I am disappointed with some Catholics

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But I must say this. I live in an area that is mostly protestant. So I don;t get to meet many Catholics and talk to them. And the ones I do get to talk to don;t like to talk about their faith. They seem intimidated with the subject. This is driving me crazy!!! I can talk to many protestants and they love to talk about their faith. But I have shared my love for the Church with different Catholics in my area but they seem to lack the zeal that I see in Catholics that I talk to on the net. What’s the deal here?? I have even emailed and met a preist in this area and even shared my feelings about the Chruch and he seems to not be the least bit concerned about giving me some attention as far as talking to me about coming to Mass.

Is this a norm? Or is it just bad luck? I wish these Catholics in my area had a portion of the zeal and knowledge of God as I have seen on discussion forums.
I think with many Catholics unfortunatly it is not something they have been taught from the beggining. Because of that they are more private about their faith. That is one of the wonderful things about having a site like this.
I belong to a Catholic Family Ministry called Couples for Christ (CFC) I think they are what you are looking for in the Catholic Church. Our wabsite is www.couplesforchirst.us I did notice that CFC is not in Kentucky yet. HOWEVER, there is no reason that we can’t be there. Read over the website (especially the FAQ) and if this sounds like something you would like to start in your area/parish, please let me know.

God Bless,
Davis Gray
I have been in love with the Catholic Church for awhile. I long to join the Church. I believe the teachings all the way, but am bound right now trying to lead my family there.

I have been zealous for God for years. I have been a passionate student of the Bible and have been in awe with the teachings of the Catechism and Church Fathers ever since I have been studying Catholicism.

But I must say this. I live in an area that is mostly protestant. So I don;t get to meet many Catholics and talk to them. And the ones I do get to talk to don;t like to talk about their faith. They seem intimidated with the subject. This is driving me crazy!!! I can talk to many protestants and they love to talk about their faith. But I have shared my love for the Church with different Catholics in my area but they seem to lack the zeal that I see in Catholics that I talk to on the net. What’s the deal here?? I have even emailed and met a preist in this area and even shared my feelings about the Chruch and he seems to not be the least bit concerned about giving me some attention as far as talking to me about coming to Mass.

Is this a norm? Or is it just bad luck? I wish these Catholics in my area had a portion of the zeal and knowledge of God as I have seen on discussion forums.
i feel disappointed sometimes too:( but you’ve got to pray for those people to have that zeal. Alot aren’t interested and don’t come to church. Just pray for them. And i think that is very good that people like you have that zeal passion. Continue the good work!!
Podo The Hobbit
Well- at least you didn’t say we’re a bunch of phonies.

Best wishes for you and hopefully your family.
Hi all:
This may give you a clue:
Holy Priests - holy people
On Fire Priests - on fire people, ie wicks lit.
People who honestly pray for priests = Holy Priests, eventually.!!!
Look at how young people are drawn to the Holy Father and go out from there, eager to learn.
Start your own group. Don’t be “uppity”, just Pray and study. The Holy Spirit will shine through. In October the “year of the Holy Eucharist” starts. Good time to get out all the Letters and Encyclicals past and present and study them in a group. By the way, you DO NOT need anyone’s permission to study in your home.!! Just do not, I repeat, do not, spend even a sentence on downgrading Priests in your meetings. God wants them and we must pray for them, assuming always that their intentions (sometimes misquided) are good.This is difficult, these days, and I include myself in this admonition (smile).
Our Lady of the Eucharist, pray for us.
Peace on earth to men of good will.
My conversation yesterday with a cradle Catholic friend:

ME–Well, it looks like I’ll be becoming one of you by December. I’m starting RCIA soon.

CC–Oh my God! So I guess this means you’re voting for Kerry, I hope?

–Uh, no. He’s a bad Catholic by most accounts.

–Says who?

–The Church wants to deny him the Eucharist.

–Ahhh. Well, I hope you don’t become one of those wackos.



–Well, I do spend a lot of time on Catholic message boards and they do tend to be pretty conservative.

