I just realized something about abortion

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I was thinking about how some pro abortionists say it’s not killing because they’re not people. But then it occurred to me, even if they weren’t, they will be, therefore even by their logic you are killing someone by killing a future someone. I hadn’t heard anyone point this out, have you?
Every human being has this potentiality to grow and develop, even if it’s the development of some sag, like I have around my waist.
The violinist analogy is a terrible one for many reasons that have been posted here in the past.

Deciding who lives and dies based on an arbitrary man made criteria like “personhood” is also dangerous.
Yes, the violinist analogy is debated way too much as if it has any substance whatsoever. It is one of the weakest pro abortion arguments there are.

The best pro abortion argument is the honest one:
“Individuals should have the power of life and death over weaker individuals”
That’s honest. I can respect honesty even if the argument is barbaric.
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Just out of curiosity, if you are already in a discussion about abortion, how would the person feel about China, that allows couples to find out the sex of the baby and abort girls. With the one child per couple government policy, couples have overwhelmingly chose to have a boy.
From what I’ve read China has discovered that death does not solve life’s problems and they are taking some steps to appreciate the value of women.
The question is do we, as a society want to confer personhood and legal protections to the unborn and at what stage
No. The question is are we willing to recognise that all members of the species homo sapiens have equal intrinsic value, and that a legitimate government must protect the right to life of the weakest, most vulnerable and most innocent of us all.
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With the one child per couple government policy, couples have overwhelmingly chose to have a boy.
China’s strict one-child policy ended in 2016.

Only 9 states in the US ban gender-selection abortion. It is also allowed in much of the world.

Using that logic you are killing a future someone every time you choose not to get pregnant but could.
A thought: Pregnancy would appear to begin at fertilization. Choice against becoming pregnant would avoid fertilization and thus no pregnancy. Nothing to abort. (No birth control argument here. Just going with the idea. Birth control would not terminate a pregnancy when one never occurred.)
I hold no opinion pro or against life. I “have no dog in the fight” as it were. I don’t feel it is my place to do anything there.
Dominus vobiscum
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But the op said even if they weren’t they WILL be people. Not that they ARE people at fertilization. So every time you would create life but don’t you would be Guilty
I guess if we extend this to include a woman’s fertility cycle, every month that she is not pregnant, she would be guilty as well? Ability, no conception but “could have been”. (A wasted egg maybe.)
Dominus vobiscum
P.S. what happened to the site just now going to “read only?”
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No nursing student or doctor here, but that would seem to make sense from a science standpoint. Fertilized eggs often do not implant and are passed naturally from the woman.

Without implantation it can not develop. Without proper implantation, can cause death to the mother.
But the op said even if they weren’t they WILL be people. Not that they ARE people at fertilization. So every time you would create life but don’t you would be Guilty
he was taking a devil’s advocate position to say that even if one is unwilling to recognize the humanity of er…the human in the womb, you should still be able to recognize that it shares the gift of full human potentiality.

You seem to be saying that intention to “create” is what makes one human. (pro-create would be the better word)
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No. I’m simply showing the fault in the OPs logic following the parameters the OP laid out. Which is the destruction of future potential life…
I was thinking about how some pro abortionists say it’s not killing because they’re not people. But then it occurred to me, even if they weren’t, they will be, therefore even by their logic you are killing someone by killing a future someone. I hadn’t heard anyone point this out, have you?
Yes, it’s an argument that has been made. But the pro-abortion crowd often twists that argument into “then every egg and sperm cell is a potential life and should be equally mourned”

That’s why it’s not used very much.
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The purpose of abortion “debate” is not to prove a point, but to get us to put Life itself on the table as a topic of debate. For abortionist to be able to even step up to the table to debate they would first have to be able to give the gift of Life out of nothing. Then they would be on even ground to discuss whether it ought to be taken away under certain circumstances.

To use a bad analogy, abortionists demanding you explain why they can’t murder children is like me demanding that the owners of a golf course not cut the grass. I might be able to give all kinds of reasons why they shouldn’t, but at the end of the day it’s not my property and I have no business even broaching the subject.
Interesting. I’ve been out of that loop for a long time. No clue what they’re teaching atm.
Dominus vobiscum
If you look on YouTube there are some really good debates by Trent Horn.
Just search up trenthornabortiondebate
It’s a hair-splitting distinction, a word game, even. Pregnancy is a process. Sure, that can begin at implantation. But the life of an individual human being starts at conception.
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