I do not belive In Allah.

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I do not belive Allah is God. The Priest that baptized me, thinks that Allah might be Satan. I think he is right. God would never tell a human being to murder someone of a different religon. Especially a Catholic that preachs a religon of brotherly love.

I think, no I know Muslims like to come on Catholic Forums and try to lead people away from Catholicism. This is a dangerous schism and they preach the Koran, which says all people who are not muslim are infidels and should be murdered. My Aunt was a nun, said they carried small swords under their cloths at school and she was right. Godbless her. This is a dangerous religon. Maybe All Muslims are not bad but as Catholics alot of us avoid contraversy. We should not be tolerant of this “religon”. Satan is leading us away.

The only time it is right to Kill. Is in protection of life. That day will come when all the grain will be gathered from the Chaff, we might be the ones reaping the harvest.
A friend of mine has a son and daughter in law who live in Africa in area populated by Muslims. Her daughter in law was working in an orphanage. The orphanage policy was that if a baby was not Muslim they would slowly starve it to death. This women did everything she could to stop this practice. She eventually did get an organization to come in and help and now 80 percent of these babies live. Makes me cry just thinking about it. This woman herself could not concieve a child so her anguish over this only made her zeal to stop this even greater. She and her husband have dedicated there lives to helping the people in this area. Keep them in your prayers. Some of us talk the talk but they really walk the walk.

This couple, also, has recently adopted one of these children who was found literally on the side of the road. The proud grandma was showing off a picture of her new granddaughter. What a beautiful child. God bless this family.
I do not belive Allah is God. The Priest that baptized me, thinks that Allah might be Satan.
I take it your priest is not Maronite.:rolleyes:
2 Corinthians 11:12-15: “But what I am doing, I will continue to do, that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds.”

some thoughts from a site i found:
Qur’anic god’s name changes from Ar-Rahman to Allah in the most peculiar place—the Satanic Verses (the dark spirit of the Qur’an is called Ar-Rahman. This idol, whose name was derived from the Persian Devil, was a moon god in Yemen. His name was selected for several reasons, the most important of which is that before Muhammad plagiarized the Jews he pilfered the poetry of the Hanifs—a monotheistic religion that was derived from a Jewish dictator in Yemen just prior to Muhammad’s birth.)
There is a Hebrew word used in Yahweh’s Scripture that is similar to Ilah and Allah. That word is tahillah. It is derived from halal. Tahillah means laudation or praise. When directed at a worthy object it is an admirable thing. When sought out and self proclaimed it lies at the heart of what caused Satan—a word which means “adversary”—to rebel. In the West we know the Devil by the Latin word for light—Lucifer. But the book which introduced this dark spirit to mankind, uses a different name—Heylel. It is derived from halal. (The paleo-Hebrew of Isaiah’s time, the man who first used the name, did not include vowels, and from what we can tell, the “e” and “a” sounds were interchangeable. What scholars transliterate as “Heylel” could just as easily have been, and probably was, “Haylal.”)

The Hebrew “halal” (pronounced, haw-lal’) is like many words in that it has a dual nature—reflecting both good and bad characteristics. It means, “to be clear.” Originally this clarity pertained to sound, or words but it migrated to color, or light. Thus it came to mean “shine.” Isaiah had this meaning in mind when he said that Heylel was the Morning Star, better known as the sun—the principle deity in most cultures throughout history. It is why we know Satan as Lucifer, or light.

There is more to the Hebrew word halal. It means to make a show, to boast, to be clamorous and foolish. Allah’s biggest boast is “Allahu Akbar;” it’s the Islamic Prayer of Fear—the line jihadists shout before each terrorist assault. It means, “Allah is Greatest.” Halal also means to rave and celebrate in rage. This too is haunting in that Muslims are the only people to celebrate murder and mutilation.

At this point, halal’s definition turns considerably more sinister. Contemplate these meanings in the context of the Deceiver: to stultify, deaden, cloud, to blur, reduce and muffle, to assuage, alleviate and diminish. Halal means to feign or falsify one’s self, to be a counterfeit. It means to pretend, to be a fake, a fraud, to make believe and pretend. And this is precisely what Paul said Heylel would do—disguising himself as an angel of light to mislead a false messenger. Halal is also synonymous with Heylel’s title, the Adversary, in that it means to be mad against someone or something.
There is a second Hebrew word, while not a name, is also telling. It is “alah.” It means to “be high,” which is innocuous enough until you look closer. The word also means “dawn” or to “break the day.” In other words the “Morning Star”—Heylel. Interestingly, alah means to burn—a pastime in which Allah is both fixated and expert. In a relatively short book, Allah speaks of the fires or hell, pain, punishment and demons 1,000 times in the Qur’an. It is the most oft repeated rant—one in which Allah is shown asking to be left alone with the inmates of hell so that he can personally inflict the torment of burning.
I take it your priest is not Maronite.:rolleyes:
Perhaps you ought to explain that, for Maronites and Melkites. and other Arabic speaking Christians, the Arabic word simply meaning “God” is Allah – just because that word was taken over by Islam to refer to their God is no reason to change how we refer to the Triune God of Christianity.
Y’know, the notion that Muslims worship the same God as we do is a tough pill for me to swallow.

