That does seem to be my situation. I ran far from him.
I honestly love this!As some of you may know I was received into the Church through RCIA. I became very bitter over some things I grew to not agree with. I blamed God and the Church for this bitterness and anger. I became an athiest. I have been truly feeling God pulling on my heart lately. Today I called my parish and scheduled a meeting with my priest. I am very, very sorry for the terrible things I have said on this forum. I rejected the Church and her doctrines. I want to apologize and renounce all the terrible things I have said. I want to fully embrace the Church and all her teachings. I am sorry to any of the fine people of CAF I have offended. Many of the things that the faithful Catholics on this forum have said on here have been instrumental in bringing me to where I am today. I have no doubt God is using many of you. Please forgive me.
Thank you friend it feels good to be home.I honestly love this!Welcome back!!
Thank you. I can certainly use them.How beautiful that you took time to write something so precious and meaningful! May God bless you abundantly! Have peace, you are simply a sinner like the rest of us, in good company! Please be assured of my prayers for your journey.
Wow thank you very much for the kind words. It feels so good to be home.Thanks be to God for your reversion! Doubt, anger, and frustration are natural human emotions that wax and wane for even the best of the Saints (c.f. St. Mother Teresa’s 50 steady years of doubt in the midst of her total consecration to God). That you reacted to this in a constructive way (hashing it out on a forum filled with brothers and sisters in Christ) rather than totally giving into despair demonstrates that you were genuinely seeking Truth rather than confirmation of your doubts.
Because of your honest search Truth came to you. He answered you. The very Truth that is the person of Jesus Christ searched you out, found you, picked you up on his shoulders like the lost sheep you were and carried you back to the flock of 99. And for that we don’t dwell on your prior misgivings but we rejoice with you and the Father himself that you’re safely home. Let’s burn that fatted calf and make burgers cuz wkj_123 is home and we are all the better for it!
Thank you I can use all the prayers I can get.am so very happy to read your post! I can see that this has been a real struggle for you and that you have a wonderful repentive spirit. God is there with open arms and has never taken His eye off you! I’ll pray for your meeting with your Priest - welcome back!
Thank you for your kind words. I will pray for you. Please pray for me as well I can use them.think your beautiful sorrow and apology in this post will help a lot more people than you’ll ever know. This is one of the best posts I’ve ever read on these forums. Thank you for it and for your courage in doing so. God is very much with you. Please pray for me.
I forgive you.I am sorry to any of the fine people of CAF I have offended.