I am no doctor, but it sounds like your mom needs to see a psychiatrist for the proper medication for her and to help control her mood changes and anger. My husband suffers from both of these and was on Xanax to help him control his anger, but of course, no medication can take it away, the person has a learn to practice self control. From what you are saying, your mom has a traumatic childhood or even an abusive one, and therefore learned all abnormal ways of handling life in general.My mom has always suffered from severe anxiety, and i think it goes to years back to her childhood. She has deep seated guilt, and inner anger, it just surfeces more on those demon pills.
It also sounds to me that you don’t like any medication that is used to reduce anxiety or used to change the mood for you call them “demon pills.” You know some of these mood enhancers do help people with mental illness. If my husband goes off of them, he goes back to the way he was before them and that was a very irrational, angry and bitter person. He is much better now.
I don’t agree with anyone taking the medications that are meant for another especially a controlled substance like Xanax, but you can’t say the medications are the reason for her behaviors for sure. She also, depending on her age, may be going through menopause and that also affects the mood of a woman. What I am trying to say, is that there are many reasons other than these medications. She may as well go to a doctor and he may prescribe the same medication, but if she did have severe mood changes they need to be reported to that doctor and he will either decrease the dose or discontinue it.
I will continue to pray for your mother. I will pray for you too, for the Lord may choose you to help your mother who may need help. Also, people with the behaviors you describe in your mother, are also people who are easily addicted to medications or anything. I know my husband has many addictions and if he eliminates one from his life, like smoking, he picks up another. It is almost his way of handling stress in life. It is what he was taught. Maybe, you mom is also easily addicted to things, like these medicines.