I am scared of death, please help me!

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I have not tried it, I honestly thought that it worked for a more extreme case; but because of the way I am feeling like you mentioned “overly” scared I think it should work, I just want to feel God’s peace about that topic and stop thinking about it at night.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience ☺️ 💕
And giving me your advice
I have not been diagnosed with insomnia; i usually sleep very well… just these couple of weeks when my fear and anxiety returned is when it has gotten worse.
I do have slept less hours but I can only sleep when I am exhausted of thinking and feeling a very strong fear (rarely it ends with anxiety attacks too), I sleep around 3 or 5 am when I just cant keep going.
Thank you for the reference ! I am reading it right now
Thank you so much; that verse actually helped me feel better 😊
Good night
Hi Lucial,

Welcome to CAF.
I’m sorry you are having these feelings and that your anxiety level is high.
I’m sending you a cyber (((hug))), if that is ok.
Dear friend
My advise to you is read the Bible. Starting now, open your Bible in the book of John (New Testament) and start reading from chapter one. Each day read one chapter, before reading ask the Holy Spirit to teach you, to guide you. God is faithful, He will came to you, and will answer your prayer.
Jesus said “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

As mention speak with a priest for sound advice.

Things will be ok you will see.
When I pray sometimes and ask God a question he tells me, “ keep things simple and do not over complicate matters “.

He’s right. Sometimes we can cause our own problems by over complicating in general.
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I don’t know if anyone mentioned this bible verse yet, but here it is:

1 Corinthians 2: 9,10

"But it is written: “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart what God has prepared for those who love Him, this God has revealed to us through the Spirit.”
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Try to relax and do something to get your mind off of the fear. Definitely talk to a priest. Over time you’ll outgrow this and more rational realizations will come.
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