth in the number of civil divorces and marriage annulments in the USA. In 1929 about 10 per year, to current times when the number has surpassed 50,000 per year.there has been tremendous growth in the Church.