I suffer!

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I have no clue what’s going on but I have been suffering with these little anxiety attacks! I pray and say some Hail Marys and TRY to offer them up to our Lord but when I do, NOTHING happens!!! I mean, I know our Lord hears my prayers and all but nothing is worse than suffering from anxiety!

Is there a reason why this is going on? Is this a test to know I can only depend on the Almighty? Is it because I don’t know what the future will hold or what? Is it the devil? WHAT?!?!

These “attacks” are small but bad enough that I don’t want to live anymore! :eek: Like I can’t handle them!

Any suggestions (please, don’t give me the “you might want to see your doctor” garbage!) on how I can offer this up more better I should say?

Is there a saint I can pray to that’s the patron saint of anxiety?
Paris Blues:
but nothing is worse than suffering from anxiety!
Yes there is. Lots of others things are far worse.
Paris Blues:
Is there a reason why this is going on?
Yes. There is always a reason, even if we can’t figure out what it is.
Paris Blues:
Is this a test to know I can only depend on the Almighty?
Maybe, maybe not.
Paris Blues:
Is it because I don’t know what the future will hold or what? Is it the devil? WHAT?!?!
I don’t know.
Paris Blues:
These “attacks” are small but bad enough that I don’t want to live anymore! :eek: Like I can’t handle them!
Time to visit your doctor.
Paris Blues:
Any suggestions (please, don’t give me the “you might want to see your doctor” garbage!) on how I can offer this up more better I should say?
Too late. It seems you already know what you must do, but are unwilling to for what ever reason. I have to say it again: Time to visit your doctor.
I used to have panic attacks everyday! Oh my gosh, I understand what you are going thru. I would get them when I was driving, while in class, visiting friends, partys, etc…I did go see a doctor for my attacks & they gave me meds, but they didnt work for me. Im sensitive to medications so I ended up feeling worse (everyone is different though) The only thing that worked for me was growing spiritually & self help. By self help I mean prayer. I realized that God is with me every step of my journey. I mean every single step. He loves you & will help you get thru this.

During my attacks, I personally felt it was the devil attacking me. Satan fills our minds with garbage & unhealthy emotions.

I will pray for you! You will conquer this with Gods love & help!

Deuteronomy 31:8---------The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
This could be something physical. Maybe you should see your doctor & get a good check-up & blood work done. There’s medications out there that are very helpful. I work with a woman that used to get anxiety attacks and medication helped her. See you doctor - there’s help out there. Getting on prescribed meds for a short time may be just what you need.

I know that you’re a prayful person and I don’t have to tell you to stay close to the sacraments.

An Offering of Suffering:

O my Lord Jesus Christ,
I lift up my heart to You in my suffering
and ask for Your comforting help.
I know that You would withhold the thorns
of this life if I could attain eternal life without them.
And so I commend myself to Your loving mercy,
accepting this suffering in Your Name.
Grant me the grace to bear it and to offer it in union
with Your sufferings. Regardless of the suffering
that may come my way, let me trust in You always,
for You are my Lord, my God, and my All. Amen.

That said, I do agree that you should seek some professional help. If you have gone to MDs and they can’t find the problem, you may want to try a naturopathic doctor. There usually are physiological reasons linked to psychological issues. Our bodies are one – body, mind and soul – and if something is wrong with one, it affects the rest.

May God bless you and be your strength during these difficult times.

I have suffered w/ this problem for most of my adult life…over 40 years now… St Dymphna has helped me a lot.
Try to change your view of suffering (easier said than done, I know)…

I’m taking it like when we suffer in any kind of form, it’s because God is saying He loves us? Is that what the thread was talking about?

So if I pray to our Lord to take this anxiety away from me, and nothing happens, that means that I’m loved? Huh? I don’t get it.

That reminds me, I remember hearing a priest on EWTN saying something like suffering is a gift from God! Yeah right, I thought!

How is this? :confused:
I was in the same boat when I first started going to college. I would get anxiety attacks the minute I stepped foot on campus - it manifested itself to physical symptoms - shortness of breath - physical pains. It got so bad - I was experience very sharp abdominal pains - that I went to the ER and had a follow-up with my PCP. There was nothing PHYSICALLY wrong with me. Once I stopped going to college, the symptoms stopped.

It wasn’t until many, many years later, when the anxiety attacks restarted more intensely that I was diagnosised with depression/anxiety/bipolar disorder (I almost killed myself 4 years ago).

