I NEED to know!

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I am smiling as I type this. I think I know the answer but it is as difficult to pick up as mercury is. When you have been Catholic for 49 years, objections from a Protestant to the The Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church seem to disreguard what was proven as the first cause.

If Jesus Christ actually told St. Peter that He would build His Church on Peter and would give Peter the Keys to the Kingdom of God AND would bind in heaven whatever is bound or loosed on earth. Jesus said the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church…Then Jesus is the Head of the Catholic Church! Luther is head of the Lutheran Church, John Wesley is the head of the Methodist Church…But Jesus is the head of the Catholic Church!

That to me seems like Jesus Christ started His Church, said He would always be with it, said the Church represents Him through the Church…oh boy…there we have it…the Church that Christ started! All the other little stuff is chicken feed. Once you know who started the Catholic Church - all else is inconsequential. People who keep picking at the little things have not understood the One Big Thing - The Catholic Church has as it’s head nothing less than Jesus Christ!
You know, what you said that Jesus is the Head of the Catholic Church, Luther is head of the Lutheran Church, etc. that DOES make sense now!

See, the mysterious part about this is before I even thought about maybe converting, my faith and thoughts were based on Catholic theology and I wasn’t even aware of that until I started watching the Catholic channel (EWTN), reading the Catechism, etc.!! It’s amazing! :cool: Now when I think like that, maybe I could convert, eh?

I called the CC that I am going to start visiting yesterday and called the person who teaches that “converting class” and she seemed excited!! So she and I are going to meet this after noon after my college classes are done with. We’ll see! 👍

What I find very, very cool about the Catholic Church is that I can go ANYWHERE in the world, and they will have a church there! There are still many places where the Church is prosecuted, and there are underground churches in these places (Not that I would probably be going anywhere that dangerous…). Even in the face of all the presecution we recive, Christ’s Church still thrives.
DanMan916 mentioned my website and I’ve noticed several folks have visited from this thread. Thought it might help if I popped in and said, “hello” to everyone. ParisBlues, I’m encouraged by reading your posts here. Seems as though God is really doing a work in your life. I hope you’ll enjoy the CC you signed up for.

It’s interesting to note the framework from which you’re already working things out. Sounds like you’ve got a pretty good case for coming into the Catholic Church, and I wish you all the best in your search. You’re certainly welcome to contact me if I can be of any assistance.
DanMan916 mentioned my website and I’ve noticed several folks have visited from this thread. Thought it might help if I popped in and said, “hello” to everyone. ParisBlues, I’m encouraged by reading your posts here. Seems as though God is really doing a work in your life. I hope you’ll enjoy the CC you signed up for.

It’s interesting to note the framework from which you’re already working things out. Sounds like you’ve got a pretty good case for coming into the Catholic Church, and I wish you all the best in your search. You’re certainly welcome to contact me if I can be of any assistance.
Thank you! See, I’m given the faith that I’m REALLY determined to live it the way God intended! But it’s hard to find the answer when you have all these denominations! It would be so easy if the CC was the One only and no other denominations existed!!
😦 However, at this point, there could be a 50% chance that I’ll convert or not. It depends! And I’m really wanting Jesus to show me where He wants me to be. Meaning that if I’m able to get into Heaven, Jesus would say something like, “That was the church I wanted you in!” That’s what I’m looking for! 👍

Paris Blues:
Thank you! See, I’m given the faith that I’m REALLY determined to live it the way God intended! But it’s hard to find the answer when you have all these denominations! It would be so easy if the CC was the One only and no other denominations existed!!
😦 However, at this point, there could be a 50% chance that I’ll convert or not. It depends! And I’m really wanting Jesus to show me where He wants me to be. Meaning that if I’m able to get into Heaven, Jesus would say something like, “That was the church I wanted you in!” That’s what I’m looking for! 👍

I think you’re going about this the right way, getting as much information as you can and making an informed decision that matches what’s in your heart. And as far as Christ being able to tell you “that was the church I wanted you in”, it never hurts to ask Him for a sign.
Paris Blues,

Here is one more thing to Consider while you are on your journey.

Much of Protestant theology is based on opposition.

“It must be this not that”

ex: Faith not works - Scripture not tradition - One Pascal sacrifice not continual.

Much of Catholic theology is based on tension and balance.

“It is this and that”

ex: Faith and works - Scripture and tradition - One pascal sacrifice that continues

Keep this point in mind —

Not all Contradicitons are indicative of Errors.

**They may only be Paradoxes **

- Which is " truth standing on its head so you will take notice" . - GK Chesterton

God Bless You

Paris Blues a.k.a. Nicole,

Truth itself is objective, not subjective. If you want to find out the truth of the Catholic faith, search it with an open mind–discern and then decide.

I suggest you begin right at the heart of Christianity–that is: the Holy Eucharist. It’s the center and summit of the Catholic Faith, in fact, of all truth of the Christian faith.

God bless,

I would also like to offer up my email…if you want to talk to a fellow convert one on one about any issues you might have. tyler_fehr@hotmail.com

In Christ through Mary,
Hey guys,

Well, I met with the teacher who teaches the RCIA program and she gave me a Catholic study Bible, my own copy of the Catechism, notebook, The Catholic Sourcebook and some Prayer book too. Wow! She told me they are mine to keep!!! 👍

So I will see how this will go! I will be going to the sessions they have, etc.!!!

As I look back to this first thread on this forum, I KNEW I was going to be Catholic all along! 😛

It was the “jump” I didn’t take right away. Our Lord had His hand stretched out to me to say, “Come to My One True Church!” but not “taking His hand” made me still skeptical but after I “took His hand” so to speak, that’s when EVERYTHING made sense!

