Hi. I’m a baptized catholic but I never completed all my sacraments. Recently I fell in love with a lady who is a strict literal Catholic, she reintroduced me to the faith. I started RCIA she was sponsoring me. On one of our classes we were discussing salvation the priest was answering questions and someone asked about other Christian faiths, are they also saved? Father answered I feel sorry for them, at that very moment my girlfriend stood up and walked out.The father went on to expand on his answer about purgatory and judgement. In the end I understood form the discussion that our Father knows us better that we know ourselves he knows where our heart is. On the way home she was livid she kept on saying that the priest was wrong and he wasn’t teaching me anything. I tried my best to point out everything the priest said, yet she wasn’t convinced. The next class topic was should the Bible be taken literally, before the class we were in my home going over a catechism study guide, she said god is angry, I said why would god be angry. This escalated into a shouting match. She walked out and hasn’t returned my calls, So my question are is god angry? Should we live unhappy because everything we do is a sin?
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