I fear we might have entered that time

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Men thinking they’re women and women thinking they’re men, heterosexuality being seen as problematic, appealing to emotion rather than rational arguments, disrespect of one’s own heritage, people indulging in sensuality and no longer thinking of the other, overthrowing of traditional morality, etc. etc. etc. I fear that we might have entered that time.
But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.
For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy,
unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good,
treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
2 Timothy 3:1-4
Our cultures new “morality” is certainly something new under the sun. Yes there has been debaucheries and degenerates all throughout history, but now it has infected the entire culture to an extent I don’t think the world has seen before.
I suspect St. Anthony was referring to cultural trends he was seeing much closer to his time and not intending to prophesy 1700 years into the future.

But indeed I see your point.
Does that matter? And I suspect many of the prophets were also referring to trends of their time, but prophecy has many layers to it.
Trans people have always existed, people have always been sensual and gone against reason, there is nothing new. Look at various pagan societies, and Church Fathers accounts of the morality of their time. See the first book, called Exhortation, by Clement Alexandria. It is much like our own time.
Does that matter? And I suspect many of the prophets were also referring to trends of their time, but prophecy has many layers to it.
I had in mind that pretty much every culture is always bemoaning the debaucheries and immorality of the upcoming generation and where things are going. The ancient Greeks did the same. But indeed, truly, it seems cultural perspectives are really shifting by a large degree in the last few decades, and will continue to do so.
Our cultures new “morality” is certainly something new under the sun. Yes there has been debaucheries and degenerates all throughout history, but now it has infected the entire culture to an extent I don’t think the world has seen before.
Study ancient Rome a bit -.especially around.the fall of.the Empiee. A lot of highly shady stuff going on.
This might be it but all I can say is be not afraid!!! Jesus said, “Be not afraid!”
Men thinking they’re women and women thinking they’re men, heterosexuality being seen as problematic, appealing to emotion rather than rational arguments, disrespect of one’s own heritage, people indulging in sensuality and no longer thinking of the other, overthrowing of traditional morality,
You do realize that there have been many past eras and civilizations where this same stuff went on, right? It wasn’t just invented in the late 20th century.
I suspect St. Anthony was referring to cultural trends he was seeing much closer to his time and not intending to prophesy 1700 years into the future.
I agree. Writing in the 4th century, I think he probably had in mind the Islamization of Egypt in the 7th century.
Thanks, I appreciate this and will delve into it .

Just at a cursory glance, a lot of these examples are more descriptions of cross dressing, and the Balkan virgins are “male” for legal purposes (it’s complicated), but don’t seem to have the gender dysphoria we see nowadays.

But a couple examples bear closer inspection.
Just at a cursory glance, a lot of these examples are more descriptions of cross dressing, and the Balkan virgins are “male” for legal purposes (it’s complicated), but don’t seem to have the gender dysphoria we see nowadays.
I’m sure not all the examples will be exactly what you’re seeking.

I would note that once you enter the world of casting off gender, there are plenty of people who consider themselves trans but for whatever reason don’t want to physically change their bodies through surgery or hormones. They don’t consider themselves any less trans though. It’s not a case of a man who gets kicks by dressing as a woman, they consider themselves women who just happen to have male bodies.
In addition to what Tis_Bearself linked, I see no reason to think that various types of body dysmorphia suddenly came into the world recently. This misalignment of subconscious sex and the flesh I think of as part of the fall.
There are several possible ways to think of it.
One might consider it a mental disorder, in which case there’s no reason to think it’s new, any more than any other mental disorder hasn’t always been with us.

One might also consider it could be caused by hormonal imbalances or genetics, in which case it’s also probably been around as long as humans have.

Finally, to the extent it is caused or encouraged by cultural factors, we’ve had many cultures since mankind began which encouraged gender-bending.
My interest in ancient cases was sparked by another forum I was on where one person said TG was new, and the other person (who presented themself as transgender) posted a reply of about 15 historic cases of transgenderism.

However, the cases were all of women who cross dressed to get into medical school or the military back in the old days.
There’s was no indication that they thought they were really trapped in the wrong body.

So that made me wonder if what we’re seeing now has an historic precedence—feeling trapped in the wrong body, as opposed to gender bending for career opportunities or ceremonial purposes.
I get what you’re saying, but let me give you a tip for trying to predict the end of the world: Don’t.
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