I have commited a grave sin!

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Oh my gosh, i cannot believe i did it again. I often have these STORNG urges to fall into this sin i have been doing for a while now. I really just wish i could stop it, i know it is really against the church. When I do the sin, i just say in my head, " God will forgive me, and i do it". The devil took the guilt away from me and after i did it, threw it back onto my sholders, any suggestions on what i can do to stop this grave sin, please help!!!
That’s a problem everyone has, including me, so I know how you feel.
My best advice would be to make use of Our Lady’s Rosary – pray it, hold fast to it when the time of temptation comes;
and most importantly, be still; 'coz the sins come in activities, so when the temptations come, be still, meditate, hold the “scourge of the Devil” – the Holy Rosary – in your hands. 👍
If this happens in your house, put a crucifix in the room it happens it. Whenever you get the urge to sin, look at it.
God will forgive you - get yourself to confession right away! The devil will also tell you it’s useless to confess the sin, because you’ll just do it again anyway - lies! One of the graces of confession is the specific grace to avoid the sins you confess. Once you have fallen into a bad habit, it can take awhile to break free, but don’t lose heart - use the sacraments! Over and over and over…

yea but the thing is, im a lector at church and the priest knows who i am, actually most of the priest know me, and im scared that if i tell him what i do, he will look down on me.
yea but the thing is, im a lector at church and the priest knows who i am, actually most of the priest know me, and im scared that if i tell him what i do, he will look down on me.
Uh, you might be surprised but the aim is absolution. Recieving absolution is the only thing you can do. I struggled with a grave sin for years and in fact, really didn’t know how grave it truly was until last year. It was so embarassing to confess such a sin and I suspect that embarassment is the shadow of pride…which is one of the devil’s most effective tools.

Once I realized the gravity of the matter, I felt compelled to pruge myself of this burden and find the relief of absolution. As fate would have it, I found myself, as if it were merely habitual, falling into the same ocassion and commiting the same offense. Again, I had to stuff my pride in my shoe and seek reconciliation. This went on several times, but I have avoided that particular sin for going on six months now.

It seems that society accepts much of what the Church deems sin, and thus it is truely a battle against the carnal longings of the world to maintain one’s purity. I love how you used the phrase “afraid they would look down on me”, considering that if such sin is unto death, then should it not be far greater to be looked down upon while on earth, than to be looked down upon from those in Heaven? (nudge, nudge…get it?)

I sure can appreciate the struggle you must be enduring because I know how challenging my own struggle it. The Crucifix suggestion is highly effective, especially regarding sins of a sexual nature. I first heard about that technique from a seminary student. I suppose that it hit me that such matters would surely be a serious issue to those young persons who are entering a life of celibacy and struggle with all of the external influences in our world.

I will keep you in my prayers and, please, above all else, go to confession. It would be a far greater damage to your soul to lector and partake of the Eucharist with mortal sin on your soul, than to expose your vounerabilities. A couple of questions do come to mind though…one, if you are a lector and are convicted that you cannot partake of the Eucharist with mortal sin on your soul, then wouldn’t you think that it would be noticable that you aren’t taking communion, and thus folks would suspect something anyway? Two, should it be that in the Church that Christ established, the same Christ who didn’t come for the righteous, but for the sinner, should it be surprising that sometimes these sinners actually sin once in awhile?

Take care.

Yours in Christ, 👍
“… any suggestions on what i can do to stop this grave sin, please help!!!”

First, figure out what things “lead you in the direction of the sin.” These could possibly be what are called the near occasions of sin. It may be easier to avoid those things that can lead you to sin than to actually avoid the sin itself. … Once you get close to the object of the sin it can grab hold of you and distort your judgment.
yea but the thing is, im a lector at church and the priest knows who i am, actually most of the priest know me, and im scared that if i tell him what i do, he will look down on me.
Well, there’s a motivation to avoid the sin in the future! But seriously, your priests have already heard every possible sin from all kinds of people, and they have probably forgotten them all. And they’ll forget yours, too. And in the short space of time between when you confess your sins and when they forget them, they’ll be happy to have freed you from the sins, and they’ll admire your courage and humility for bringing them up.

If that’s not good enough for you, please go to a neighboring parish where you are not known and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. There is nothing more important right now.

Yep…for the more…*ahem…GRAVE sins of the fleshly variety, I go to another parish nearby… I am well known now thru my participation and this is how I choose to deal with the situation… I have found (FOR ME) praying the Rosary EVERYDAY helps MUCH…but like anything else, we are fallen creatures, our minds will wander, temptation will creep up and BAM! I can ACTUALLY FEEL when I am about to begin wrestling with sin…I can fight it off for about 2-3 days after my intial thoughts begin to wander…but fall anyway…I dont cop to…“I am only human”…we are NOT ONLY “human”…we are part spirit as well…BUT, we still have human flesh to contend with… hey…I am still expressing humilty by going to confession, but now that I know the Priest on a personal level…ATE DINNER WITH HIM! I aint gonna confess to him… and I sure am glad we as Catholics are free to choose our confessors! 😉
Well, there’s a motivation to avoid the sin in the future! But seriously, your priests have already heard every possible sin from all kinds of people, and they have probably forgotten them all. And they’ll forget yours, too. And in the short space of time between when you confess your sins and when they forget them, they’ll be happy to have freed you from the sins, and they’ll admire your courage and humility for bringing them up.

