I failed

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Keep in mind, Jesus sent out His disciples in twos. He didn’t send them out alone. Have you ever tried to argue your point even here on CAF without help from at least one other poster? If you have, you know it is difficult to stand alone.

The mormons do not send out their own to travel and try to evangelize in groups of one. They go out in twos.

So you were standing alone last night against someone who was better prepared than yourself.

As someone else said, at least you were defending the TRUTH.

Do not necessarily be afraid to debate with them again. But next time, schedule the meeting, and have someone else who is more knowledgeable about the FACTS of our Faith there with you to help you in the debate.

I know many wonderful, spirit filled Catholics who are not very knowledgable because they have never questioned their faith. That is a wonderful gift from God. We are all equally important in God’s plan.

And He is smiling down on you…along with His Mother…for making a heartfelt attempt at defending His TRUTH and trying to share it with someone else.
You only failed if your primary goal was to win the debate. If your primary goal was to help, then you couldn’t have failed.

Does that make sense? Whenever we argue with others, our goal should be to lead each other to the truth, not only to prove that what we think is right.
You only failed if your primary goal was to win the debate. If your primary goal was to help, then you couldn’t have failed.

Does that make sense? Whenever we argue with others, our goal should be to lead each other to the truth, not only to prove that what we think is right.
So true, so true.
Another thing to keep in mind is that (If its a public form and there are others around) the goal isn’t so much to convince the person your debating with (Its a nice plus) its the listeners.

I spar with my Best friend who actually just left on his mission. Its hard when you have a whole family breathing down your neck bombarding you with questions. But at the same time it inspires you to learn as much about the faith as possible.

The thing to focus on in a debate with LDS members is proving that there was no “Great Apostasy” and that Apostolic succession still continues
When I was young my dad took me to Coney Island for a day. While we were on the boardwalk we came across an arcade game featuring a live chicken who would play you at tic-tac-toe. (A computer sneakily lowered some feed by a “button”, and by going for the seed he pressed the button and made his “move”).

“Want to try?” Dad asked and plunked a quarter in. Instantly, a huge throng of people assembled from nowhere and watched me play that chicken at tic-tac-toe. Overcome by fear and apprehension, I of course went down in flames and lost. Lost to chicken at tic-tac-toe, I couldn’t believe it! How could you ever lose tic-tac-toe, but under the gun I buckled, to the roaring amusement of the crowd.

It may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play a chicken at tic-tac-toe. I am hungry for a re-match, and blessed redemption, I can tell you! And it may be a rare opportunity to witness successfully to an unbeliever. You grow by dealing with the humilation of failure, and surely your humiliation cannot be as complete as someone who has lost to a chicken, your task was so much more difficult!

Pick yourself up, you did a good thing battling for the Lord! Be eager for the success that might come at the next opportunity! If you fail again, remember this: cluck, cluck! There’s no shame in sharing the good news!
Well everyone, I was witnessing to a Mormon last night and he won the debate. I can’t believe this. I thought I had enough skill to win the debate. It definitely humbled me. But I feel so bad that I failed. Now he probably thinks that Mormonism is more right than ever and it caused me to have doubts. 😦 Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. :signofcross: :gopray2:
The word of the Lord never comes back void or empty. You planted
a seed. Others will water and if the good Lord blesses, faith will

Bless you for standing up for the faith. So many or too many do not.
Well everyone, I was witnessing to a Mormon last night and he won the debate. I can’t believe this. I thought I had enough skill to win the debate. It definitely humbled me. But I feel so bad that I failed. Now he probably thinks that Mormonism is more right than ever and it caused me to have doubts. 😦 Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. :signofcross: :gopray2:
Don’t worry about it. BTW, what arguments did you guys make, if you dont mind me asking. Like what arguments came from both sides of the field? Out of curiosity.
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