Don’t rule out all the medical possibilites, including any mental health possibilities. Once you know medically what is wrong, take the steps recommended by your doctor to help you with these symptoms. Use your faith to offer your sufferings to Christ - for me it serves as a wonderful means for stabilization. Pray - pray hard - and often! :o
An Offering of Suffering:

O my Lord Jesus Christ,
I lift up my heart to You in my suffering
and ask for Your comforting help.
I know that You would withhold the thorns
of this life if I could attain eternal life without them.
And so I commend myself to Your loving mercy,
accepting this suffering in Your Name.
Grant me the grace to bear it and to offer it in union
with Your sufferings. Regardless of the suffering
that may come my way, let me trust in You always,
for You are my Lord, my God, and my All. Amen.

That said, I do agree that you should seek some professional help. If you have gone to MDs and they can’t find the problem, you may want to try a naturopathic doctor. There usually are physiological reasons linked to psychological issues. Our bodies are one – body, mind and soul – and if something is wrong with one, it affects the rest.

May God bless you and be your strength during these difficult times.
Thank-you soooo very much for this prayer…I suffer from terrible migraines and needed a prayer to offer them up, this will be my prayer to our Lord.
Paris Blues:
I’m taking it like when we suffer in any kind of form, it’s because God is saying He loves us? Is that what the thread was talking about?

So if I pray to our Lord to take this anxiety away from me, and nothing happens, that means that I’m loved? Huh? I don’t get it.

That reminds me, I remember hearing a priest on EWTN saying something like suffering is a gift from God! Yeah right, I thought!

How is this? :confused:
This is such a hard subject, that of suffering. Part of it is because the world tells us we shouldn’t have to suffer, just pop a pill and it will all be better.

But that’s not what Jesus told us. He said we must pick up our cross and follow Him. Sometimes our crosses are big, heavy and seem impossible. Sometimes they are lighter and easier to bear. It will be this way all our lives.

SO, we might as well learn from it and offer it to God.

St. Paul says in his letter to the Colossians:
“Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of His body, that is the church.” (Col. 1:24)

St. Paul is saying that we, as the Body of Christ, must offer our own suffering and sacrifice for each other. Christ, the Head, has completed His most perfect offering; now we, the Body, must do our part.

How can we rejoice in this? Because we cannot go through this life without suffering, so knowing that it can have redemptive value gives us joy that our suffering is not in vain.

It also unites us closer to Christ on the cross. When we can offer our suffering for others, we become more like Him – more loving and less selfish.

Mother Teresa once said “Christ must love you much to give you so great a part of His suffering.” She also told her sisters daily to “Love until it hurts. It hurt Jesus to love us.”

There are a few older threads about suffering, redemptive suffering and offering it up – you might to a search to review those.

Again, I am so sorry for the pain you are going through, but know that Jesus is right there with you and will help you get through it. He does not leave us to suffer alone.

You might also want to ask for annointing of the sick. While we can offer our suffering anyplace and anytime, the reception of this sacrament sanctifies our sufferings in a special way.
You are in my prayers, I’ll say a Divine Mercy Chaplet for you tonight. Suffering is a very hard part of our faith, Jesus said if we want to follow him we must take up our cross and deny ourselves. It has taken me a very long time to accept this very important part of our faith. God will never give you more than you can handle, just trust him. Praying before the Blessed Sacrament would be the best type of prayer for you. If there isnt adoration in your parish, just pray before the tabernacle. The novena to St. Therese is own EWTN’s website. www.ewtn.com

God Bless You!
I have suffered acute anxiety too. It is horrible. One feels like self harming to just override the pain of it.

I went to the doctor, got medicated with an anti anxiety anti depressent, sort counselling and went to daily Mass. I am better now.

To say I won’t go to the doctor and ask for God to heal you is asking God to heal you on your terms. There are miracle healings through prayers but often God heals through his people - the medical profession.

If my roof is leaking, I don’t pray to God, “fix it”, I call the builder.

If I have chest pains, I don’t pray to God “fix it”, I go to the doctor.

If I perceive I have a clinical form of depression, anxiety etc, I go to the doctor and lets God’s healing touch work through this professional.

It maybe the case you have an underlying fear of doctors. This can be understandible if their have been bad experiences. I can only suggest that maybe you can pray to God to guide you to the right doctor.

Know that God loves you so much and would want you healed.

I have just said a prayer for you know to receive His healing Peace.

God bless,
I had horrible anxiety attacks during high school. Don’t be too prideful to go to the doctor.

One suggestion though is to avoid anti-depressants if possible. I was on paxil but I’m pretty sure I became addicted to it and got onto a horrible sleeping schedule because of it. I was only able to get off of it and onto a normal sleeping schedule by the Grace of God.

