I feel like an evangelizing failure

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Adamski, you commented, “It has been 3 years back in the church and I am at my whits end evangelizing and ideas would be helpful.”

Mary, our blessed mother, gave us a very helpful idea. But this idea of her’s does require trust in her and prayer everyday. I will explain it and you can decide for yourself.

St. Catherine Laboure had a call from Mary to make and distribute her miraculous medal in 1830, in Paris, France. Mary promised great graces to those who wore her medal with trust in her.

10 years later in 1840, in the same house of the same sisters, Mary appeared again to another Sister, Justine, and again Mary gave the sister the design of the green scapular, which again was a gift from Mary, but this time is was aimed at helping with the virtue of faith.

The promises of Mary attached to the green scapular are aimed more specifically at the faith. She said that if the person is unable or unwilling to wear it or carry it, it may even be slipped, unknown to them, into their clothes, bed, room, or possessions etc. There is only one prayer to be said every day: “Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.” The graces received are in proportion to the degree of trust which accompanies the scapular. It is a scapular mainly for conversion, of those who lost faith or those who never had it. Mary said if it is given with confidence, there will be a great number of conversions. Mary was asked by the sister how many conversions to expect, and Mary responded “thousands”. But Mary did stress that it did depend on the confidence in her promise which was most important.

To me, if Mary made a promise, then being a person of her word, it is done when the scapular is given and the prayer is said daily. Mary thought this up herself, and it is a gift from her to help us out, and she is pleased when we use her gift. It is just ideal.

One thing she did’nt say, and that was the exact time when the conversion would take place. So we must be patient and expectant, and let her do the worrying. For she promised and she wouldn’t say this unless she had every intention of doing it.

To go over the requirements:
…have it blessed
…give it with confidence that the faith will be restored or given
…they must receive it and carry it, or if that is not agreeable with them, then it may be slipped, unknown to them, into their clothes, bed, room, or possessions etc.
…say this prayer for them every day: "Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
…also recommended is: keep another one also with you and say the prayer again every day.

You can “google” for a free one.

Be at peace.​

“Bright as the sun, fair as the moon, she reigns, who held within her womb the Word made Flesh.” (hymn)
Since the OP stated that he is struggling in evangelizing to his Baptist wife and Catholic parents, I will like to add that I too am struggling with evangelizing, and sometimes feel like a failure. My family is catholic, but when it comes to the teachings of the church, they appear to cherry pick whatever teachings they see fit. Whenever the topic of masturbation came up (I personally struggle in this area) they said that it isn’t sinful since I am that age group that isn’t mature enough to be completely responsible for their actions, even after I have read the sections in the catechism where it explicitly says that the act is gravelly sinful. They also hold similar views when it comes to drunkenness, and I had a horrible time convincing them that drunkenness is sinful while we were playing a card game.
Sometimes, people close to us are the hardest to evangelize because they get easily defensive
That is exactly is happening to me.

In addition, whenever I hear someone make a low blow remark regarding Jesus and the Church, instead of standing up to the faith, I just keep to myself and say and do nothing.

So, like the OP, I too feel like a failure, though it could be because I don’t know how to properly evangelize and need help myself.
Since the OP stated that he is struggling in evangelizing to his Baptist wife and Catholic parents, I will like to add that I too am struggling with evangelizing, and sometimes feel like a failure. My family is catholic, but when it comes to the teachings of the church, they appear to cherry pick whatever teachings they see fit. Whenever the topic of masturbation came up (I personally struggle in this area) they said that it isn’t sinful since I am that age group that isn’t mature enough to be completely responsible for their actions, even after I have read the sections in the catechism where it explicitly says that the act is gravelly sinful. They also hold similar views when it comes to drunkenness, and I had a horrible time convincing them that drunkenness is sinful while we were playing a card game.

That is exactly is happening to me.

In addition, whenever I hear someone make a low blow remark regarding Jesus and the Church, instead of standing up to the faith, I just keep to myself and say and do nothing.

So, like the OP, I too feel like a failure, though it could be because I don’t know how to properly evangelize and need help myself.
I can suggest one thing, that each time you hear them take God’s name, say “Jesus, I’m so sorry for what they said, and I love you.” Or something like this. It does make a difference.

