I just came up with a new idea of mine for evangelizing non-Catholics!

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Hey everyone! I was reading a PDF version of an issue of This Rock magazine a little bit ago and while doing so, I came up with a brand new idea of mine for evangelizing non-Catholics! What do you do is this: Find articles from Catholic apologetics sites that refute non-Catholic beliefs that are in opposition to Catholic beliefs. Then, print out the article. Finally, give it to the non-Catholic person that you are interested in witnessing to and ask them to read it! If you don’t want them to know who gave it to them, simply slide it under their door, tape it to their door, or put it on their car’s window shield! I think that most people would read these articles out of interest. 🙂 Many people are very open to learning new things anyway so in my opinion, this would be a great idea for evangelizing non-Catholics! And besides, if you do this, you may very well gain some new converts to Catholicism as “brownie points” that God will reward you for in Heaven. 👍

God bless and I hope this helps!
Hey everyone! I was reading a PDF version of an issue of This Rock magazine a little bit ago and while doing so, I came up with a brand new idea of mine for evangelizing non-Catholics! What do you do is this: Find articles from Catholic apologetics sites that refute non-Catholic beliefs that are in opposition to Catholic beliefs. Then, print out the article. Finally, give it to the non-Catholic person that you are interested in witnessing to and ask them to read it! If you don’t want them to know who gave it to them, simply slide it under their door, tape it to their door, or put it on their car’s window shield! I think that most people would read these articles out of interest. 🙂 Many people are very open to learning new things anyway so in my opinion, this would be a great idea for evangelizing non-Catholics! And besides, if you do this, you may very well gain some new converts to Catholicism as “brownie points” that God will reward you for in Heaven. 👍

God bless and I hope this helps!
With much due respect, as a recent convert, I can tell you that the MOST effective witness to the Catholic faith is this (as I had a TON of articles, etc. I read for 15 yrs): A SERENE, PEACEFUL CATHOLIC who witnesses to their faith by their life and the love oozing out of them,. Just as St. Francis said: Preach at all times, and use words when necessary.
I think this could actually make a lot of people angry. Or at least think you might be a bit of a nutter. It is probably better to speak to people in person, and discuss doctrine in a non-confrontational way, if they are interested.

Gretahope offers an excellent response. Witnessing should involve, first and foremost, living your faith. When others observe the vibrancy of Christ in you, they will be attracted to He who inspires your love, gentleness and humility. Perhaps then they will ask questions, at which point it is your task to help them find answers, or to more fully experience the mystery. Mere proselytizing over and against a demonstrated, committed, and lived faith can often do more harm than good.


please be careful out there. many people don’t like people placing things or taping things on their car.

I think you get many points for thinking about the subject. Bless you.
Not a good idea.

As mentioned above, live like a Catholic and when/if the subject of religion comes up in conversation, jump in.

IMO, the best way toe evangelize is to sponsor events in the community.

Perhaps get a booth at the county fair sponsored by your Church. Have an open house at the Church. Walk in a local parade with a sign/float with the Church and hand out fliers for the open house there. Our Church has a neighborhood festival with kids games and a dinner.

Always be open about your faith, but don’t push it on others.

You can be a little more aggressive if know the people, but to strangers you have to be more subtle or they will think you are a Johavh’s Witness.
First of all, I think the idea of using articles such as This Rock’s is a good idea in general but I would stick with only handing it to people in person and asking them to read it (provided you’re already discussing the faith with this person).
Many converts to Catholicism have been turned towards the Church because of a little piece of literature. I can’t remember if it was John Corapi or John Martignoni, but they said don’t ever hesitate to offer someone a piece of Catholic literature (if the opportunity arises) because you never know what it might lead to.

I myself became a revert to the faith as the result of a bit of literature given me by my mother (and as a result of her prayers, prayer should always be the cornerstone of any evangelizing attempt). It didn’t happen overnight after reading the pamphlet, but it planted a seed of curiosity that blossomed within a year.

But I would limit this, as I said, to doing it only in person and asking the person upfront if they would be willing to read it if interested. I’d stay away from secretly leaving it places for people to find simply because of the way people tend to react to that type of thing sometimes.

I have no reason to believe, based on what you’ve written, that you are not already living a good Catholic life and therefore I will refrain from lecturing you on that as other posters have (the tone in some of the posts so far sounds like people are presuming you don’t already witness to people by being a good, kind Catholic and I don’t think it is fair to make such presumptions. I hope you don’t become discouraged by it or let it dampen your enthusiasm to evangelize.)

In conclusion, I definitely agree that it would be a great idea to have a couple This Rock articles handy if you plan on speaking with a friend about the faith.

P.S. I think mcrow’s idea of hosting a booth with Catholic information is a very good one.
With much due respect, as a recent convert, I can tell you that the MOST effective witness to the Catholic faith is this (as I had a TON of articles, etc. I read for 15 yrs): A SERENE, PEACEFUL CATHOLIC who witnesses to their faith by their life and the love oozing out of them,. Just as St. Francis said: Preach at all times, and use words when necessary.
Amen!!! :signofcross: Exactly–two Catholic co-workers helped me.
Holly, ignore the naysayers…that is an excellent idea. St. Francis de Sales is said to have converted some 60,000 people to the Catholic Faith by going door-to-door passing out pamphlets and leaflets, posting them on doors and walls, putting them underneath people’s doors and so on. He obviously did not talk to 60,000 face-to-face, yet he had an impact on them.

Yes, face-to-face evangelization can be more effective, but not always so. Quite often when you’re face-to-face with someone, it causes people’s defensive walls to come up and it can sometimes be more difficult than evangelization through anonymous means. But, I say it’s not an either-or situation, rather it’s a both-and situation. Evangelize face-to-face and anonymously and any other way you can think of.

Either way, you are simply planting seeds. If someone gets angry because a copy of an article on the Pope or on the Crusades or on salvation was put on their windshield…so what? If you’re afraid of someone getting angry with you, then you had better not evangelize, period! The truth quite often gets people mad. Such is life. People got angry at Jesus, too, so you would be in good company. And, when they got angry with Him, did that cause Him to stop evangelizing? No way.

Besides, if I remember correctly, Catholic Answers got started when Karl Keating created his own little tract about the Catholic Faith and put it on the windshields of cars at a local Protestant church (in response to one of that church’s members doing the same thing at Karl’s parish).

So, I find it a bit ironic that people who are posting on a website started by a man who got his apologetics start by putting tracts on people’s windshields, would downplay the effectiveness of putting something on other people’s windshields.

So, you go right ahead and follow through on your idea and if that’s not everyone’s cup of tea, so be it. You just might be the one to start the next Catholic Answers and end up reaching out to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.
Holly, ignore the naysayers…that is an excellent idea. St. Francis de Sales is said to have converted some 60,000 people to the Catholic Faith by going door-to-door passing out pamphlets and leaflets, posting them on doors and walls, putting them underneath people’s doors and so on. He obviously did not talk to 60,000 face-to-face, yet he had an impact on them.

Yes, face-to-face evangelization can be more effective, but not always so. Quite often when you’re face-to-face with someone, it causes people’s defensive walls to come up and it can sometimes be more difficult than evangelization through anonymous means. But, I say it’s not an either-or situation, rather it’s a both-and situation. Evangelize face-to-face and anonymously and any other way you can think of.

Either way, you are simply planting seeds. If someone gets angry because a copy of an article on the Pope or on the Crusades or on salvation was put on their windshield…so what? If you’re afraid of someone getting angry with you, then you had better not evangelize, period! The truth quite often gets people mad. Such is life. People got angry at Jesus, too, so you would be in good company. And, when they got angry with Him, did that cause Him to stop evangelizing? No way.

Besides, if I remember correctly, Catholic Answers got started when Karl Keating created his own little tract about the Catholic Faith and put it on the windshields of cars at a local Protestant church (in response to one of that church’s members doing the same thing at Karl’s parish).

So, I find it a bit ironic that people who are posting on a website started by a man who got his apologetics start by putting tracts on people’s windshields, would downplay the effectiveness of putting something on other people’s windshields.

So, you go right ahead and follow through on your idea and if that’s not everyone’s cup of tea, so be it. You just might be the one to start the next Catholic Answers and end up reaching out to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.
First off, Saint Francis de Sales lived in France 500 years ago. What worked then and there may not work now and here. These days people are used to getting garbage slipped under their windshield wipers and in their doors from “work at home”, lawn/home repair services…ect. Back 500 years ago, going door to door with anything printed was quite interesting to people and a fairly new concept. Also, people didn’t yet have the legendary Jahovah’s Witnesses to ruin the concpt for them.

Karl dopping off leaflets at a Luthern Church is entirely different that just targeting random people. Lutherns at least are: #1- are religious and #2- Christians, so they are not as likely to be offended as the random Atheist or Muslim you might come across would be.

I think this sort of thing can work if you target the right people or let the people come to you like in my county fair booth idea. Just randomly passing out flyers is probably going to do more to push away those with doubts about Catholism than it will to bring them closer.
That’s something of a passive-aggressive approach, IMO. It’s a good idea, but in practice I don’t think it would be very effective.

