There are nuts in most every bag and other countries too. No, I would not try to engage. I know many fundamental Christians and they to not act that way. Just pray for them. It is possible that they are paid by liberals or are liberals themselves but I doubt it. I often think that online anti-whatever tirades are a set-up as well.I’ve never seen the fire and brimstone types in my life before, but, today on campus, I walked past two elderly women holding signs and screaming that you will go to hell if you have have premarital sex. I feel awful because, a lot of students here are from east Asia and this might be their first impresssion of Christians. It may also turn off other students from Christianity. Now, one of the was holding a staff with a cruxifix on it and, I was thinking, that they might be Catholics because a protestant fundie won’t be caught dead holding one, or, so I’ve heard. So, since we are on the same team, I could try to engage them and offer them insights on better ways to reach out to people, life, websites on the good news of marriage and family. However, they might also be sedevanticists and say that I’m going to hell for going to novus ordo masses. My third idea is that these two are being paid by a liberal group to act like bad stereotypes of Christians to furhter their agenda. I mean, it is a liberal town with a liberal university.
So what should I do, try to engage them in dialogue if they are still there later or ignore them? Either way, I’ll pray for them as that is the obvious answer. Keep in mind that I’m almost 20 and have never put myself in the frying pan before.