I need to leave university unfortunately

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New member
Hello. I have a mental problem so please DO NOT be influenced by what I have to say. I live outside the US.

I was not well behave in school and cannot complete my studies in university with a good conscience. I have received bad advice from [name removed] (with all due respect) and my aunt pressured me into accepting my acceptance but I did not feel the peace of Christ.

I want to see a psychiatrist with my parents to explain my wishes beyond university. I just hope that he agrees with me.

How do I ask my parents? I have prayed a lot about it.
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Please tell me what you think this bad advice was.

I recommend PM as I am not going to discuss this topic online.
Sorry, Sir. I knew this post was going to sound disrespectful in tone. I do appologise.
No, it’s not disrespectful in the least. If it was concerning university acceptance, I gave you the best advice I could. There was nothing morally problematic about it, nor did it touch on various opinions I express here about the modern Church, which are disliked by some on this forum, who see matters differently.

Please PM me so we can discuss this. I am sympathetic to your situation, and I only want to see you to do what is best for your well-being at this difficult time in your life. You will get past this. Think positive.
You might just print a copy of what you just posted, ponder it, make any changes, then either tell them or present it to them in written form. You could try. a different approach this time, as your parents might need that to ponder the situation and respond. Be as patient with them as they have been with you.

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