You really need to put a face to your approach an show what you mean to convey. I used to work at a store that some guy would love to anonymously drop off Chick tracts at. It became annoying, and no one took it seriously.

In the same way, you’re not passing out Chick tracts, but those who receive something under their door or on their windshield will probably be equally annoyed.
Two things: 1) People still read things that are put on their windshields and people still read things that are put on their mailboxes and hung on their doorknobs. If it wasn’t an effective way of advertising, people would have stopped doing it long ago. You may not read things put on your windshield, but a whole lot of people do. My current lawn service folks are my current lawn service folks because they put something on my door and I called to investigate further…so it works!
  1. You actually have no clue as to whether it would be an effective strategy or not…you are simply guessing. Why discourage someone from trying? Catholics often start on the path out of the Church because they read some tract or pamphlet, why can’t someone start on the path into the Church by reading some tract or pamphlet? I know any number of converts who converted not because they were evangelized face-to-face by some Catholic, but because they got ahold of some Catholic material and it intrigued them and they went and found out more.
Now, would a flyer or a tract on someone’s windshield be enough to have them immediately join an RCIA program? No, of course not. But, could it plant a seed with someone and make them want to find out more, or make them more open if they ever do get in a conversation with a Catholic? You bet it could! And that’s what our job is…to sow the seeds. If Holly were to bring a single soul into the Church by leafleting in her area for 10 years, would it be worth it? Absolutely. Our job is to get the information out there, in any and every way possible, it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convert the hearts and minds.

Regarding it being “passive aggressive,” oh, c’mon! You’re being passive aggressive towards someone by caring enough about them to spend your resources in an effort to share information with them that might save their soul?! If that’s the case, then I hope God gives us plenty more passive aggressive Catholics.
John, a tree service or something like that is a totally different thing than dropping off some “preachy” thing in someone’s door.

Will some people read it? Sure, the odds are that some will. I doubt the % would be very high that it would move people to look into the Catholic Church. So, I guess if you are willing to hand out a 1000 of these things to get one person interested, go for it. However, like I said, and being a former Lurthern and knowing several atheists, you are much more likely to push atheists away with something like this.

My point is that the basic idea is good, but in practice you are going to have much more success if you target the right people the right way.

If you knocked on the door and talked with someone and then gave them the letter, that’s going to work a lot better. If people put a face and a voice to it, they will be less likely to label you a “religous nut”. Just dropping off letter on people’s cars or houses may give the impression of being desperate.

I still say that the best way to did it is at community events: A booth at the county fair, Town festivals…ect. This way people can come to you and you can ask people to come over and talk with you. When people don’t feel like they are being harassed the success rate goes way up, particularly among atheists.
With much due respect, as a recent convert, I can tell you that the MOST effective witness to the Catholic faith is this (as I had a TON of articles, etc. I read for 15 yrs): A SERENE, PEACEFUL CATHOLIC who witnesses to their faith by their life and the love oozing out of them,. Just as St. Francis said: Preach at all times, and use words when necessary.
Hear, hear.

I was a seminarian years ago and in the seminary I went to we were required to wear the cassock after tonsure. I’ll never forget an incident that happened to me while I was waiting for a train in Chicago. As I was sitting in the station, quietly reading my breviary, a man walked by me, then turned around and came back, approaching me.

“Excuse me,” he said, “I’m sorry to interrupt your reading, sir, but I just felt the need to say how much I admire you Catholics. I just got off a train where I had my ear chewed off by an Evangelical trying to shove his beliefs at me for an hour and a half. But you Catholic ministers never do that. You don’t pounce on people on trains or come knocking at my front door with literature. You just mind your own business and preach by your quiet example. Thank you!”
Holly you would be better off donating subscriptions to Christian Magazines to your local Public Library — along with subscriptions to other magazines.
Hear, hear.

I was a seminarian years ago and in the seminary I went to we were required to wear the cassock after tonsure. I’ll never forget an incident that happened to me while I was waiting for a train in Chicago. As I was sitting in the station, quietly reading my breviary, a man walked by me, then turned around and came back, approaching me.

“Excuse me,” he said, “I’m sorry to interrupt your reading, sir, but I just felt the need to say how much I admire you Catholics. I just got off a train where I had my ear chewed off by an Evangelical trying to shove his beliefs at me for an hour and a half. But you Catholic ministers never do that. You don’t pounce on people on trains or come knocking at my front door with literature. You just mind your own business and preach by your quiet example. Thank you!”

