It’s so easy to become an atheist in today’s world. I myself was an atheist for several decades. Some atheists are wicked people, but many, like my girlfriend and me, were rather kindhearted who would surely have loved God with all our souls, heart, mind and strength, and loved our neighbor as ourselves if we discovered there was a God. Moreover, we would have placed great faith in God, feared/had awe of Him, and eagerly do His will throughout eternity.
I can’t say that I highly valued our earthly time together, but during Mass, I felt not only to pray for her soul, but I felt compelled to be willing to suffer for her soul it doing so I interceded for her and got her soul into Heaven. I do not believe that any of us can fully comprehend our soul while here in these earthly bodies, but I felt certain that her soul was wonderful!
Is it possible that God judges these kindhearted “atheist” different from us devout Catholics and saves them according to their potential?
I can’t say that I highly valued our earthly time together, but during Mass, I felt not only to pray for her soul, but I felt compelled to be willing to suffer for her soul it doing so I interceded for her and got her soul into Heaven. I do not believe that any of us can fully comprehend our soul while here in these earthly bodies, but I felt certain that her soul was wonderful!
Is it possible that God judges these kindhearted “atheist” different from us devout Catholics and saves them according to their potential?