
First step to scrupulosusity? Hardley, actually my little list is what helped me in getting over being slightly scrupulous. I think it helps those of us who get very caught up and slightly nervous in the confessional have a little bit of peace and security by helping us to focus on our sins and repentance rather than our impromptu speaking ability.A list? Do you really think God keeps a list? This is the first step on the road of scrupulousity. It really makes Confession a new, but legalistic form of the OT sacrificial atonement for sins, and frankly, I don’t think it makes for a spiritually healthy individual.
If your nervous sometimes its A LOT easier just to know you read what’s on the paper rather than risk rambeling on and on all the while not saying much (which can happen if you have several things to confess or you are just returning to confession.)
For a person like me writing a list forces me to not take the Sacrament lightly… some people may be able to go into church and do a 30 second internal examination of conscience and know exactly what they are going to confess-I am not so blessed, if I were to do that I know I’d end up leaving out important things I should be confessing. Are those forgotten sins forgiven-of course they are; however, habbitually forgetting sins in the confessional and not doing anything to correct that for the next time (I think) shows a disrespect for the Sacrament of Penance…ergo, my list.
Does this mean a list is for everyone? No. But if you’re having problems give it a try.
God Bless,