For example.
One time I was playing golf with three other men (leaving the prefix “gentle” off of men), and when they failed to hit the ball like they wanted, then some sort of ragga-saggen came out of their mouth as if this were going to fix their mistakes. So about the third hole, my ear had had about enough and I was going to walk off the course. Then a thought dawned on me, “what good would that do, because it won’t stop if you walk off”. So I started to appollogize to Jesus every time they took his name. By around the tenth hole, I suddenly realized they were hardly doing it any more. Then the thought hit me how much prayer does help.

Also you might try putting the green scapular in the room somewhere, and then saying the prayer,“Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us now and at the hour of our death.” Ask our dear Lady to do something about it. The miraculous medal is also good for this.

Just do whatever you can, but what you don’t want to do is nothing. Jesus and Mary do not expect you to do miracles, just what you can. Then leave the rest in their hands and you will be surprised what happens.

Be at peace.​

“Blessed they with peaceful spirits. Blessed they with gentle hearts.” (hymn)
=Adamski;10940595]Long story short I left the catholic church because I was taught things by my parents, Sunday school teachers, and even priests that where not catholic teaching Well all of the people that taught me, even the priests have left the church.
Between 18-28 I never went to church
At 28 I read a josh McDowell book that challenged me to read the bible
I read the bible close to 20 times and joined an evangelical church.
At 33 I left the evangelical church because the constant threats of the rapture and end times made me feel uneasy and there where so many people saying thier “saved” but continuing in sin. A thing that pushe me out was I was in a bible study we where asked about the best christian examples we knew and I said my grandmother her sight was healed with prayer and she went to daily mass when she was alive. The pastors brother stood over me and yelled the catholic church is a cult. I know realize after talking to people everyone at this evangelical church was angry at me for having to much of catholic interpitations of scripture which I didn’t even know I had.
The next day I went to mass for the first time in 20 years. I had a number of meetings with an excellent priest who told me about catholic answers and where the local catholic book store was. I quickly learned that the catholic church has no contradictions with the bible or Jesus and I fully embraced the church
Ok that’s my back ground my frustration is I have literally help no one with my evangization.
I was so easy for me once I heard the gospel of Jesus I embraced it and Inge I heard the gospel that he had one church the catholic church I embraced it.
Most of my evangelical friends won’t talk to me any more.
My parents come up with rediculous reasons why they are catholic and they are “good” but openly support gay marriage and abortion My father really bothers me we went to a Larry Richards conference and he took away nothing. We where supposed to write a letter to our parents and children and he didn’t.
My employee left the catholic church for a oneness pentocostal church and no matter what line I show him in the bible he won’t listen
My wife (she’s Baptsit) only had our marriage blessed in the church to appease me she won’t stop using birth control or have my young children baptsized
I tried street evangelizing but I am really burned out going by my self
I feel like I am talking with such clarity and kindness but the only one who listens is my 4 year old daughter who wants to go to mass with me every week.
It has been 3 years back in the church and I am at my whits end evangelizing and ideas would be helpful.

While each of us IS called to evangualization, we ought NOT assume that it means to try to force others to accept our [and therefore God’s Own] Truth:)

**We all ARE to:

Know well our Faith
Live it Fully and publically
Defend it when necessary with charity and clarity [facts]**

PRAY for this Ministry if you feel called to it. God will give you opportunities.

BUT keep in mind we share; we expose and we TEACH BUT ONLY God convetrts:thumbsup:
I feel like I am talking with such clarity and kindness but the only one who listens is my 4 year old daughter who wants to go to mass with me every week.
This is not a bad result at all. Teach her the faith and how to love and serve God, and you will contribute to the growth of His kingdom.

Please don’t feel like a failure. Carry on praying and living a good Christian life. Do what you can to teach other people but don’t be fooled into thinking that it is you who has the power to convert.
How am I faithful if even know I have expressed that birth control goes against all Christian tradtion not just catholic and I still am intimate with my wife. How am I faithful of I have made it clear that my children need to be baptized and my wife wants to wait until the age of 13 for them to decide
Your wife has the freedom to go against God’s will. As I understand correctly you are not sinning here even though she is. As for baptising the children, do you know if the church allows it if one parent is against it? If not - then you are not sinning. If yes - then you have to make a decision about what to do.

