Thanks everyone for your suggestions. My kid has actually read most of your suggestions. Piers Anthony I have all ready decided is a no go. Even his Xanth series seems over sexualized to me. I don’t think he’s read The Earthsea series. So, I’ll try that. I try to at least skim through his books. He’s read the Redwall series at least three times. I will also look into some of the sci-fi suggestions. For some reason, he didn’t like Wrinkle in Time or the Neverending Story–two of my favorites. I’m not sure that he would like the Lewis space trilogy. It seems pretty “out there” for a kid, but I’ll reread them to see.
The David Eddings books-are they the series where the hero marries three women? Or, am I confused? And, I’m not sure about the Crystal Cave–I haven’t read it since I was a teenager. I will have to reread it, too.
I was think of the Shannara series–I haven’t read that in years later. Does anyone know if it has any impurity in it?
I let him read* Ender’s Game*. He really liked it-he read it twice in two days, but the sequel offended my Republican sensibilities.
I have friends that I respect who recommend the Harry Potter series, but I’d rather stay away from them. If they do portray spell casting, I know my kids will play spell casting. They pretend play everything that captures their imagination. I’m sure they are okay for older teens and adults. I’ll let him decide when he is an adult if he wants to read them. And, he’ll have a complete series! Don’t you hate waiting for sequels?
It seems like Stephen King wrote a Fantasy novel with a dragon in it–does anyone remember what it was and if it would be okay for adolescents?
I will definitely be looking into some old Verne and HG Wells. I remember loving Verne when I was in middle school.
In any case, I’d appreciate more suggestions if you have them.