I am outraged

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Dear friends

We are a Catholic community, the Body of Christ and there is no room for divisiveness! There is no room for personal agenda! There is no room for infighting! There is no room for lack of charity purely to sell one’s own agenda! I am outraged.

Whatever leaning we have spiritually, whatever our personal preferences for rites and for movements within the Church, if they fall under the Majesterium of Rome and are accepted as such in Dogma and Doctrine, by the Holy See, then this is and should be acceptable by all of the Body of Christ that is the Catholic Church. Therefore in my mind it is an abomination to use the differing spiritualities within the Church to infight and wage an inner war within the Body of Christ. It is totally unacceptable to me. I will not be drawn into such debates nor will I take kindly to being the victim of ANY camp which wishes to promote by any means devious or otherwise their own spirituality at the expense of another…where is the respect, love and kindness in that?

We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and I love all as such, NO EXCEPTIONS.

I will not listen to whisperings, nor to any gossip.

This is purely posted so I make my position clear to ALL and I hope I have done that, it is not intended to be a discussion.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

What are you outraged about? Where have people been cutting up others spirituality?
What are you outraged about? Where have people been cutting up others spirituality?
Try wading your way through the Centering Prayer threads . . . :eek:
John 14:2 There are many rooms in my Father’s house

The Tridentine crowd and the Novus Ordo people each seem to think they alone are “correct.”
Ray Marshall said:
John 14:2 There are many rooms in my Father’s house

The Tridentine crowd and the Novus Ordo people each seem to think they alone are “correct.”

Since JPII has pronounced that both the NOvus Ordo and the Tridentine Mass are licit and allowable, and being a “good” catholic requires submission to ponitifical authority, then this should not be an issue.
Well, since the Church is made up of sinners no matter which group(s) we happen to be in, we should all feel right at home.

[courtesy of a very kind and holy priest I saw on EWTN.]

Teresa 9,

You typed close to two hundred words tell every one that YOU ARE OUTRAGED.

You forgot to Tell Us What You Are Outraged About. What’s the matter, Teresa 9? What is wrong? When you go to the Doctor he asks ,“Where does it hurt”? Where do you hurt, Teresa9?
Dear Teresa,

I have a lot of respect for you, because from prior posts I’ve read of yours I sense you truly see beyond the academic and respect people, and in general seem to be more concerned with the Spirit of Christ’s loving commands more than the letter of the written laws. I sense it must hurt you a great deal for you to have used the term “outraged.”

For my own part in a recent relatively “heated” debate, I received a gentle correction via email from a representative of the group I was ostensibly defending. He admonished me to explain things to people who do not understand, but not to defend; rather trust that the Spirit will take care of the “big” picture.

Please accept my apologies for falling into the pettiness. I cannot promise you I will be perfect in the future, but I take your criticism seriously. If you weren’t talking about me then please do me the favor of not telling me so publicly because for purposes of this thread I don’t think it matters if you were talking about me or not.

Since JPII has pronounced that both the NOvus Ordo and the Tridentine Mass are licit and allowable, and being a “good” catholic requires submission to ponitifical authority, then this should not be an issue.
I know some in Tridentine crowd who unfortunately have held on to the belief that Vatican 2 made errors in establishing Novus Ordo…then this is an issue.
Dear Teresa,

For whatever it is worth, I bid you and the other good Catholics goodbye. I was going to stay on the Orthodox thread and see if it may develop into a worthy enterprise of prayer. But it seems, we have more pluralists on the thread than orthodox Catholics. I knew right from the start it had a slim chance of survival. But how can it survive with participants who are not all orthodox? God bless you all and good bye.

The Full Revelation of Catholic Division and Impotence. The supposed Great Renewal of the last half century has, in reality, been the period of the swiftest collapse of Catholicism in history. This is not a surprise to critics of American Pluralism, since the Church, through this false renewal, did nothing more than adopt a version of the Regime’s vision as her guide. She thus suffered all the inevitable consequences of manipulation by “free” men of passion and will, the uncovering of some of whose crimes in the immediate past have weakened her ability to speak the truth with any psychological credibility among the masses of the Catholic population. Recently, the Church has shown some desire to reiterate her understanding of what constitutes a just as opposed to an unjust war, and this in order to try to block the perpetration of other criminally willful actions. Nevertheless, she has merely demonstrated once again the confused witness to the Apostolic Tradition generated by her “renewed” Faith. Instead of providing a forthright condemnation of a blatant case of aggression unleashed by application of the principle of the Triumph of the Will, she has founded much of her opposition to the Iraqi War on her fears for damage to the same Universal Pluralist Religion promoted by the Regime. Moreover, the statements and eloquent silences of her pro-war priests, chaplains, and bishops have again exposed that division and impotence which is her chief contemporary hallmark…