Granted, I think we need to be a little more direct than just being a good example but the sentiment is correct. My experience is that people these days can be very touchy about full frontal evangelists and a less direct strategy works best.

Integrate the evangelism into the community as much as possible, make sure people know the church is there and that they are wanted and that you are there to help if they are intertested.

Getting someone to convert to the Catholic faith is a lot like getting an alcoholic to seek treatment. You have two options: Force them (not an acceptable option) or wait for them to admit they have a problem.

You can keep pointing out that they have a problem and givning them hints but unless you have an intervention or they seek help, they are not likely to quit.

Not only that but repeatedly point out the problem can just aggrivate things.

At some point you have to just let them come to you and know that you will help them.

Not that I think being non-catholic is the same as being an alcoholic but just as an example.
Sorry, but we don’t “get someone to convert to the Catholic faith,” the Holy Spirit does that. Our job is to throw out the seeds. And, Holly’s idea is an excellent example of doing just that. I really don’t understand why all of you are making it an either/or situation - that’s very Protestant-think of you. Why can’t you just encourage her to run with her idea and see if it bears any fruit? Why do all of you have to be so discouraging to her? Don’t you have any faith in the Holy Spirit and what He can do with someone who is willing to throw out some seeds? Shame, shame. I’ll bet there aren’t any marketing people among you, are there? Mcrow, why are you so afraid of “pushing away” atheists? They’re about as far away as they can get already. Sorry, but I don’t at all understand the mindset of any Catholic who discourages a fellow Catholic from evangelizing. If we don’t spread the truth in every way available to us, for fear of offending someone, then we are limiting the ways in which the Holy Spirit can use us. Again, Holly, I say excellent idea and bravo!
Because a loud blessing in the morn is viewed as a curse.

stuff pushed under windshields is view as trash in our culture and is discarded, not read.

When was the last ten times you heard of someone being “saved” by literature put on their windshield?
Big Dummy, three points in response:
  1. Obviously you’re not reading what I wrote. I have made the point, based on my personal experience and the experience of others, that a great number of people do indeed read things that are left on their windshields, mailboxes, and/or doorknobs. I have my particular lawn service because of just such a marketing approach. A friend of mine has their plumber because of just such a marketing approach. If this approach didn’t work, then no one would do those things anymore. Yet, people still do those things. Makes you wonder why if nobody reads them, doesn’t it?
  2. No one is going to be “saved” by reading something left on their windshield, mailbox, and/or door. But, that is not the point. We don’t save anyone…the Holy Spirit does. Our job is to plant the seeds. And, leafleting can indeed plant some seeds. Do you believe the Holy Spirit can use Holly to plant the seeds of the faith, to maybe stir up a little curiousity about the Catholic Faith, by putting articles about the Catholic Faith on people’s windshields, mailboxes, and/or doors? If you don’t believe He can, then why do you even bother with anything? If you do believe He can, then why so pessimistic and dismissive?
  3. What harm is it to you if Holly follows through on her idea? What if there is the possibility of one soul coming into the Catholic Faith and receiving the Sacraments because of Holly doing something like this. Would one soul be worth her effort? Yes or no?
Again, I don’t understand why anyone would tell any Catholic who is excited about some evangelization project that it is a waste of time and discourage them from doing whatever they can to spread the Faith. Why can you not just say, “Hey, Holly…go for it! If even one soul is brought closer to Christ through your efforts it will all be worth it!” Why can’t you say that instead of, “you would be better off donating subscriptions to Christian Magazines to your local Public Library?” As Donald Sutherland said to Gavin McLeod, “What’s with the negative waves, Moriarity?”
I am a convert and as a Protestant one of the ways I tried to get my family out of the Catholic Church was to read things about what Catholics believed so that I could better counter act the lies that I thought Catholics believed. I finally came to see the Truth of the Catholic Church because a Priest gave me the book Surprised by the Truth. Literature does work!

As a Catholic, I like to hand out pamphlets. You can’t talk over a pamphlet or argue with a pamphlet. Sometimes pamphlets offer quick clear defenses of our faith that really cut to the bone. I especially find pamphlets that use Scripture to defend of our Catholic faith to be the most effective with Protestant friends. I find that these pamphlets are also helpful to my Catholic friends who are confronted with Protestant claims against our Catholic faith.

pjpiisoe.org Is a great site where you can download and print pamphlets for free. My favorites are “Justification by Grace: Not by FaithAlone” (Pamphlet 068) and “Sola Scriptura? Not According to the Bible” (Pamphlet 195)
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