Yet, the Church in her Catechism says that they indeed worship the same God even though they lack understanding of his nature.

So although they are most deceived by their “prophet” and clerics, because the Church says they worship the same God we do, I assent and submit my mind and will to her teaching authority.

My uncle was telling me about a good friend of his who was moslem, this is in lebanon by the way.
Right before the lebanese civil war broke out between the christians and moslems, tensions were high between the two.
Well… My uncle asked his Moslem friend that, If war broke out would he protect him from the other moslems?
the moslem replied. “of course i would, since you are an infadel i want the honor of killing you myself”

of course my uncle was shocked. ive also heard other stories similar to this one from other family members and friends.

does anyone know if this is true or not???
i belive my family but i didnt know if this was a common islamic practice.
My uncle was telling me about a good friend of his who was moslem, this is in lebanon by the way.
Right before the lebanese civil war broke out between the christians and moslems, tensions were high between the two.
Well… My uncle asked his Moslem friend that, If war broke out would he protect him from the other moslems?
the moslem replied. “of course i would, since you are an infadel i want the honor of killing you myself”

of course my uncle was shocked. ive also heard other stories similar to this one from other family members and friends.

does anyone know if this is true or not???
i belive my family but i didnt know if this was a common islamic practice.
That’s why it’s a tough pill for me to swallow.

It’s very hard for me to see anything good in Islam right now.

For example, if they were to see this post now, some mufti or ayatollah would issue a fatwa for my head.
Love your enemy ! I to dont belive allah is our True GOD but i must defend his church The Catholic church never said that that allah is the one true God but that (these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us theye adore the one merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day) LUKE 6:27 .
God bless his church
God keep Isreal 4evr
There are many fallen angels and demons in the world. Allah is one of them.

Satan (before he understood the true nature of the messiah) offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the Earth to rule…if only Jesus waould worship Satan.

Satan wants to be worshipped: the Muslims are unwittingly obliging him.

Let’s not enable them, shall we
From the Koran…

"Arrest them, besiege them and lie in ambush everywhere." (Sura 9:5).

"Seize them and put them to death wherever you find them, kill them wherever you find them, seek out the enemies of Islam relentlessly." (Sura 4:90).

"Fight them until Islam reigns supreme." (Sura 2:193).

**“Cut off their heads, and cut off the tips of their fingers.” **(Sura 8:12).
As Elohim within me I say to all of you Hold Strong Tell God Take YOU, All OF You ! the devil is in the details !!! OUR God is a God of endless Love truly why would he die for us & rise for us ,truly God loves us. Never give in to the lie of Islam But love those who hate you Tell the end hold Jesus Christ as Lord . Psalm 34:21
I would be careful. It is true that Muslims have been led astray, however the name Allah is not in itself bad. Should we stop referring to “God” because the Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons worship “God” yet understand who “God” is very differently than we do?

Arab Christians have worshipped “Allah” far longer than Muslims. Muslims use the name today, but Christians have used longer still. Allah is simply the Arabic equivalent of the English “God”. Our Catholic brothers in the Maronite, Melkite, and Syrian Catholic Church’s worship “Allah” when speaking in their Arabic tongue.
Do these Catholics worship Satan?
JMJ_Pinoy said:
From the Koran…

"Arrest them, besiege them and lie in ambush everywhere." (Sura 9:5).

"Seize them and put them to death wherever you find them, kill them wherever you find them, seek out the enemies of Islam relentlessly." (Sura 4:90).

"Fight them until Islam reigns supreme." (Sura 2:193).

**“Cut off their heads, and cut off the tips of their fingers.” **(Sura 8:12).

Praise be Allah! Allah Ackbar! (Me in faciscious tone.)

Well as you can see here. Allah is not God Thank Pinoy and me thinks the person with the Mulism friend. SHould find another villiage.
Tom of Assisi:
There are many fallen angels and demons in the world. Allah is one of them.

Satan (before he understood the true nature of the messiah) offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the Earth to rule…if only Jesus waould worship Satan.

Satan wants to be worshipped: the Muslims are **unwittingly **obliging him.

Let’s not enable them, shall we
I have been informed that my language was far too offensive in this post. I apologize to all people of good will across the Earth whom I have offended. I did not me to imply that Muslims are Satanists, nor that Islam is identical to a Satanic cult.

I now know that if anyone worships somthing they call “God” who they admit created the universe, then they are worshipping the Christian God.

Thanks for the education, folks.
In nomine Jesu I offer you all peace,

Is it not possible to recognize Muslims as an organic expression of faithful monotheists under the Covenant of Noah?

Peace, Love and Blessings,
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