After my first son we went to NFP classes, the whole bit, and I learned the method, and it seems to work, but I don’t like it. I think it’s bad for marriage. I liked it better when I wasn’t obsessed with vaginal discharge. I liked it better when we just had sex like a man and a wife and always knew that there was a chance that we might get pregnant. I would rather have 12 kids and then vow to remain celebate until menopause than continue trying to cheat God and nature month after month, becaus that’s what it feels like. When we got married we weren’t going to use any birth control. We were just going to be a good Catholic family with lots of kids. And now there is all this pressure to use NFP and I can’t stand it. I can’t stand my husband asking me, “will you get pregnant today?” And I’m thinking, “I hope so.” In the classes they always stress a husband respecting his wife’s fertility. What about a wife celebrating her own fertility? I would rather never have sex again than continue to play this stupid game.