I’m glad to come home to the CC!!! 😃

See, sometimes we HAVE to take risks! I’ll admit it was probably the biggest risk I ever took in my life to come into the CC, not knowing where it was going, yet holding on to the Lord, He let me into the Truth and understanding! 😛 It’s the BIGGEST blessing I’ve had!

TRUST our Lord!
Paris Blues:
I am reading the Catechism (some of my deep faith is based on Catholicism which is amazing!) and watching EWTN, in other groups, etc. visiting a Catholic church, and much more.

One question is, why do Protestants think that Catholics teach false doctrine, etc. etc.!!? :eek: Why do Cathoics think Protestants are false as well and perhaps condemned?

Protestants say that the RCC teaches “another doctrine”. How so? As we all know, Protestants believe that they are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (cf. Eph. 2:8-9).

But it says, “If anyone says that a sinner is justified by faith alone…let him be anathema” (from the RC Council of Trent, Can. 9). Where is this in the Bible as well? HELP!!!

I don’t know WHAT to believe because both contradict eachother :banghead: !!!

I have so many questions to ask, it’s not even funny! :banghead: LOL!

Thanks for your help though! 🙂

Read the epistle or James, it says, “A man is justified by works and NOT by faith alone.” James 2:24
Read the epistle or James, it says, “A man is justified by works and NOT by faith alone.” James 2:24
No silly! I know that. This thread was from last year (December 2004) ! I was just telling the forum how this thread brought me to the CC!! 😛
Paris Blues:
No silly! I know that. This thread was from last year (December 2004) ! I was just telling the forum how this thread brought me to the CC!! 😛
oops. sorry
Paris Blues:
One question is, why do Protestants think that Catholics teach false doctrine, etc. etc.!!? :eek:
Well, obviously Protestants don’t think all Catholic doctrine is true, or we’d be Catholic. But many Protestants (probably most these days) see Catholics as just another kind of Christian. And some, such as myself, think that Catholicism’s doctrines are truer than those of most Protestant churches.
Protestants say that the RCC teaches “another doctrine”.
I don’t.
As we all know, Protestants believe that they are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (cf. Eph. 2:8-9).
But not by a faith that is alone. Protestants historically have believed that anyone who has true faith will do good works. And many Protestants, such as those of my own Wesleyan tradition, think that you can fall away from Christ through failing to persevere in good works. (Actually, Luther taught this too in a sense–he thought that if you give in to the lusts of the flesh you will lose faith in Christ.) So the differences aren’t as huge as many would say.

Nicole, I’ve been struggling with these issues for ten years now, and I still don’t know which is right. You need to focus on what you do know–pray, do works of charity, place your whole trust in Christ, order your passions according to the law of love, study the Scriptures . . . .

And receive the Sacraments, which means that you either need to remain in your Protestant church or go all the way into the Catholic Church. Which of these you do is probably less important in the long run than that you root yourself deeply in a community where you can receive the Sacraments and be strengthened by the fellowship of other believers.

In other words, if you can become Catholic, become Catholic. If you can’t, for God’s sake don’t spend years bouncing around on the outskirts of Catholicism. I did this, and it nearly destroyed me spiritually.

In Christ,

I just wrote in response to her initial message as well! Then I saw that it was outdated so I deleted my message.

Paris Blues:
I am reading the Catechism (some of my deep faith is based on Catholicism which is amazing!) and watching EWTN, in other groups, etc. visiting a Catholic church, and much more.

One question is, why do Protestants think that Catholics teach false doctrine, etc. etc.!!? :eek:

Protestants rely on the Holy Bible to learn the truth about God, since it begins with the creation of life and ends with the book of Revelation, which is packed with end-time prophesies. In the middle of the Bible, we learn about Jesus and what we need for eternal life. For Protestants, the Bible is God’s perfect, holy word. The reason why Protestants believe that Catholics teach false doctrine is because of the aforementioned variances between holy scripture and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Catholics have affixed a label to this reliance on God’s holy word, called “Sola Scriptura.” There are literally dozens of areas where the holy scriptures seem to contradict the teachings of the Vatican (i.e. Salvation, Mary, Saints, Eucharist, baptism, the Pope, forgiveness of sins, transubstantiation, degrees of sin, etc). My guess is that, at any time, you could run a search and find at least a few threads concerning each one.
Paris Blues:
Why do Cathoics think Protestants are false as well and perhaps condemned?
From what I’ve been able to gather (and this is just my perspective), most of the “justifications” for Catholic teachings and perceived authority rest within one scripture – Matthew 16:18 – and even THAT’s come under some heavy scrutiny and analysis. The Roman Catholic church often speaks of apostolic succession, stating that Pope Ratzinger is the end of an unbroken chain that began with Simon Peter. As far as the belief that Protestants are condemned, you can trace most of that back to the Council of Trent. The Protestant Reformation had been in existance for about 25 years before the Roman Catholic Church countered with the Council of Trent. It would have probably started a lot sooner, had it not been opposed by Francis I of France, but the Council was set up specifically to try to convince people that the Protestants were spreading lies. So, for many of these Biblically-based beliefs, The Council decreed that anybody who believed in these things were condemned (anathema) and anybody who DIDN’T believe in the sacraments were also doomed. At the time, it was largely seen as a fear tactic to keep people away from scriptures and to rely on the Roman Catholic Church for its guidance. I couldn’t truthfully tell you whether Protestants of that time feared another Inquisition, but my guess is that they did.
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