Life can be really complicated, things are not always clear cut, relationships can be tricky. We are to navigate these waters to the best of our ability, with God’s help. But please don’t feel guilty and like a failure because of other people’s choices.
God bless you! Welcome back home, first of all!!

Secondly, There is NO such thing as failure, only if you don’t try. God does the rest. So don’t worry! Just have joy in your faith, answer questions when asked, provide loving suggestions when its appropriate and just love, love, love! Just be in the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit will flow out of you to everyone you come in contact with.

Im sure you already live as such, so just have no fear as Blessed Pope John Paul II reminded us.

Don’t worry about all the so called Catholics who spout such unchristian beliefs and attitudes such as acceptance of gay “marriage” or abortion rights. Its nonsense. But we are called to love them.

When we take the Eucharist , remember it is the Communion with our Lord that matters! Our friends and family may be confused and seem to reject the truth, but in Communion you are united with an eternal family that will always be there with you as Christ will be. Plus there a millions around the world, in your parish , perhaps others in your family that are still united in faith with you. The point is you are NOT ALONE!

God bless you, welcome home! Peace love, and JOY!
Adamski, whenever I read of Catholics who went back to Church, I really can identify with that person. I became a lapsed Catholic while in college. Before I went to college I was the Church organist for a few years. It was 25 years or so before I went back to Church. Although lapsed, in my mind I never thought of signing up with the Other churches. The Catholic Church has always been the one true church in my mind. I can only blame myself for being a poor Catholic. Laziness, attraction to pleasures of life etc.

Not everyone is blessed with great evangelical skills or “luck”. As a self-believed introvert, I don’t think I ever evangelized anyone. Not everyone has great oratorical skills, people skills, memory skills or debating skills. I once read that living life as a proper Catholic should is a way of silent evangelizing by showing to others how to live one’s life according to our faith. Impress them enough and they will join you.

Secondly, we might not encounter evangelizing opportunities readily. In where I live, I can not approach a Muslim to spread the Good News. The reverse is permissible.

Thirdly, like a job search, if you do enough interviews, you might get lucky. So it is statistics based.

Fourthly, we need to read up and understand and protect our faith. If we can not defend our faith, how can we move forward? Catholic answers is one of the resources I go to each time I hit a Catholic hurdle.

I think after a few years of self-education, I am at least mentally prepared to discuss with non-Catholics. In the past I have been caught tongue-tied on Catholic practices on occasion. I can tell you, the window of opportunity to defend our Catholic faith is fleeting. You lost the chance to communicate what is our true beliefs to the questioner and convince indirect listeners what is truth and what is falsehood if we are not able to immediately have a plausible answer to a question. I do not have the ability to memorize verses and that becomes a handicap if I do not have answers readily available. To some people, quoting somewhere in the Bible it says this does not sound convincing does it? So my next step is to get myself a tablet of some sort and find a suitable software to link and cross reference relevant materials. Am waiting for prices to fall though.

Lastly, do what you can. There is recognition for effort. Results may vary. Parable of the Talents but I can’t quote chapter and verses. I need to google to pull up the reference. You see what I mean?
Adamski, I was raised by Baptist parents. During my 20’s I thought it was perfectly okay to practice birth control. Then I read a book by a lady Baptist Missionary to China. Her name is Bertha Smith. I don’t remember a great deal about the book or even its title. I do remember that she said that she could not understand couples who say they are willing to follow God, but at the same time are not willing to accept the will of God in their lives concerning children, She said if we say we trust God, then He is able to take care of us and our children.

My mind went back more than thirty years when I read what you said about birth control and that your wife was Baptist. I remembered Miss Bertha Smith and the words of her book where she eloquently had a tremendous affect on my thought process concerning birth control. I thought you might be willing to look in Miss Bertha Smith’s books and try to find the one which I read. I read it 1976 or 1977, this might help you locate the book.

I know you said your wife won’t read anything, but since Miss Bertha Smith was Baptist, it occurred to me that she might read this book.

As far as evangelization is concerned, don’t get frustrated. You don’t have to keep score. God knows your heart and the love you have for His Church and the folks. That is what you will be judged upon and not how many whatever it is you think would prove how hard you are trying.

