I don't know if I should continue this?

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Hello sisters and brothers in Christ,

Recently, with the recommendation of my mom’s friend, I went to see an old man who my mom’s friend claims he has healing powers. However, I’m kind of…skeptical about his way of healing.

When I arrived at the old man’s home, the home had no evidence of the cross, no evidence of the Virgin Mary: just a home with no Christian attributes. The old man put his hands on my head and on my back- but he never made the sign of the cross, nor he didn’t pray to me.

After 30 minutes, he took out this metal device that looks like a pendulum. He put the pendulum on a paper with weird symbols (looked like a combination of circles and a rectangle with a dot in the middle) and the pendulum moved into a certain place. I’m actually not even sure if this a pendulum. It was like a device with a long chain with a triangle point at the bottom.

When he finished use the strange device, he looked at the way that the pendulum moved. He spotted the point where it moved and draw a dotted line, and a straight line. He told me to rip the paper later on. I’m not sure what this is about, though…

After the paper, he told me to eat 9 quails on 9 consecutive days with soybean paste, so one quail per day, and pray at 8pm. I’m kind of… confused and don’t really know if this is related to the healing powers that our Lord gives.

Please let me know what you think. My family and I are worried that this is not related to God.

Thank you everyone! <3
He’s using arbitrary and unscientific methods to heal you. It seems to fall in a similar realm as homeopathy, which is a multi-billion dollar scam industry; many of the practitioners are compassionate but the methods themselves are wildly absurd. It isn’t prudent to continue.

No, I would say that such a thing is definitely not related to God. If you have a health issue see a doctor, if you have a spiritual issue talk to a priest. And place your trust in the Lord through prayer.

Any attribution of supernatural abilities to these absurd superstitious methods is divination and gravely sinful. And if this person claims to have “powers” that definitely sounds like that. As for whatever natural effects, as mentioned above, these methods are unscientific and arbitrary. Stay away.
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Hi P ,can I ask what country are you from?
Also welcome to CAF 😃
Definitely kooky stuff that any normal catholic would keep away from .God bless.
Sometimes strange rituals are meant to suspend disbelief, and that suspended disbelief can lead to an openness and the possibility of faith-- and therefore faith healing. Very long periods of prayer or meditation on the word of God can have that effect, without the Ouija board or whatever that person is using.

However, I personally would recommend skipping the rituals, reading the Bible, and arriving at your faith in a more direct way if you can really feel it.

Try making your own “rituals”-- focus on a crucifix, feel the warmth emanating from it, maybe invite the Lord into your heart or something. Maybe light a couple of candles and do it in the dark to clear your mind.

But be careful, because if the rituals of man supplant the actual faith in God, you’re in big trouble. Maybe better not to do any of this, and just to make sure you get to Church on time! 😃
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Where would you even find a quail?
Much less nine of them!
I am from South Korea. And thank you for the warm welcome!
I’m confused because I hear some Religious go there for healing- so I’m not sure what to do about this situation.
The old man sounds like a quack !
He could be demonic. A witch doctor - look out.
Time to exit. Since you did not know what was going to happen, no fault can be attributed to you, nor will any “ouijia” after affects bother you. But you should leave immediately and do not give in to curiosity by further enquiring or associating with this fellow.
I can understand if you are having health problems wanting to try anything that could help. However, in this case I would try to avoid this. I’ll say a prayer you find some healing soon. God Bless.
get yourself prayed over by a Catholic Priest who has is pious. may be he’s satanist or Freemason,new age.


2 Corinthians 11: 3 But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by its cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure[a] devotion to Christ. 4 For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you submit to it readily enough.12 And what I do I will also continue to do, in order to deny an opportunity to those who want an opportunity to be recognized as our equals in what they boast about. 13 For such boasters are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is not strange if his ministers also disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness. Their end will match their deed

1 Timothy 5:22 Do not ordain[a] anyone hastily, and do not participate in the sins of others; keep yourself pure.

2.3.3. Central themes of the New Age

New Age is not, properly speaking, a religion, but it is interested in what is called “divine”. The essence of New Age is the loose association of the various activities, ideas and people who might validly attract the term. So there is no single articulation of anything like the doctrines of mainstream religions. Despite this, and despite the immense variety within New Age, there are some common points:

– the cosmos is seen as an organic whole
– it is animated by an Energy, which is also identified as the divine Soul or Spirit
– much credence is given to the mediation of various spiritual entities
– humans are capable of ascending to invisible higher spheres, and of controlling their own lives beyond death
– there is held to be a “perennial knowledge” which pre-dates and is superior to all religions and cultures
– people follow enlightened masters…

Occultism: occult (hidden) knowledge, and the hidden forces of the mind and of nature, are at the basis of beliefs and practices linked to a presumed secret “perennial philosophy” derived from ancient Greek magic and alchemy, on the one hand, and Jewish mysticism, on the other. They are kept hidden by a code of secrecy imposed on those initiated into the groups and societies that guard the knowledge and techniques involved. In the 19th century, spiritualism and the Theosophical Society introduced new forms of occultism which have, in turn, influenced various currents in the New Age.
If I were you, here’s what I’d do. I’d forget all the mumbo jumbo and just preheat my oven to 500 degrees. Then I’d rub some quail with olive oil, then sprinkle it with salt and pepper. Put it breast side up in a roasting pan and put it in the oven. After about 10 minutes of roasting, baste with more oil, then continue to roast until done, about 10 minutes more. Then debone the birds and serve hot, with pan juices and a mixture of roasted new baby potatoes. You can’t go wrong. It’s the Colonel’s recipe!

https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ImprobablePoisedDarklingbeetle-size_restricted.gif(image larger than 4096KB)
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Sounds like witchcraft to me. Remember, this type of thing operates on appealing to your imagination, it is not real or true. Stay out of it.
get yourself prayed over by a Catholic Priest who has is pious. may be he’s satanist or Freemason,new age.
Umm so yeah. I have at least two ancestors who were Freemasons and a Great uncle who was a Shriner. And to put the Freemasons as something occultish or on par with satanism, is frankly incorrect.
since you are asking people’s opinion; i’ll offer mine:

it is utter nonsense

please stop wasting your time/money…
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quail is just overpriced chicken

where does anyone even buy it, colonel…?
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