It is a very sad fact that we cannot change the past.
The rich man in the story of Lazarus poignantly addresses the outcome of our actions.
What offers hope is that we can change our future and we can do it now.
That God is with us in each and every moment can be known in our hearts.
Even the very limited light that empiricism casts on reality attests to this reality in the form of miracles.
That said, it would seem that in the relativistic world even observational and statistical data can be discounted and denied.
We see in these pages how facts can be distorted to fit nonsensical conclusions which can then be ridiculed.
An interesting parlour trick, a slight of hand openly visible to the audience, hidden only by the magician from himself.
Let’s go over this again:
The conclusion was a joke.
The data however is the data, and this one unique study revealed a correlation between “remote prayer” and improved outcome. Meaningful perhaps, or a statistical fluke.
Prayer is not a tool, some positive energy force, something one does to make one’s situation better. It does not cajole some powerful entity to do what you want.
How the empirically, scientifically derived statistical results make sense is that God initiates the contact. We could stew in our misery, curse this misfortune or that malevolent force, but He calls and we respond with prayer. We engage in a dialogue. In that study, should you choose to believe it, He demonstrates that He is with us, here and everywhere, and that He wants the best for us. We are destined to die, all of us. We cannot get our wish to live in this state forever. This has been prevented. We are meant for something far greater. As He acts here, He acts everywhere and in every time for our good. Within the context of this study, He makes some people healthier in the relative past as He, at a later date, witnesses their last moments on earth. He calls on people at a later date, to pray for strangers, as He in His eternal Now makes those sick persons better. He does all this, as a reminder, a happy Christmas present for those with faith.
To think that God can be of assistance in helping reduce health costs is nonsense. God is not a pawn of big business. You and Brad seem to be the only ones here making that claim and then ridiculing it. I don’t want to say what it sounds like when you say such things.