I found an article to rebuke falsehood

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That s right this article completly explains how false gospel is today preached

Mind your own busniess so called false gospel to not say nothing is wrong we should shut up and not call out sin yep i to should be quiet about it

but no thank you on this site!
this article is warning to falsehood just as bible tell us what will happen

2 Timothy 4:3 Revised Standard Version (RSV)​

3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings,

of course context here 2 Timothy 4:3 Context: For the time will come when they will not listen to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts;

I am really concerned that s why i wanted to share this
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What is your point? There are 33,000+ denominations in bible Christianity who are all - 100% of them - wrong to a greater or lesser degree.

Far better to correct those who have gone off the rails, huh?
Thats correct the point of this article is to fix false gospel called mind your own busniess for example society is aceeptable of

homosexuality feminism abortion and so much more where people get offended if you tell them its wrong

(Of course we should never go rush at people calling out their sin like protestant do but we do that with humility private)

what do you think of article?
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One thing I have realized over the years, I am not Jesus. I do not have authority over everyone as He did.

Jesus told me to let my light so shine before men that they see my good works and glorify my Father in heaven. He also told me that people will know I am His disciple by my love. My evangelization is important and it is what God has called me to do.

Some people are called to be preachers, they are most often Bishops & Priests, and sometimes lay people (after much discernment with a spiritual director).

This article you linked is an opinion piece, not a theological discourse.
I thought it was a very well written article and deals with a common issue in the church today.

Unfortunately there is this misconception with regards to the “new evangelization” that we are merely supposed to live our faith, but don’t openly share the truth, especially if it means that we have to tell others that they don’t possess the fullness of truth.

This quote from the article sums it up nicely:
So, we settle into a comfortable silence and justify our silence by saying, “Jesus would want me to just love them and pray for them…not to condemn them.” We pride ourselves on our tolerance. Well, Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said that the problem in our country is not the lack of tolerance, but the lack of intolerance. The lack of intolerance for sin and error.
I am very glad that i found someone whu agree with me thank you crusdder13 its good to know that there s someone like a warrior whu defend the faith i mean spiritual warrior
I think it’s a stretch.

The author keeps mentioning cases when Jesus admonishes sinners, including Matthew 23. As has been previously mentioned, we’re not Jesus. In fact, whenever lay people tried to call out sinfulness in others, Jesus usually admonished them for their hypocrisy.

That’s not to say that we don’t call out wrongdoing when we see it. There are doctors who courageously refuse to participate in abortions. There are accountants who refuse to cook the books while under immense pressure to do so. And anti-bullying programs are training bystanders to tell the bully, “Hey, that’s not cool!”

But no, we don’t a free pass to run around finger-pointing at every flaw and sin of others.
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Very true indeed thats why i found an side its great when we see something what s going againts our belief we just tell them that it contradict our faith and explain what s wrong
but don’t openly share the truth,
Where did I say that?

What we don’t do is run about too and fro pointing out the errors of others.
You didn’t. I apologize if my comment was given as a reply to you. I was replying to the OP.

I’m not advocating that we need to attack others for their errors, but there’s no harm in calling an error for what it is.

It’s nearly impossible to evangelize without encountering rebuttals to our faith. If we are to share the beauty and fullness of truth about our Church, then we need to be prepared to answer those who say that what we have is anything but truth!
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