–Message boards?! Jeez!!! Converts always turn into extremists. I hope you don’t!

–Well, I do have some views I need to work on that would put me in poor standing with the Church. Some would say those views would exclude me from Communion with the Church altogether.

–Ah, don’t worry about all that.

–Well, I wouldn’t want to make a bad Confession or a bad Communion. I’d like to try and avoid mortal sin where I can.

–Oh, please! Just relax!
–Well, I still need to find a sponsor.

–I’ll be your sponsor, buddy.

–Are you in good standing with the Church?

–Of course! Whaddya mean?

–Well, the sheet says a sponsor has to be in good standing with the Church, a regular Communicant, someone who makes Confession regularly and doesn’t engage in activities frowned upon by the Church. Also, you’d have to attend all the RCIA sessions with me.

I have been in love with the Catholic Church for awhile. I long to join the Church. I believe the teachings all the way, but am bound right now trying to lead my family there.

I have been zealous for God for years. I have been a passionate student of the Bible and have been in awe with the teachings of the Catechism and Church Fathers ever since I have been studying Catholicism.

But I must say this. I live in an area that is mostly protestant. So I don;t get to meet many Catholics and talk to them. And the ones I do get to talk to don;t like to talk about their faith. They seem intimidated with the subject. This is driving me crazy!!! I can talk to many protestants and they love to talk about their faith. But I have shared my love for the Church with different Catholics in my area but they seem to lack the zeal that I see in Catholics that I talk to on the net. What’s the deal here?? I have even emailed and met a preist in this area and even shared my feelings about the Chruch and he seems to not be the least bit concerned about giving me some attention as far as talking to me about coming to Mass.

Is this a norm? Or is it just bad luck? I wish these Catholics in my area had a portion of the zeal and knowledge of God as I have seen on discussion forums.
How wonderful that you feel that irrisistible pull of the Truth that exists in the CC. I hope that you and your family soon will be able to join the millions who belong to this mystical, beautiful, wonderful, authentic Church that Christ founded some 2000 + years ago.

I have the same experiences you’re talking about. Yes, it is a strange phenomena. .

Many catholics are just too smug with what they have. Some have had it all their life and don’t realize what they really possess. Just like a child who grows up in a rich family. It does not really appreciate what it has. It takes it all for granted. So it is with too many catholics.

May the Holy Spirit of God the Father and the Son thoroughly establish you and your family in all the right paths and may you arrive safely onto Peter’s barque.

Don’t let catholics who donot like to discuss the Faith be an obstacle in this quest for Truth. Sooner or later God will take care of your situation, and you will just marvel. You’ll find out that God has special plans for you and your family.

May God Bless You.

I have been in love with the Catholic Church for awhile. I long to join the Church. I believe the teachings all the way, but am bound right now trying to lead my family there.

I have been zealous for God for years. I have been a passionate student of the Bible and have been in awe with the teachings of the Catechism and Church Fathers ever since I have been studying Catholicism.

But I must say this. I live in an area that is mostly protestant. So I don;t get to meet many Catholics and talk to them. And the ones I do get to talk to don;t like to talk about their faith. They seem intimidated with the subject. This is driving me crazy!!! I can talk to many protestants and they love to talk about their faith. But I have shared my love for the Church with different Catholics in my area but they seem to lack the zeal that I see in Catholics that I talk to on the net. What’s the deal here?? I have even emailed and met a preist in this area and even shared my feelings about the Chruch and he seems to not be the least bit concerned about giving me some attention as far as talking to me about coming to Mass.

Is this a norm? Or is it just bad luck? I wish these Catholics in my area had a portion of the zeal and knowledge of God as I have seen on discussion forums.
I met a gal in a jewelry store recently who was wearing a huge Crucifix. As a convert, I got so excited to talk with her about “our” faith, she said "yes she is a Catholic, etc. etc. After some more conversation, and explaining my entire Protestant journey, she looked at me and said “I have faith, not religion”.

What more can be said? This might answer your questions as it sure did mine friend!

God Bless You~~
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