Thanks for your time, and any guidance you guys can offer! My life is such a mess right now, and I don’t really know who to turn to.
I’m a new Catholic, just got confirmed last year. I come from a Protestant upbringing, and have been a practicing zen Buddhist for a number of years before discovering the Church after a powerful encounter with what I believe to be the Holy Spirit (long story for another thread).
Anyway, that being said, I’ve only attended mass for about two years, I have no family in the church, no close friends in the church (I’m unmarried with no kids, I’m a 34 year old male hairdresser with bright green hair and gauges in my ears, so I don’t exactly fit in aesthetically with all the nice looking family folk one encounters at mass), and the only three people I know halfway well are the young seminarian who sponsored me for confirmation, who I think now lives in Rome, and the priest and deacon from the parish I got confirmed at. I was in some legal trouble in that town prior to my coming into the church, so I’ve moved to get away from certain people, and I now live an hour away, and am visiting other nearby parishes. I said all that to express, I’m very lonely, have no catholic friends, and have found out good catholic folks don’t exactly warm up to single new converts in their thirties with green hair! And understandably. I’ve led a rough life and it shows, but I am trying to change.
After confirmation last year was very, very lonely. I have nothing in common people my age in the church. I’m still learning. And I kind of quickly fell away when I met a lovely young agnostic girl last summer. Now I’m not lonely anymore, but her living situation was terrible, and I was struggling to pay my bills, and now we live together. I fell away from the church for awhile, but recently I’ve been going to mass again, just sitting quietly in the back, longing to return to the Eucharist that I so briefly was able to participate in last year.
I can’t go to confession. Not like this. To be truly sorry for my living in sin would mean to kick this girl out of my house, who I deeply care about, and agreed to let her live here in the first place. I can’t marry her now either! We’ve been together for seven months! I don’t think any priest would agree to that, and I’d still be living in sin with a civil marriage! And I can’t afford my bills without her help anyway. Not to mention, she’s absolutely precious to me, and loves me very much. But she’s had awful experiences with religion in her childhood, and while she doesn’t have a problem with me praying and going to mass, she gets irritated when I try to talk to her about the lord for too long.
I really need some guidance. I don’t know what to do. I need every aspect of my life to change right now, and I don’t know where to start.
Can anyone relate to this, or offer some advice? I’m really about to fall apart here.
Thank you, and God bless
I’m a new Catholic, just got confirmed last year. I come from a Protestant upbringing, and have been a practicing zen Buddhist for a number of years before discovering the Church after a powerful encounter with what I believe to be the Holy Spirit (long story for another thread).
Anyway, that being said, I’ve only attended mass for about two years, I have no family in the church, no close friends in the church (I’m unmarried with no kids, I’m a 34 year old male hairdresser with bright green hair and gauges in my ears, so I don’t exactly fit in aesthetically with all the nice looking family folk one encounters at mass), and the only three people I know halfway well are the young seminarian who sponsored me for confirmation, who I think now lives in Rome, and the priest and deacon from the parish I got confirmed at. I was in some legal trouble in that town prior to my coming into the church, so I’ve moved to get away from certain people, and I now live an hour away, and am visiting other nearby parishes. I said all that to express, I’m very lonely, have no catholic friends, and have found out good catholic folks don’t exactly warm up to single new converts in their thirties with green hair! And understandably. I’ve led a rough life and it shows, but I am trying to change.
After confirmation last year was very, very lonely. I have nothing in common people my age in the church. I’m still learning. And I kind of quickly fell away when I met a lovely young agnostic girl last summer. Now I’m not lonely anymore, but her living situation was terrible, and I was struggling to pay my bills, and now we live together. I fell away from the church for awhile, but recently I’ve been going to mass again, just sitting quietly in the back, longing to return to the Eucharist that I so briefly was able to participate in last year.
I can’t go to confession. Not like this. To be truly sorry for my living in sin would mean to kick this girl out of my house, who I deeply care about, and agreed to let her live here in the first place. I can’t marry her now either! We’ve been together for seven months! I don’t think any priest would agree to that, and I’d still be living in sin with a civil marriage! And I can’t afford my bills without her help anyway. Not to mention, she’s absolutely precious to me, and loves me very much. But she’s had awful experiences with religion in her childhood, and while she doesn’t have a problem with me praying and going to mass, she gets irritated when I try to talk to her about the lord for too long.
I really need some guidance. I don’t know what to do. I need every aspect of my life to change right now, and I don’t know where to start.
Can anyone relate to this, or offer some advice? I’m really about to fall apart here.
Thank you, and God bless