The ‘War of Liberation’: An Unmitigated Catholic Defeat by John C.
Dear sister Teresa. You have every right to be angry for it is rightious anger. I know ive taken part in this debate. Please forgive me as I now repent before the Lord. When I say or do things that bring division into the body I am guilty of sin. I injure the body and that includes you dearest sister. May God be mercyful on my soul. God Bless you sister. 😦
We are a family. Name one family free of some occasional sparring over opinions, stubborness and hurt feelings. (and for all you smarty-pants out there the Holy Family doesn’t count!). At the end of the day if we accept each other with love, even in our disagreement, what more can we do?
My former parish priest gave me some very good advice when first starting out on my spiritual journey. He said, quite simply:

“We are to be fishers of men, not hunters of men.”

Sometimes I think we lose sight of that distinction.
Teresa 9,

You typed close to two hundred words tell every one that YOU ARE OUTRAGED.

You forgot to Tell Us What You Are Outraged About. What’s the matter, Teresa 9? What is wrong? When you go to the Doctor he asks ,“Where does it hurt”? Where do you hurt, Teresa9?
Dear Exporter

I have replied to you question personally in message .

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

This is purely posted so I make my position clear to ALL and I hope I have done that, it is not intended to be a discussion.

Dear friends

This post was not meant to be for open discussion, though I see why people feel they should post and thank you all for your posts. Those concerned KNOW who they are and are in no doubt of what they have said to me personally and overall generally regarding certain matters on the threads on this board.

I am sorry I cannot be more specific, but it is of better integrity to retain the identity of those, but to make it clear in no uncertain terms my position. I am an Orthodox Catholic, but I see that there are many spiritual preferences within the church and as such all those preferences that are within the premise of the Holy See are acceptable to me and I will not be put in any position that contravenes my integrity nor be subject to gossip or having to listen to gossip, nor be dragged into infighting or anything of that nature.

I merely wanted to state my outrage and make clear my position on this. Generally speaking yes, as some have said, we should respect each other’s spirituality because we are all in accordance with Rome.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you all

Dear friends

Some may say I am a pluralist because I love all people, some would say I have a false love of humanity.

Some would say I am more concerned with what other people think than what God thinks, if this was so, would I post my outrage here for all to read? I am absolutely outraged another Catholic can speak to me this way and show so little love themselves.

And if that Catholic is sure that they are doing nothing wrong, then why exist on whispers and gossip behind people’s backs, why not publicly say what they feel if it is so right and true what they have said in much deatil to me and possibly others via email? If it is right what this person says, say it infront of everyone, I WILL NOT HAVE GOSSIP and the LIBEL sent to me in regard of another person/s.

STOP it!!!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friends

Some may say I am a pluralist because I love all people, some would say I have a false love of humanity.

Some would say I am more concerned with what other people think than what God thinks, if this was so, would I post my outrage here for all to read? I am absolutely outraged another Catholic can speak to me this way and show so little love themselves.

And if that Catholic is sure that they are doing nothing wrong, then why exist on whispers and gossip behind people’s backs, why not publicly say what they feel if it is so right and true what they have said in much deatil to me and possibly others via email? If it is right what this person says, say it infront of everyone, I WILL NOT HAVE GOSSIP and the LIBEL sent to me in regard of another person/s.

STOP it!!!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

They may call you a pluralist
, but I call you True Christian, one who has the heart of Christ.It really doesnt matter what people call you, because you know who you are in Christ Jesus. Your actions speak for itself. You see there are many who call themselves Christian but the truth is in fruit that they show.If you cannot walk in Christs Love its meaningless in the eyes of God. This is what christians need to get ahold of. God Bless you .P/s Im praying for you that Christ will remove the hurt and fill you with His Love and Peace.
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