Right now I have tranquilizers which I would recommend starting with over anti-depressants. Instead of taking something daily you can take the tranquilizer as needed. I’m blessed to rarely if ever get panic attacks anymore but please go to the doctor and ask about tranquilizers if you continue to suffer.
Paris Blues:
I have no clue what’s going on but I have been suffering with these little anxiety attacks! I pray and say some Hail Marys and TRY to offer them up to our Lord but when I do, NOTHING happens!!! I mean, I know our Lord hears my prayers and all but nothing is worse than suffering from anxiety!

Is there a reason why this is going on? Is this a test to know I can only depend on the Almighty? Is it because I don’t know what the future will hold or what? Is it the devil? WHAT?!?!

These “attacks” are small but bad enough that I don’t want to live anymore! :eek: Like I can’t handle them!

Any suggestions (please, don’t give me the “you might want to see your doctor” garbage!) on how I can offer this up more better I should say?

Is there a saint I can pray to that’s the patron saint of anxiety?
St. Dyphma (hope I spelled that right) is the patron saint of the mental disturbed and anxiety.
Wow! How real and powerful are praying to a patron saint!

I did and to my huge surprise and joy, my anxiety decreased!! 👍 Not totally but it was not as bad and I was rather joyful! See, I took for granted praying with the saints that it something actually happened and now I’m a witness to this!

Thank you again guys for your help!

Though I truly believe the reason why I’m suddenly going through this is because I guess college might have something to do with it (but this is my third year in college…I shouldn’t be worrying!)? Though I guess I get anxious as to what’s going to happen next in a class? Who knows.

I’m just thankful that it was increased for a little while.
I had horrible anxiety attacks during high school. Don’t be too prideful to go to the doctor.

One suggestion though is to avoid anti-depressants if possible. I was on paxil but I’m pretty sure I became addicted to it and got onto a horrible sleeping schedule because of it. I was only able to get off of it and onto a normal sleeping schedule by the Grace of God.

Right now I have tranquilizers which I would recommend starting with over anti-depressants. Instead of taking something daily you can take the tranquilizer as needed. I’m blessed to rarely if ever get panic attacks anymore but please go to the doctor and ask about tranquilizers if you continue to suffer.
Speaking as a counselor, please do not tell anyone not to take any medications because of your personal experiences. One does not take anti-depressants for anxiety. Anti-depressants are meant to elevate your mood, something someone with anxiety does not need. Instead, a person who suffers from anxiety needs to be on an anti-anxiety drug, which will calm them down. BTW, tranquilizers are anti-anxiety drugs. Psychiatric meds affect everyone differently. That’s why doctors frequently need to try different meds until they find one that works for the person. Each of us will react differently to a med, so our personal experience isn’t relevant.
Paris, see a doctor, preferable a psychiatrist. Most GPs don’t have the training to properly prescribe psych meds, and many will not prescribe them. In my own family, we had a GP prescribe an anti-anxiety med for depression, and when he finally did prescribe an anti-depressant, he gave too small a dose to be effective.
Of course, pray and ask God’s help. But remember, God often works through others.

When I’m getting too caught up with my own thoughts, I exercise. I’ve resolved many a problem making laps around the pool or playing tennis. By the time I finish, I’m too exhausted to think of miserable things. I just want to sleep or eat. But for some reason it also calms the brain.

Just a thought.

in XT.
Speaking as a counselor, please do not tell anyone not to take any medications because of your personal experiences.
While a patient should be able to trust in his doctor to prescribe him the proper medication, I feel they would also be wise to ask about the side effects before going on them and possible alternatives.

Aren’t anti-depressants a fairly serious drug to be on? If so then isn’t it prudent to try other courses of action before putting someone on them?
One does not take anti-depressants for anxiety.
Aren’t anti-depressants sometimes prescibed for anxiety?
Aren’t anti-depressants sometimes prescibed for anxiety?

NO - Anxiety is a different emotional state to depression and is not treated by anti-depressents.

Where the confusion can be is that sometimes the anxiety condition is co-morbid, meaning there is another condition. Anxiety when co-morbid is usually with depression. Sometimes a a drug which is a combination of both anti-anxiety and anti-depreesants is prescribed.

As Linda has stated, a person’s private experience on these forms of drugs is not relivant to clinical research. Let the Psychiatrists prescribe as they have the knowlege, we don’t.

There is much hype and false info circulating about antidepressants as there has always been an illogical stigma on all mental health issues.

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