I have a few questions for the posters here at CAF

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I have a few questions for the posters here at CAF

· Is it your goal here at CAF to convert others to “your” religion?

· On the other hand, are you merely searching for answers here at CAF?

· If you were to guess, would you think that there has been anybody here at CAF, who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic; or even Atheist to Christian/Catholic?

· If you do, or you do not believe anyone here at CAF, has been converted, please explain why you have that belief?

· Is there anybody here at CAF who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic, if so, please explain how?
I have a few questions for the posters here at CAF

· Is it your goal here at CAF to convert others to “your” religion?


· On the other hand, are you merely searching for answers here at CAF?

I** guess it would depend on what you mean by “answers”, are you asking am I looking for a “meaningful faith” and I might find it at CAF, then the answer is “No” again. Or if the answers I am searching for have to do with understanding how others experience their faith journey and how God impacts their lives…then yes, I am looking for answers…**

· If you were to guess, would you think that there has been anybody here at CAF, who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic; or even Atheist to Christian/Catholic?

That I wouldn’t even guess on…God works in mysterious ways, so an open searching heart may find something here, or at least they may get some direction on where to look.

· If you do, or you do not believe anyone here at CAF, has been converted, please explain why you have that belief?

Again, God works in a myriad of ways…we each respond to the Light Within when our hearts seek for answers…and perhaps a Seeker may find something of value here that would lead them to a deeper experience with the Eternal.

· Is there anybody here at CAF who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic, if so, please explain how?
Hello** Publisher,**

I can appreciate your response and for the most part, I agree with you, everything is by God’s will. However, to be honest, it would make me happy if someone did convert to Catholicism but then again I’m little (or a lot) bias. 😃
I just find it interesting to see what questions are asked and how they are answered. If I can contribute, I do. My purposed in posting is not to convert anyone but to help someone understand Catholic teachings, or share something that worked for me, or sometimes I’m just annoyed at some statement and want to reply to it.
· Is it your goal here at CAF to convert others to “your” religion?
No. I am here for a few resons but none are directly to convert anyone, though I am happy if people become a Christian as a result of being here at CAF.

Reasons I’m here:
  1. I registered cause of errors I saw in what people believed about protestants. My goal wasn’t to convert but to correct bad assumptions.
  2. I stay because there are always more people with weird ideas about protestants. 😛
  3. I also stay because with every topic, I learn more myself. I learn how to defend my faith, I am prompted to research some things more deeply, I learn to express myself better, and I practice being humble, patient, and charitable. (I need the practice too! ;))
· On the other hand, are you merely searching for answers here at CAF?
I’m not really searching for answers though I am open to learning more about Catholics and other religions too.
· If you were to guess, would you think that there has been anybody here at CAF, who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic; or even Atheist to Christian/Catholic?
I believe it’s possible and probably has happened, that people have been swayed both ways here.
I have a few questions for the posters here at CAF

Is it your goal here at CAF to convert others to “your” religion?
Evangelization should always be our goal, to spread the Gospel of Christ and to help people understand the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith. I seem to do that best by just being helpful and supportive for those who are on the journey Home, wherever I happen to bump into them.
On the other hand, are you merely searching for answers here at CAF?
I used to be, now I’m passing it along. 😉
If you were to guess, would you think that there has been anybody here at CAF, who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic; or even Atheist to Christian/Catholic?
Yes, I know quite a few, converts and reverts all over the place. 😛
If you do, or you do not believe anyone here at CAF, has been converted, please explain why you have that belief?
I do believe that CAF is one instrument in the process for many of us because I am proof and I know others here who would attest to this for themselves as well.
Is there anybody here at CAF who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic, if so, please explain how?
:hmmm: I think I said yes already, a couple of times. 😛 But more specifically, I converted from the Fundamentalist/Evangelical traditions to become Catholic. 🙂

I have a few questions for the posters here at CAF

· Is it your goal here at CAF to convert others to “your” religion?

· On the other hand, are you merely searching for answers here at CAF?

· If you were to guess, would you think that there has been anybody here at CAF, who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic; or even Atheist to Christian/Catholic?

· If you do, or you do not believe anyone here at CAF, has been converted, please explain why you have that belief?

· Is there anybody here at CAF who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic, if so, please explain how?
I do not believe that posters here would be converted to Catholicism from their respective religions. I think they may become even more radical in their own religions just so that they are proven right.

But I think those bystanders who are curious and want to look for something Catholic to affirm their own views or those who have nominal knowledge of Catholicism might be profited from what they find here.