Just some thoughts.

First of all, thank you for posting. Your just evangelized me without even realizing it! Your story made me love Jesus and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church even more!

Second, evangelizing our family, friends, co-workers and neighbors is about living the faith and being a witness to God’s love and mercy not attacking what they don’t know or the things they do know. You just can’t walk up to someone and say, “Your in the wrong church!” The JW’s do that and although they may gather a few people, the majority are not falling for their empty promises and filling their gathering places where the people are pouring out into the streets because the hall is so packed!

Start by praying for their conversions and let God do all the heavy lifting.

Read and then verbalize what you read either in Scripture, in the CCC (link below) or other great books that show that Jesus did establish one Church and the gates of hell have not prevailed nor will they - Jesus says what He means. With all the scandals in the past, any other church would have crumbled by now and proves that Jesus’ Church is sustained by His Holy Spirit and for the handful of laypeople or religious who fall short to live up to their vows, there are countless others who do live up to their vows.


Book recommendation is “Search and Rescue: How to Bring Your Family and Friends Into or Back Into the Catholic Church” by Patrick Madrid. Also look at these video links:


Mike Cumbie’s conversion story:


Welcome Home!
The links you shared very helpful. Patrick Madrid’s audio series ( available free/EWTN)
God Bless you.
Long story short I left the catholic church because I was taught things by my parents, Sunday school teachers, and even priests that where not catholic teaching Well all of the people that taught me, even the priests have left the church.

Between 18-28 I never went to church
At 28 I read a josh McDowell book that challenged me to read the bible
I read the bible close to 20 times and joined an evangelical church.
At 33 I left the evangelical church because the constant threats of the rapture and end times made me feel uneasy and there where so many people saying thier “saved” but continuing in sin. A thing that pushe me out was I was in a bible study we where asked about the best christian examples we knew and I said my grandmother her sight was healed with prayer and she went to daily mass when she was alive. The pastors brother stood over me and yelled the catholic church is a cult. I know realize after talking to people everyone at this evangelical church was angry at me for having to much of catholic interpitations of scripture which I didn’t even know I had.

The next day I went to mass for the first time in 20 years. I had a number of meetings with an excellent priest who told me about catholic answers and where the local catholic book store was. I quickly learned that the catholic church has no contradictions with the bible or Jesus and I fully embraced the church

Ok that’s my back ground my frustration is I have literally help no one with my evangization.
I was so easy for me once I heard the gospel of Jesus I embraced it and Inge I heard the gospel that he had one church the catholic church I embraced it.

Most of my evangelical friends won’t talk to me any more.

My parents come up with rediculous reasons why they are catholic and they are “good” but openly support gay marriage and abortion My father really bothers me we went to a Larry Richards conference and he took away nothing. We where supposed to write a letter to our parents and children and he didn’t.

My employee left the catholic church for a oneness pentocostal church and no matter what line I show him in the bible he won’t listen

My wife (she’s Baptsit) only had our marriage blessed in the church to appease me she won’t stop using birth control or have my young children baptsized

I tried street evangelizing but I am really burned out going by my self

I feel like I am talking with such clarity and kindness but the only one who listens is my 4 year old daughter who wants to go to mass with me every week.

It has been 3 years back in the church and I am at my whits end evangelizing and ideas would be helpful.
Hi Adamski, please do not be discouraged! I too find it difficult to round up others to do something “bigger and organized”. like we are told all the time more bigger is better, right?
Then it occurred to me one day I could just do something. so now, one of my favorite things is walking our little summer busy town and praying a rosary. or sitting somewhere visible, like near a creek or park but where people are.
I have been inspired by such seemingly little things, so I know Jesus uses little things~
God Bless You.
I am very glad you posted this thread. My own evangelization efforts haven’t been great either. The person who lead me to the church and who I thought was catholic turned out to be an Anglican. I was very sad when I found out. Ever since then, I have had a desire to help Anglicans find the catholic church. I started a very unsuccessful blog and ended up offending my own evangelist. However, I will keep learning and trying to become a better evangelist.
One person who really inspires me is Saint Monica. She was so patient with Saint Augustine and look at what God did with that. Her feast is coming up. Maybe we can make a novena to her. You and your loved ones are in my prayers.
=LoveMercyGrace;10966163]The links you shared very helpful. Patrick Madrid’s audio series ( available free/EWTN)
God Bless you.
a GREAT post:thumbsup:

Thank you
Patrick /PJM
I can’t think of a single person I’ve evangelized in my life. I try to live my Faith as well as possible. What gives me confort is this: we often pray for the conversion of sinners and in Scripture it says, “The Lord added to their number.”

