I have a copy of ‘The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything’ by Fr. James Martin, SJ. I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet, but from what I have read or heard about this particular Jesuit, it doesn’t seem like he actually stands for Catholic teaching. I will admit I appreciate how he notices how modern media is both fascinated and repulsed by the Catholic Church, but I’ve found things that make me hesitant about reading his work. I’ve heard that he’s supportive of the LGBT community, which I can only assume means he supports same-sex marriage. The other day I was reading a blog post somewhere here on Catholic Answers about a woman complaining that she can’t preach during the liturgy anymore (why she was allowed to do that in the first place, I don’t know) and the post linked to Fr. James’ twitter feed. He said something along the lines, and I’m reinterpreting here, how sad it is that the Church isn’t feminist enough to let a woman preach during Mass. I kind of rolled my eyes at how he asked St. Mary Magdalene to pray for the Church because of this ‘outrage.’ Like, my brother, she wasn’t really a preacher either from my understanding.
My real question is, is the I mentioned above safe to read? Has anyone else read it and what are your thoughts?
My real question is, is the I mentioned above safe to read? Has anyone else read it and what are your thoughts?