I think my contribution here if it’s significant enough, would be to help these few. Thus I feel it is important to speak the truth about our belief and not sugar coating them or wanting to be politically correct.

Honesty, I think, is still the best policy.
I have a few questions for the posters here at CAF

· Is it your goal here at CAF to convert others to “your” religion?
Nope, religion is a very personal thing and I would not want to interfere with someone’s relationship with God.
· On the other hand, are you merely searching for answers here at CAF?
Of course I do. Life is a learning experience, you cant really learn without aking questions.
· If you were to guess, would you think that there has been anybody here at CAF, who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic; or even Atheist to Christian/Catholic?
Probably, its bound to happen.
If you do, or you do not believe anyone here at CAF, has been converted, please explain why you have that belief?
Its bound to happen, people are like that.
· Is there anybody here at CAF who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic, if so, please explain how?
I have a few questions for the posters here at CAF

· Is it your goal here at CAF to convert others to “your” religion?

· On the other hand, are you merely searching for answers here at CAF?

· If you were to guess, would you think that there has been anybody here at CAF, who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic; or even Atheist to Christian/Catholic?

· If you do, or you do not believe anyone here at CAF, has been converted, please explain why you have that belief?

· Is there anybody here at CAF who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic, if so, please explain how?
It is has not been my experience to convert anyone, here at CAF, but to learn more about other view points, and to offer a Catholic perspective.

Many times its having to disprove the many misunderstandings of The Catholic Faith.

At times it becomes difficult, When another has been incorrectly taught about the Catholic faith. Many have been Catholic, and have been taught conflicting views of the Catholic faith. I find this hard to believe, because I am still learning of the Catholic faith, for the rest of my life.

In other words I dont believe one can just learn the Catholic faith, It has to be lived out.

It is conforting to know that Catholics have a forum to expose misconceptions about the faith, and an opportunity to correct these minsconceptions.

I pray and believe that many have been exposed to these Catholic truths, and walk away informed, or on a path to conversion. But no conversion that I know of takes place on the forum.

Planting the seed, and another reaps is the gospel message.

Praise be Jesus Christ both now and forever.
I have a few questions for the posters here at CAF

· Is it your goal here at CAF to convert others to “your” religion?

· On the other hand, are you merely searching for answers here at CAF?

· If you were to guess, would you think that there has been anybody here at CAF, who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic; or even Atheist to Christian/Catholic?

· If you do, or you do not believe anyone here at CAF, has been converted, please explain why you have that belief?

· Is there anybody here at CAF who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic, if so, please explain how?
No forum will open a mind that does not first want to be opened. I joined this forum as a curious and dissatisfied Protestant. The Forum has helped me to find answers to many of the questions I had/have. I am now converting to Catholicism, however the Forum is not the reason I’m converting. I am coverting because I want to be a Catholic, because I need the Church. No Forum or argument could bring me to that realization. I had to come to it by the grace of God.

I really don’t understand why Protestants and Catholics continue to debate Sola Fide and Sola Scriptura. No Protestant will let go of these beliefs because of the reasoning of Catholics. Nor will any Catholic come to embrace them because of the Scriptural arguments of Protestants. So we either do it for pure entertainment or for validation. In either case, I don’t think it’s love.
· Is it your goal here at CAF to convert others to “your” religion? No

· On the other hand, are you merely searching for answers here at CAF? Yes that was my original intent. I find the attacks on Protestants depressing and sometimes feel the need to respond.

· If you were to guess, would you think that there has been anybody here at CAF, who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic; or even Atheist to Christian/Catholic? No

If you do, or you do not believe anyone here at CAF, has been converted, please explain why you have that belief?The Lord works in mysterious ways. I truly doubt that anyone has ever been converted as a result of any debate on here. However, I wouldn’t be surprised to find that the Holy Spirit has used this board to answer questions or to help people overcome objections.·

· Is there anybody here at CAF who has been converted to one side or the other, from Catholic to Protestant or Protestant to Catholic, if so, please explain how?

As I indicated above, I doubt that anyone has ever been truly converted as a result of losing a debate. Most of the threads on this board that I read seem to degenerate into debate and that’s sad.
I just find it interesting to see what questions are asked and how they are answered. If I can contribute, I do. My purposed in posting is not to convert anyone but to help someone understand Catholic teachings, or share something that worked for me, or sometimes I’m just annoyed at some statement and want to reply to it.
…you took the words right out of my mouth…and no i am not plagurising (sic)meatloaf:D
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