It’s the Lord who gives us our Faith and adds us to the Church, in response to our prayers and sacrifices.
i have know a few people who went into prison ministry-- i 'm sure you can find some catholic location that is engaged in this ministry-- and their are ministry training programs that will assist you –
How am I faithful if even know I have expressed that birth control goes against all Christian tradtion not just catholic and I still am intimate with my wife. How am I faithful of I have made it clear that my children need to be baptized and my wife wants to wait until the age of 13 for them to decide
You are faithful if you love them. The best thing you can do is to continue to love and pray for your wife and children. With regard to the baptism issue - perhaps speak with your Pastor and ask his advice. Is your wife faithful to the Word of God? This is an area in which you, as head of the household, should be obeyed. (But we know how far that goes these days, doesn’t it?) That’s why I say speak to your Pastor and ask his advice.
My wife won’t read anything but it the last three years she has changed her view from anti catholic to feeling that the catholic church is just another denomination that you can find Jesus in.
Our marriage is the best it has ever been.
🙂 Well, there you go! Patience, patience.
Adam, be faithful, let God handle the successes. Pass out miraculous medals and try to find people to street evangelize with you. Then pray and give it to God.
Long story short I left the catholic church because I was taught things by my parents, Sunday school teachers, and even priests that where not catholic teaching Well all of the people that taught me, even the priests have left the church.

Between 18-28 I never went to church
At 28 I read a josh McDowell book that challenged me to read the bible
I read the bible close to 20 times and joined an evangelical church.
At 33 I left the evangelical church because the constant threats of the rapture and end times made me feel uneasy and there where so many people saying thier “saved” but continuing in sin. A thing that pushe me out was I was in a bible study we where asked about the best christian examples we knew and I said my grandmother her sight was healed with prayer and she went to daily mass when she was alive. The pastors brother stood over me and yelled the catholic church is a cult. I know realize after talking to people everyone at this evangelical church was angry at me for having to much of catholic interpitations of scripture which I didn’t even know I had.

The next day I went to mass for the first time in 20 years. I had a number of meetings with an excellent priest who told me about catholic answers and where the local catholic book store was. I quickly learned that the catholic church has no contradictions with the bible or Jesus and I fully embraced the church

Ok that’s my back ground my frustration is I have literally help no one with my evangization.
I was so easy for me once I heard the gospel of Jesus I embraced it and Inge I heard the gospel that he had one church the catholic church I embraced it.

Most of my evangelical friends won’t talk to me any more.

My parents come up with rediculous reasons why they are catholic and they are “good” but openly support gay marriage and abortion My father really bothers me we went to a Larry Richards conference and he took away nothing. We where supposed to write a letter to our parents and children and he didn’t.

My employee left the catholic church for a oneness pentocostal church and no matter what line I show him in the bible he won’t listen

My wife (she’s Baptsit) only had our marriage blessed in the church to appease me she won’t stop using birth control or have my young children baptsized

I tried street evangelizing but I am really burned out going by my self

I feel like I am talking with such clarity and kindness but the only one who listens is my 4 year old daughter who wants to go to mass with me every week.

It has been 3 years back in the church and I am at my whits end evangelizing and ideas would be helpful.

Question: Who [re]converted you?

Was it NOT God the Holy Spirit? 🙂


Pray much for the GIFT of evangualazation. IF God i calling to to be active in this HE WILL make opportunities avail to you. But even then HE DES THE CONVERTING.

We are too:
KNOW WELL our Catholic Faith [What; Why and How we can believe what we do

Live it Fully and publically

Share it when God gives US the opportunity

Defend it with clairty [facts] AND ALWAYS charity

And let God do the hard work.👍


Don’t give up!

Patrick [PJM]
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