I am outraged

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People are passionate in there beliefs. You cannot tell them to be otherwise.

You are outraged at humanness? You will have a very hard time coping with the world.

Some people just like to argue, and will take the oposing view just for the sport.

Some people just need to be perfectly clear and very precise in what is said.

Yes, sometimes it does get heated, but as they say “If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen”

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But you can’t tell others what to do—that is the moderators job.

whoa… let get a grip… let’s step back from the computer…

let’s remember were all God’s children…

quick somebody get a bat… 😃

remember, were all in this together…

sheese… try this prayer… dreaded demon of caffine, i rebuke you,… now put you head between your leggs…

ok, who’s got the bat… 😃

i think everyone really does care 👍
“Why can’t we all get along” attitude is detrimental to the spirit of the Church. If there’s an error it needs to be corrected. Unity must not be achieved by embracing error. On the contrary, the Church has anathemized errors, cutting the bad branchs from the olive tree.
People are passionate in there beliefs. You cannot tell them to be otherwise.

You are outraged at humanness? You will have a very hard time coping with the world.

Some people just like to argue, and will take the oposing view just for the sport.

Some people just need to be perfectly clear and very precise in what is said.

Yes, sometimes it does get heated, but as they say “If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen”

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But you can’t tell others what to do—that is the moderators job.

Dear friend

Do not mistake my anger and outrage at this incident with an inability to cope 😃 . This needed openly airing and if the person who is doing this would care to comment then this can be aired once and for all and set things straight for future use of the forum, because whilst people are prone to argue, that doesn’t mean that there are no consequences to it. The moderators are aware of it.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

beng said:
“Why can’t we all get along” attitude is detrimental to the spirit of the Church. If there’s an error it needs to be corrected. Unity must not be achieved by embracing error. On the contrary, the Church has anathemized errors, cutting the bad branchs from the olive tree.

Dear friend

Christ is the Prince of Peace. If a person does not seek peace first, with peace foremost in their mind above all pride and agenda, then peace will never come to them, nor to those around them and then this spreads. Peace is born with the first person.

If you understand my rage, I am enraged over HOW people choose to promote their agendas…is gossip and libel the way to promote an agenda? Is it viable to say I am right therefore everyone else is totally wrong? No of course everyone else is not totally wrong…having been in a fight for along time, some people forget how to make peace.

Fighting is not the way to resolve arguments and if you believe it is, then you will never have peace. Peace and an attitude of love brings about peace. Only an hypocrit proves they are right in Christ Jesus by using force and violence of words.

The letter of the law is God’s law and as such dearly loved by me, it is His Will written in words, but the letter of the law is nothing without actions and words of kindness and love, the letter of the law is dead without LOVE and I see very little love in fierce defense and fighting and infighting, I see very little love in gossip and back biting behind other people’s backs. You will never draw anyone to you, less even to Jesus, with such lack of love.

And if you so boldly correct, then expect to be boldly corrected yourself, with as much mercy and kindness you show to others, as what is metered out by you, so will the Lord meter to you also.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

beng said:
“Why can’t we all get along” attitude is detrimental to the spirit of the Church. If there’s an error it needs to be corrected. Unity must not be achieved by embracing error. On the contrary, the Church has anathemized errors, cutting the bad branchs from the olive tree.

**Yeah, well apperantly the Holier than Thou, I’m right and your wrong attitude isn’t all that great either! **

** Where’s the love people?**

If this is something done in PM, it is best left there. If you feel it is that wrong, take ti to the moderators.

Most of us have no idea what you are talking about.
If this is something done in PM, it is best left there. If you feel it is that wrong, take ti to the moderators.

Most of us have no idea what you are talking about.
Dear friend

You have no idea because it is not you! 🙂

God Bless you and much much love and peace to you always x

Dear friend

If you understand my rage, I am enraged over HOW people choose to promote their agendas…is gossip and libel the way to promote an agenda? Is it viable to say I am right therefore everyone else is totally wrong? No of course everyone else is not totally wrong…having been in a fight for along time, some people forget how to make peace.

What if they are totally wrong?
RichT said:
**Yeah, well apperantly the Holier than Thou, I’m right and your wrong attitude isn’t all that great either! **

** Where’s the love people?**


What I have proposed (tongue) is an obvious error. There’s no alternative interpretation from the other party.

If I am indeed right and you are indeed wrong, then there’s actually nothing wrong about that isn’t it?
What if they are totally wrong?
Dear friend

To the expert arguer, what answer should I have? Should I split the hair until it is no longer there, should I trouble my spirit with this , when Christ is not to be found in it any place? Should I continue to argue the grey areas with you about LOVE when there are no grey areas, in love there is only black and white, either no love or love all present in glory and that is Jesus Christ?

There was a man who went to a house and ate all from the plate of their host, then there was a man who went to a house and took only what he thought was his favourite from the plate of the host, then there was a man who was not so hungry, he ate a little to please his host but by no means took much from the plate. None are wrong, they all ate off the plate of righteousness and all had their fill, what is the fill of one is not the fill of another and such is spirituality, all were filled and all enjoyed and made much progress and all came to the Lord.

Your being right is not the fact of righteousness per say, you are right for you, there are many roads to righteousness within our Lord, or would you limit His facets?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

What if they are totally wrong?
That’s easy. You treat them with love, respect, and patience. Oh, yes, and gentleness. Perhaps a little Scripture would help explain:
Gal 6:1-3:
Brothers, even if a person is caught in some transgression, you who are spiritual should correct that one in a gentle spirit, looking to yourself, so that you also may not be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he is deluding himself.
Note that correcting is supposed to be done in a certain way.
2 Tim 2:23-26:
Avoid foolish and ignorant debates, for you know that they breed quarrels. A slave of the Lord should not quarrel, but should be gentle with everyone, able to teach, tolerant, correcting opponents with kindness. It may be that God will grant them repentance that leads to knowledge of the truth, and that they may return to their senses out of the devil’s snare, where they are entrapped by him, for his will.
Again, style matters. To quarrel and be cynical and condescending toward a person whom we think is wrong is not doing God’s work at all. :nope:

Also, I would like to caution you against possible pride in the event that you are truly convinced you know something and someone else is totally wrong about it:
1 Cor 8:
If anyone supposes he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know.
Whoever has ears, let him hear! :hmmm:

That’s easy. You treat them with love, respect, and patience. Oh, yes, and gentleness. Perhaps a little Scripture would help explain:
Note that correcting is supposed to be done in a certain way.
Again, style matters. To quarrel and be cynical and condescending toward a person whom we think is wrong is not doing God’s work at all. :nope:

Also, I would like to caution you against possible pride in the event that you are truly convinced you know something and someone else is totally wrong about it:
Whoever has ears, let him hear! :hmmm:

Alan ,Good Post , You never get in trouble when you follow the Word of God. 👍
As a well known radio talk show host said on the topic of arguing a position (paraphrased);

If you simply ask the right questions often the other person will come to the truth themselves, and will feel much better about it, having “discovered” the truth on their own. Whereas, hitting them over the head with the truth only makes them resist all that much more.

Easily said. Difficult for most of us to do.
Some may say I am a pluralist because I love all people…
Hi Teresa,
I cannot believe that anyone could possibly say such an outrageous thing to you of all people! You exude Christ’s Love!
You are in my prayers,

This thread is now closed. Thanks to all who participated in the discussion.**
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