Keep in mind, Jesus sent out His disciples in twos. He didn’t send them out alone. Have you ever tried to argue your point even here on CAF without help from at least one other poster? If you have, you know it is difficult to stand alone.
The mormons do not send out their own to travel and try to evangelize in groups of one. They go out in twos.
So you were standing alone last night against someone who was better prepared than yourself.
As someone else said, at least you were defending the TRUTH.
Do not necessarily be afraid to debate with them again. But next time, schedule the meeting, and have someone else who is more knowledgeable about the FACTS of our Faith there with you to help you in the debate.
I know many wonderful, spirit filled Catholics who are not very knowledgable because they have never questioned their faith. That is a wonderful gift from God. We are all equally important in God’s plan.
And He is smiling down on you…along with His Mother…for making a heartfelt attempt at defending His TRUTH and trying to share it with someone else.
The mormons do not send out their own to travel and try to evangelize in groups of one. They go out in twos.
So you were standing alone last night against someone who was better prepared than yourself.
As someone else said, at least you were defending the TRUTH.
Do not necessarily be afraid to debate with them again. But next time, schedule the meeting, and have someone else who is more knowledgeable about the FACTS of our Faith there with you to help you in the debate.
I know many wonderful, spirit filled Catholics who are not very knowledgable because they have never questioned their faith. That is a wonderful gift from God. We are all equally important in God’s plan.
And He is smiling down on you…along with His Mother…for making a heartfelt attempt at defending His TRUTH and trying to share it with someone else.