I have been trying to “figure my life out” for six years now. I’m 22 and I have tried discerning religious life, I “tried” dating (but not really because no one is interested) and I have even tried to be a lay missionary and go on a mission (which I was turned down for). Everywhere I turn, it seems as though I am always met with closed doors. Either I do not feel called or it is clearly not possible. I keep praying and praying for the tide to change and to finally be led somewhere. I just don’t even know what I want anymore. I love Jesus so much but it doesn’t seem like he has anything great in store for me (which I know I shouldn’t be complaining about because he is God and knows what is best). But, I just can help but feel extremely weary, discouraged and restless. I do everything I can and it leads me nowhere. I don’t like just “existing”. I want to make a difference in the world. I want to have done something great with my life when I look back on it in my old age. Right now I feel useless. If anyone could offer any advice or even just prayers I would be very thankful.