Hey rayne89:
Just wanted to say not to sweat it. It’s completely human that you sin, and it is very good that you feel some guilt for what you did. Guilt for doing sin is healthy; although to feel too guilty is not spiritually healthy.
I think that sometimes people look at porn because they need some exoticism in their lives, not necessarily because their body urges the soul to commit sexual sin. Religious images on your computer might help stop you from looking at pornographic images; however, I personally don’t believe that is the best answer. I believe the answer is to fulfill your curiosity and desire for exoticism in a Christian way.
How? Perhaps you can buy some incense or purchase some really energetic (charismatic) music. You can buy and then read some of the wild Christian stories about saints translocating across Europe or floating across rivers on their capes. If you don’t have the money, you can always listen to Seven Sorrow’s music, which rocks. Speaking of music, if you need something exotic, look into Eastern spirituality and listen to the Akathist and the Paraklesis hymns. You can also read books on the Christian martyrs, which really excite the spirit.
Anyhow, that’s just my own unique perspective. Whenever I feel tempted to sexually sin, I oftentimes blast my Songs 4 Worship CD, or I’ll run around the development and pretend that I’m a soldier fighting under Constantine’s Chi Rho banner at the battle of Milvian Bridge.
So, just go to the priest and tell him your sin. He’s probably heard tons worst (in fact I know this to be true). Do penance and perhaps seek a plenary indulgence (it will cancel out those 7 years of temporal punishment in Purgatory for each mortal sin).
Sorry if my posts seems a little silly to you. However, I am serious in what I recommend, even if what I recommend better suits someone of my wacky and not-so-solemn personality. Take whatever you see is good. Disregard what does not help you.
Best of luck in stopping sexual sin. I think everyone has problems with it, even priests and ministers. Bye! :yup: