Yes, but I was at 2 different specialists for my child today to determine if there is a neurological disorder that we would have never known about had a bee sting and a fever not happened.come on peeps…don’t get down on yourselves.
I have forgotten Holy Days of Obligation (wish they’d change that name…I never like that they are called that) and what I have chosen to do is go to another weekday mass the following week…not saying to make up for it, but it is a way of telling God…I forgot, and even though it’s not sinful, I want to give up an extra hour in church for you.
Just typing out loud again.
PS: priests or someone who does announcements should state it at the end of mass…it is helpful. If I’m not reminded…I tend to forget. Do any of you have a Catholic calendar?

My mother is here, helping, my husband took time off work where he could- an my child is sleeping more than ever with all the commotion going on here. I feel bad spending time with my kid now when godparents, gradparents and my Priest have been around the house so much since it all started.
I should not be here, but in a way its good for me now. I dont want to deal with this now. I know I have to, but so far so good.
I knew I had to go today, but I kept telling myself that my kid’s appointments were stopping me. I did go,After- not Mass, only to stand before Our Lady- but I wish I had not.

I am not up for this. I hope God forgives me for being a bad mom and a bad Catholic now.
I cant function now. I am really trying to ignore reality now. And hide here.