Thank you Betsy! I have never thought of it as a way of be admired, but I have thought of it as something many priests really want to give us.

They are our servants that reconcile us with God! We might feel it humiliating, but in reallity it is WONDERFUL What can be done with the GRACE of God?

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: ❤️ :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:


You see, my sin is of a Sexual Nature, I get these strong urges to parake in Sexual activity, and i do. I am truly sorry for what i do. I just dont know how to put into words the sin i have commited.
You see, my sin is of a Sexual Nature, I get these strong urges to parake in Sexual activity, and i do. I am truly sorry for what i do. I just dont know how to put into words the sin i have commited.
Say exactly what you just wrote, and if the priest needs any more information, he’ll ask you. Or you could say, “I sinned against purity with another person” or “I sinned against purity while alone,” and let the priest take it from there. You don’t have to be graphic about this.

Just go to confession. The devil is making up reasons not to. Don’t let him win!!

You see, my sin is of a Sexual Nature, I get these strong urges to parake in Sexual activity, and i do. I am truly sorry for what i do. I just dont know how to put into words the sin i have commited.
Go to church! Light candles for Mary. Pray that she follow you to her Son. Pray in front of the tabernacle. Tell Jesus you are sorry and ask for strengt to go to the confessional.

Pray at home and go to confession.

Confession are not only to reconcile you with God. Remeber it is a sacrament . The meaning is to help you to be stronger to say NO in the future. To start to confess these sins, it the start on a better way to live, slowly, slowly you will be stronger!

I will reccomend this book. It is really good. “Every Catholic needs this book” says one of the books reviewers:


I will pray for you!

God Bless you!

Well everyone, guess what, i just got back from confession!
:clapping: :clapping: :yup: :yup: :dancing: :dancing: :bowdown: :amen:
The thing is, i didn’t feel anything diffrent, i said all i had to say, but its weird, i could only remember the BIG things. I forgot about the little things like lying and things like that, well i do feel like i just took a long shower, and i just ask every1 to pray for me so that i dont commit the sin again.
The main thing you need to do right now is go to confession and go frequently. If you need to go to another church right now, then go. Just so you go and get your soul washed clean. You need the graces that are received through this Sacrament to help you with your temptations. I have gone to a priest for many years who is not of my parish. He became my sole confessor.

In some of Fr. John Corapi’s tapes (available from his web page and very, very excellent!) he says there is a grave difference between sinning frequently of the same sin and confessing it and sinning of the same sin and continuing to sit in the manure of its filth. You sit in something long enough, you come out smelling really bad. Fr. Corapi also recommends the use of sacramentals such as holy water, blessed salt, the rosary, statues, crucifixes, holy images, etc. He says that when you use holy water, wherever you sprinkle it, the blessing attached to it is placed. These help to thwart off the devil. He always says, the devil knows our weaknesses; he is a fallen angel and highly astute. The church provides us with everything we need to get to heaven, but we must make use of them. This is a real battle and you must enter into that battle armed and ready to fight!

May we all pray for those who are held in the pain of this temptation that one day they may be able to break chains that bind them.
Great, you confessed! But, you mention that you didn’t feel any different…well, don’t let what you feel or don’t feel guide you too much, what’s important is that you were truly sorry for your sins, don’t intend to do them again, and will avoid whatever will lead you to sin. Then you should be ok! I too went to confession today, and what a hassle it was to get there before it was over…I just barely made it there. But, it was worth it. Peace.
yea but the thing is, im a lector at church and the priest knows who i am, actually most of the priest know me, and im scared that if i tell him what i do, he will look down on me.
On the contrary, because he knows you he will be more willing to help you in your struggles. If someone you know is hurting, do you push them aside or do you try to comfort & help them? I suppose you could go to confession at a different parish, but I don’t think you will get the loving response of a priest who knows you.

Trust yourself to the compassion and mercy of Our Lord!
, well i do feel like i just took a long shower, and i just ask every1 to pray for me so that i dont commit the sin again.
:yup: Showers are refreshing aren’t they!.

Prayers are sent for you to not commit that sin again and for you to always know were “the shower” is.

God bless you and good luck! :angel1: :gopray2: :getholy:

When I do the sin, i just say in my head, " God will forgive me, and i do it". The devil took the guilt away from me and after i did it, threw it back onto my sholders, any suggestions on what i can do to stop this grave sin, please help!!!
He is the master manipulator isn’t he? You can’t go one on one against the devil. He’s just way to strong for us. You need someone to tame him. I hear there’s a fellow with wings named Michael who’s pretty good at that sort of thing. You’ll also need a really good strong chain, a rosary should do the trick. You’ll also need to get rid of his tools, magazines, movies (caution: he sometimes disguises them as good things, like a day at the beach!) And pick up a few tools of your own, we usually call them sacramentals. This is a war we can win. Never surrender!!
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