You have to really want it. Then you do it. Maybe make a list of the benefits you would hope to achieve by changing this about yourself. Examples: More time and energy to invest in yourself and family, less time feeling bad about yourself, more energy to be kind to those you feel may be judging you (because you are able to discount their judgement), etc. Review your list when you are struggling. Keep your list focused on you, not on others.Tips please, if you can. This has been my struggle in fact.
It really is a discipline, and once you start practicing it, it becomes easy and just a part of who you are that doesn’t require much effort.
I think your first step needs to be awareness. Instead of getting defensive or down on yourself when you feel others are judging you, you need to be aware of what is going on and then have a mantra of some sort that you say to yourself about not caring what they think or say. Fake it till you make it. (if the idea of a mantra isn’t appealing, then maybe a prayer. The idea is to have a repetitive “go-to” that you don’t really have to think much about and that you can “pull out” at any moment.)
When someone attacks me in judgement I just remind myself they have their own issues and I can’t fix them. I focus on myself. It may sound selfish, but self-care is not selfish.
And finally, I try hard to not judge others, either. It is such an easy thing to do…jump to conclusions and assumptions which preclude me from seeing the goodness in others. Again, awareness is everything. This one is a real struggle (sometimes on an hour-to-hour basis during the day)! Somehow, it seems, if you accept yourself being judgemental, it is easier to give others a pass to judge you. It is as if the whole concept of judgement (in that way) becomes more acceptable. So I try to eradicate it from life in every area.
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